2021 年译林三起版五年级上册期末词汇检测卷(二) 一、英汉互译。 1. 三名司机_________    2. 教语文_________          3. 许多玩具_________    4. 写故事_________         5. 帮助病人_________    6. work at home_________         7. eat many sweets_________  8. a factory worker_________         10. two policemen_________     9. make cars_________  二、选择合适的选项补全单词并在横线上写出其汉语意思。 ( )1. st ___ d ___   A. u; y  B. a; y   C. u; e       ( )2. s ___ d A. en B. ea C. er       ( )3. w ___ t A. er B. ai C. al       ( )4. e-fri _ __d ( )5. C ___n ___da A. er B. ea A. o; e B. o; a C. en       C. a; a       三、根据提示填写正确的答案 1.has(原形)_________ 2.find their cousin_________ 3.can(否定形式)_________ 4.he(宾格)_________ 5.let's(完全形式)_________ 四、英汉互译。 1.在森林里____________ 2.三只熊____________ 3.又饿又渴____________ 4.正好____________ 5.穿上你的外套____________ 6.in the kitchen____________ 7.have a cold____________ 8.in the fridge______ ______ 9.in front of her___________ 10.too hard____________ 五、填入适当的词。 1.can(否定)________ 3.body(复数)________ 5.dancing(原形)________ 2.don't(完全形式)________ 4.doesn't(完全形式)________ 6.have(三单)________ [来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&K] 7.it(形容词性物主代词)________ 8.fish(复数)________ 9.do(三单)________ 10.they are(缩写形式)________ 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. There _______(be) a lot of things on the Christmas tree. 2. Let’ s go _______(shop) at weekends. 3. How many _______(card) can you see on the desk? 4. Can we _______(go) to see Father Christmas? 5. He can buy it for _______(he) friend. 七、根据句意选择合适的单词填空。 1.She sometimes ________(go) to the cinema with her friends. 2.My father often _______(have) dinner at home. 3.I want to go ______(shop). 4.Can you ______(make) a lot of sweets? 5.She usually _____ _(fly) a kite in the park. 6.—Where ______(do) Tom live?He ______(live) in London now. 7.Let's _______(go) home. 8.He often _____(watch) cartoons on Sunday afternoon. 9.I like ______(chat) with my friends on the Internet. 10.He is an English ______(teach) in a school. 八、用 do 和 have 的适当形式填空 1. It________long ears. 2. Nancy’s brother________ a computer. 3. My sisters________two animal friends. 4. ________you________a beautiful bedroom? 5. ________Mike________his homework in the evening? 6. What can you________? 7. They________no tails or wings. 8. -What________Su Hai________? -She________a nice dress. 9. This dog________a long tail. 10. An elephant________a big body. 九、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. My aunt ________ (live) in the UK. 2. They can ________ (have) a picnic in the park . 3. He sometimes ________ (go) to the cinema with his friends. 4. Billy always ________ (watch) TV at weekends. 5. Sam and Bobby often go________ (swim). 十、根据句意提示,补全单词,完成句子。 1.My brother likes c_____ with me on the Internet. 2.What do you do at w______? 3 .I like p______ football with my friends. 4.My e-friend l_____ in China. 5.He u_ _____ goes to school by bus. [来源:Zxxk.Com] 答案: 一、1. three drivers 2. teach Chinese 3. a lot of /lots of /many toys  4. write stories 5. help sick people 6.在家工作 7.吃许多糖果 8.一名工厂工人 9.制造小汽车 10.两个警察 二、1. A; 学习 2. A; 发出(信件、邮件等) 3. B; 等,等待 4. C; 网友 5. C; 加拿大 ZXXK] 三、have;发现他们的表弟;can't; him;let us; 四、1 .in the forest 2.three bears 3.hungry and thirsty 4.just right 5.put on your coat 6.在厨房里 7.感冒 8.在冰箱里 9.在她前面 [来源:Z#xx#k.Com] 10.太硬 [来源:学科网] 五、1.can't 2.do not 3.bodies 4.does not 5.dance 6.has 7.its 8.fish 9.does 10.they’re 六、1. are 2. shopping 3. cards 4. go 5. his [来源:学科网 七、1.goes2.has3.shopping4.make5.flies6. does lives 7.go8.watches9.chatting10.teacher 八、1. has 2. has 3. have 4. Do have 5. Does do 6. do 7. have 8. does have has 9. has 10. has 九、1. lives 2. have 3. goes 4. watches 5. swimming 十、1.chatting2.weekends3.playing4.lives5.usually

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