外研版(一年级起点)小学英语五年级下册 Module 2 基础过关练 一.选择题。 ( )1.I've got email Lingling. A. a,from ( )2.It's B.a,to C. an,from English food. C.in A.about ( )3.What B.to it say? A.is ( B.does )4. Yesterday she an English breakfast. A.has got ( )5.She eats and )6. The re are some B.had C.has B .eggs, sausage C.egg, sausage . A.e ggs, sausages ( C.do . A. sandwich ( )7. Lingling like English food? A.Do ( )8. ( ( the UK, people usually have breakfast C.Is 7 o'clock. B.In,in )9. C.In,at usually eat lunch together. A.Families B.Famil y )10.They eat chicken, and other vegetables. A.potato B.potatoes )11.Breakfast, lunch and dinner, we want to eat them A. both ( [来源:Zxxk.Com] B.Does A.At,at ( C.sandwiches B.sandwichs B.other )12.Vegetabl es are very good C.Famils C.potatos . C. all you. C.at A.to ( )13.Let's A.trying ( B.for )14.He A.want English food. [来源:学科网] B.to try C.try B.wants C.went noodles. [来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] ( )15.Eggs and chips and fish and chicken, A.too B.also . C.either 二.找出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A.vegetable C. chicken B. fish C. eat ( )2. A. want B.food ( )3. A. English B.Breakfast C.dinner ( )4. A. hungry B.good C.noodle ( )5. A.twelve B.six ( )6. A. Sunday C.usually C.Monday B.special C. chi ps ( )7. A. delicious B. half ( )8. A. do B.does C.eat ( )9. A.did B.was C.are ( )10. A.has B.got ( )11. A.had B.have ( )12. A. meat B.bread ( )13. A. traditional B.fish C.dish ( )14. A.says B.went C.ate C.is C.wanted C. lunch ( )15. A.rice B.water 参考答案: 一.选择题。 1-5CABBA 6-10CBCAB 11-15CBCBA 二.找出下列单词中不同类的一项。 1-5ABCCC 6-10BABCB 11-15BCAAB C.ca ke

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