期末复习 专题(五)阅读理解 (一)(2020 南通崇川区) Do you want to be healthier ( 更 健 康 的 ) but don’t know how? It is very important to exercise(锻炼), eat the right food and have enough(充足的)sleep to stay healthy. You do not need to exercise all day to keep fit(保持健康). Some easy ways like walking to school, cleaning the house or climbing stairs every day can help. Different kinds of exercise such as running, swimming and playing football can also make you feel good. Doctors suggest ( 建 议 ) that we should eat less junk food like ice cream, hamburgers and French fries(炸薯条). Vegetables, fruits and grain foods are good choices(选择)for daily meals. Besides, sleep should always be enough to get ready for a day’s work. It’s best to get about eight hours of sleep a day, or (否则)you may get sick and feel tired. ( )1. To stay healthy, you should exercise, eat the right food and have enough sleep. ( )2. Cleaning the house can help you to keep fit. ( )3. We should have more(更多的) vegetables, fruits and ice cream. ( )4. Six hours of sleep a day is enough for us. (二 ) [来源:学科网] Now the roads are crowed with cars, trucks and buses. They are not safe for people. Every day people are killed while they are crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually cannot see or hear very well. Children are killed because they are not very careful. They don’t look and listen before they cross the road. A car, truck or bus cannot stop very quickly. If they are going very fast, they will travel many meters before they stop. People do not always understand this. They think a car can stop within(在……之内)a few meters. It is very hard for people to know how fast a car is travelling. He may think it is going slowly when it is going very quickly. The only safe way to cross the road is to look both ways, right and left. Then if the road is not busy at all, it is safe to cros s. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It is not safe to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down (摔 倒). ( )1.The old people are not careful and they are often killed. ( )2.Children are hurt and killed because they don’t look at and listen to traffic. ( )3.If a car runs faster, it needs more time to stop. ( )4.There is really no safe way to cross the road. ( )5.People should run across the road quickly when they see cars, buses or trucks coming. (三) Lisa and John are Linda’s good friends. Tomorrow is Linda’s birthday. Her birthday is on Children’s Day. Linda is going to have a birthd ay party at home. Lisa is going to buy some beautiful flowers for Linda. John is going to give her an interesting storybook as her birthday present. They are going to play games at the party. ( )1.Today is June 1st. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] ( )2.Linda’s birthday party is in the park. ( )3.Lisa is going to bring some flowers to the party. ( )4.John is going to give a book to Linda. ( )5.They are going to sing and dance at the party. (四) The Green family are talking about their winter holiday. They want to visit many places in China. Mr Green wants to visit Tibet ( 西 藏 ) . He wants to climb the mountains and ride a horse. Mrs Green wants to go to Hong Kong. She wants to do some shopping. Jack wants to go to Harbin. He wants to see the beautiful snow and he wants to skate and ski. Mary wants to go to Hangzhou. She likes th e West Lake an d she wants to row a boat. ( )1.The Green family are going to visit China in winter holiday. ( )2.Mr Green wants to ride a horse in Tibet. ( )3.Mrs Green wants to do some shopping in Hangzhou. ( )4.Jack wants to skate and ski in Harbin. ( )5.Mary wants to row a boat in Hong Kong. (五) [来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K] An ant was thirsty. He wanted to drink some water from the river, but he slipped into it. “Help! Help!” the ant cried. A dove in the tree threw him a leaf. “That leaf can help you. Climb onto it,” said the dove. The ant climbed onto the leaf. The wind blew the leaf to the back. The ant was safe. “Thank you, Dove. I wish I could do something for you some day,” said the ant. One day, the dove was building her nest. A man pointed his gun at her. The ant saw this. He ran quickly up the man’s leg. “Ouch!” The man felt a sharp pain and dropped his gun. The dove flew away. The man picked up his gun and left. The dove came back to t he ant, “Thank you, my friend. You were so great!” The ant was happy too because he could help his friend. ( )1.The ant was thirsty and he wanted some water. ( )2.The dove helped

doc文档 【期末提分专项】六年级下册英语期末复习专项- 五、阅读理解(含历年真题) 译林三起(含答案)

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