Recycle 1 过关卷 听力部分(40 分) 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(10 分) (  )1. A. lunch  B. breakfast  (  )2. A. rainy  B. cloudy  (  )3. A. cool  B. cold  (  )4. A. what  B. where  C. dinner C. cold C. warm C. weather (  )5. A. 9:00 p.m.  B. 4:00 p.m.  (  )6. A. arm  B. car  C. 9:00 a.m. C. card (  )7. A. music class  B. art class  C. English class (  )8. A. get up  B. go to bed  (  )9. A. tall  B. wall  (  )10. A. far  B. farm  二、 听录音,判断对错,画 1. 2. 或 C. go to school C. ball C. arm 。(5 分) 3. 4. 5. 三、 听录音,给下列图片排序。(5 分) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )  (  ) 四、 听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分) (  )1. A. Yes, it is.  B. Yes, I am.  C. Yes, this is. (  )2. A. Yes, I am.  B. No, you can't.  C. Yes, you are. (  )3. A. Yes, I am.  B. Yes, we do.  C. Yes, it is. (  )4. A. It's time for bed.  B. At four o'clock.  C. It's four o'clock. (  )5. A. It's sunny today.  B. This is the weather report. C. Fifty. 五、 听录音,在听到的选项中打“√”。(10 分) hot war m cool cold sunn wind snow cloud y y y y Hangzh ou Shangh ai London Moscow New York 笔试部分(60 分) 一、 判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。(6 分) (  )1. (  )2.        (  )3. (  )4. (  )5. (  )6. 二、 选出每组中不同类的一项。(6 分) (  )1. A. garden  B. library  C. computer (  )2. A. Toronto  B. England  C. Sydney (  )3. A. maths class  B. playground  C. classroom (  )4. A. cloudy  B. rainy  (  )5. A. class  B. music  (  )6. A. first  B. second  C. fly C. maths C. three 三、 单项选择。(10 分) (  )1. It's ________ today. A. wind  B. windy  C. winds (  )2. What's the weather ________ in Shanghai? A. like  B. likes  C. is like (  )3. Come ________. It's time for English class. A. to  B. on  C. up (  )4. John goes to school ________ 7 o'clock on Monday. A. at  B. in  C. on (  )5. —How many ________ are there in your computer room? —There are forty. A. computer  B. computers  C. cars (  )6. —What time is it? —It's 5:30 p.m. It's time to ________. A. get up  B. go home  C. go to school (  )7. —It's rainy in New York. How about Beijing? Is it cold? —________ It's 26 degrees. A. Yes, it is.  B. No, it isn't.  C. Yes, it's not. (  )8. ________ the weather like today? A. What  B. What's  C. How (  )9. —What time is it now? —It's 4 ________. A. clock  B. time  C. o'clock (  )10. —Where is the teachers' office?  —It's ________ the library. A. to  B. on  C. next to 四、 读句子,给下列句子选择相应的图片。(10 分) (  )1. In the library, you can read some books.     A. (  )2. It's time for English class. (  )3. It's hot. You can swim in the water. B. C. (  )4. It's snowy. We can make a snowman. D. (  )5. Go to the garden. Water the flowers. E. 五、 句子配对。(8 分) (  )1. What time is it now?     (  )2. Where is the art room?  (  )3. Go to the playground.  A. It's time to go to school. B. No, it isn't. C. It's warm and sunny. (    )4. What's the weather like in New York ?  D. It's on the first floor. (  )5. Is it cold?  (  )6. Do you have a music room?  E. It's 6 o'clock. F. Let's sing and dance. (  )7. It's 7 o'clock.  G. Yes, we do. (  )8. It's time for music class.  H. Play football. 六、 补全对话。(10 分) Mum: Jack, it's time to get up! Jack: 1________ A. Can I wear my new sweater today? Mum: It's 6:30. B. Is it rainy today? Jack: OK, Mum. 2________ D. What time is it now? Mum: No, it isn't. E. Here you are. C. What's the weather like, Mum? Jack: 3________ Mum: It's windy and it's a little cold. Jack: 4________ Mum: Yes, you can. 5________ Jack: Thank you, Mum. 七、 阅读理解。(10 分) Today is Monday. It's sunny and warm. It's seven o'clock. It's time to get up. I eat breakfast at 7:30. At 8:00, I go to school. At 9 o'clock, I have an English class. At ten o'clock, I go to the art room and draw some pictures. It's 3 :15 p.m. I have a PE class. Then I have a music class. We sing nice songs. At five o'clock, I go home. (一) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(6 分) (  )1. I get up at ________. A. 7:00  B. 7:30  C. 8:00 (  )2. At nine o'clock, I have a(n) ________ class. A. English B. Chinese (  )3. I ________ at 3:15 p.m. C. art A. have a music class  B. have a computer class C. have a PE class (二) 阅读短文,完成下面的句子。(4 分) 4. I go home at ________ ________. 5. —Is it sunny and hot on Monday? —________, it ________. 参考答案 Recycle 1 听力材料 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 1. breakfast 2. cold 3. cool 4. where 5. 9:00 a.m.  6. car 7. art class 8. get up 9. tall 10. farm 二、 听录音,判断对错,画 或 。 1. It's time for music class. Let's go. 2. The library is on the second floor. 3. It's sunny outside. 4. It's 7 o'clock. It's time to get up. 5. Go to the pl

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