外研版(一年级起点)小学英语五年级下册 Module 3 能力提升练 一.用单词的适当形式填空。 1.Please a look.(take) 2. I'll show to you. (they) 3. Harry Potter is 4. favourite.(we) in China like Harry Potter, too.(child) 5.You can do lots of things in . ( library) 6.There are many books on those 7.I can tell lots of 8.There .(shelf) .( story) so much milk there.(be) 9.They have got many books for you 10.This man is a good . (see) very nice.(library) 二.根据所给信息,选择与句子相符的图片。 A. B. C. 1.The Three Little Pigs. 2.This is London. 3.You can borrow books in the library. 4.Let’s go to school.. 5.Can I have some bread, please? 三.句型转换。 1.I can borrow books from here.(对划线部分提问) D. E. 2. I can have some sweets.(改为一般疑问句) 3.You can talk to your friends.(改为否定句) 4.I have got the DVDs.(改为否定句) 5.We have got the books.(改为一般疑问句) 6.请在两周内归还这些书。(汉译英) 7.请拿出你的图书证。(汉译英) 8. Harry got have you DVDs the Potter ?(连词成句) 9.我要在电脑上查阅一下。(汉译英) 10. It's a present to you.(改错) A B C 处错误,改为__________ 参考答案: 一.用单词的适当形式填空。 1. take 2.them 3.our 4.Children 5. libraries 6.shelves 7. stories 8.is 9.to see 10. librarian 二.根据所给信息,选择与句子相符的图片。1-5DCAEB 三.句型转换。 1.I can borrow books from here.(对划线部分提问) What can you borrow from there? 3. I can have some sweets.(改为一般疑问句) Can you have some sweets? 3.You can talk to your friends.(改为否定句) You can't talk to your friends. 4.I have got the DVDs.(改为否定句) I haven't got the DVDs. 5.We have got the books.(改为一般疑问句) We haven’t got the books. 6.请在两周内归还这些书。(汉译英) Please give the books back in two weeks. 7.请拿出你的图书证。(汉译英) Your library card, please. 8. Harry got have you DVDs the Potter ?(连词成句) Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? 9.我要在电脑上查阅一下。(汉译英) I'll look on the computer. 11. It's a present to you.(改错) A B C C 处错误,改为 for

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