【优选 -提升卷】五年级下册英语单元检测 -Module 2 Unit 5At the weekend 沪教牛津版(深圳用) 满分:100 分 一、单选题(共 10 题;共 5 分) 1.(  ) A.The pig is going to build a house tomorrow. B.The pig is building a house now. C.The pig is going to go fishing this afternoon. 2.I'm going to A.watch TV with my grandparents this weekend. (  ) B.see TV C.read TV 3.Let's _____a picnic this weekend. A.has B.have C.to have 4.— Would your grandparents like _____________ seafood? — Yes, they would. A.eat B.eating C.to eat 5.My friends are going to _____________ teachers. A.is 6.On B.are C.be day, we are going to swim in the lake. A.three B.third C.the third 7._____________ Sunday Peter and Jim are going to row a boat. A.Do B.On C.At 8.Kate _____________ like playing table tennis. I _____________ like playing badminton. A.don't; don't B.doesn't; don't C.don't; doesn't 9.We are good friends. We often _____________ a film and _____________ TV together. A.see; see B.watch; watch C.look; see 10.You have _____________ plans _____________ the weekend. A.some; at B.any; on 二、音标题(共 1 题;共 4 分) 11.判断下列各组画线部分发音是否相同。 C.some; for (1)face same (2)boat coat float (3)home so go (4)heavy each watch teach 三、单词拼写(共 4 题;共 9 分) 12. Sam and Bobby often   13. I don't like   14.I always   15.Let's                .  at weekends.     .  . 四、用所给词适当形式填空(共 5 题;共 7 分) 16.They usually   17.She always   18.What     (have) dancing lessons.  (do)you do at weekends? 19.I like   20.—    (fly) a kite.  (play) with their cat Kitty very much.   Helen   —Yes, she     housework after school?  . (do) 五、填空题(共 2 题;共 10 分) 21.找出句子的相应答句。 (   )(1)Do you like playing the piano? (   )(2)What do you do at weekends? (   )(3)Don't eat a lot. (   )(4)What's the matter? (   )(5)I like swimming. (   )(6)Who's the man in front of Mike? (   )(7)Let's go boating. (   )(8)Can Billy skate? A. Me too. B. Good idea. C. I'm thirsty. D. Yes, he can. E.I have Art lessons. F. Yes, I do. G. All right. H. He's Mr. Brown. 22.将下列句子排序,组成通顺的对话。    ①No, she doesn't. ②Sometimes she goes to the cinema. Sometimes she flies a kite. ③Yes, she can. ④Does Lucy often go swimming at weekends? ⑤What does she do at weekends? ⑥Can she fly it well? 六、句型转换(共 4 题;共 12 分) 23.What does she do at weekends?(用 sometimes/ have dancing lessons) She        dancing lessons. 24.My mother likes playing the piano.(改为否定句) My mother           the piano. 25.I often go to the park at weekends.(改成一般疑问句)        often     to the park at weekends? 26.What do you do at weekends?(用 often/ fly a kite) I            . 七、翻译(共 1 题;共 6 分) 27. (1)彼得这个周末打算干什么?              (2)我打算在周六下午和朋友们去看电影。              八、完形填空(共 10 题;共 10 分) Many people enjoy spending their weekends shopping in the supermarkets. Now there is a new way of shopping—shopping 28. . With the help of the 29. , they just click (点击) the mouse (鼠标) and buy the things they like. More and more people begin to like this way of shopping these days. There are some 30. for that. Firstly, it is very easy. You can buy things 31. , and you can find almost 32. online, you don't need to spend time going Secondly, things online are not very The third, shopping online is don't know where to 33. . 34. . You can save(节省) more money. 35. , too. When you want to buy something but 36. , you can find it online and it won't take you much time. Would you like to send a special 37. to your friend in the coming Spring Festival? Just shop online! 28.A.on TV B.online (网上) C.in shops D.in supermarkets 29.A.radios B.TV C.Computer 30.A.reasons B.ways 31.A.in the day B.at any time C.at night 32.A.something B.Everything C.everyone D.everywhere C.uses 33.A.from shop to shop D.things D.at the weekend B.from door to door C.from morning to night 34.A.important D.walkmans D.from Monday to Sunday B.expensive C.interesting D.healthy 35.A.quick B.tired C.hard D.free 36.A.sell B.buy C.borrow D.lend 37.A.day B.plan C.festival D.present 九、阅读理解(共 7 题;共 30 分) A 阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。 Hi! I'm Liu Yun. I'm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore by subway. I'm going to buy a new CD and some story books. On Sunday, I'm going to the supermarket with my mother. We're going after lunch. Then, in the evening, I'm going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend? 38.Liu Yun is going to buy a dictionary on

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