期末复习之 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8 词汇和词法 一、根据句意写出合适的单词 1. My father often ________(放) kites with my sister on Sunday. 2. --- Are you h__________? --- Yes, I’d like some hamburgers. 3. Don’t s____ on the ice. It’s dangerous. 4. Nancy has five little ___________(鱼). 5. Rabbit’s t________ is very short, but __________(it) ears are long. 6. How many toy _____________(熊猫) can you see? 7. --- Can I have a look a t your toy? --- _____________(当然) 8. ----- Look at ____________(我们的) fruit salad. ----- How nice! 9. I have seventeen ______________(盒子). I like them. 10. The parrot can ________(飞) high. 11. My father is______________.(胖的)But my mother is ____________.(瘦的) 12. --- I can see two _____________(国王) over there. 13. Liu Tao can’t sing ________(也). 14. Look at ______(我), Helen. 15. Su Hai and Su Yang can skate very ______(好). [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 二、按要求写词 [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 1. want (同义词组) ______________ 2. some (否定句中形式)______________ 3. potato (复数)______________ 4. snowman (复数)______________ 5. mango (复数)______________ 6. toy car (复数)______________ 7. man teacher (复数)______________ 8. in that box (复数)______________ 三、用合适的介词填空 1. I like __________ fly my kite. 2. She would like 3 glasses _______ milk. 3. How ________ going swimming this aftern oon? 4. These apples are ________ my sister Tina. 5. My mum likes swimming _________ the river. 6. These five men live ______ the river. 7. Let me have a look _____ your dolls. 8. Let’s talk _____ the robots. They are so cool. 9. Have a cake __________ some cherries. 10. Look! Many little birds are singing ______ the tree. 11. ---- What would you like ____ e at? --- Nothing else. 12. They often play football _ _________ their friends. 13. They like eating potatoes ______ meat. 9. good (副词)______________ 10. too (否定句中)______________ 11. Be sad. (否定句)______________ 12. I (宾格)______________ 13. we (宾格)______________ 14. she (形容词性物主代词)______________ 15. Peter (名词所有格)______________ 14. Can you run ______ me tomorrow? 15. These beautiful stickers are _________ her. 16. Liu Tao is_____ the snack bar now. 17 . You can find the box ___________ Mr Brown. 18. I like hot dogs. What __________ you? 19. Here’s an egg _____ you. 20. I’d like a cup____ coffee, please. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. He can play basketball very ____________________(good). 2. What about _____________(play) football this afternoon? 3. Where are _______________(we) bags. They’re in _______________(you) room. 4. What would you like _____________(buy) for your sister? 5. I like to fly ______________(I) ki te. 6. Do you like ______________(ride) a bike with me? 7. You ___________(have) any grape juice to drink. 8. Look at _____________(this) dolls. 9. Let’s go to the ____________(Peter) Snack bar. 10. Do you like cute___________(panda)? 11. Do you want to eat apples with _________(I)? 12. Five ___________(man) live ne ar the river. 13. Can she ___________(help) me play the piano? 14. What big _________(mango)! 15. I want 5 ____________(cup) of tea. 16. --- Look at these ________(snowman). --- Wow!. Their _______(nose) are red. 17. This is my cousin. ____________(he) mouth is big. 18. Is this ___________(you) jacket on the sofa? --- No, it isn’t. 19. We have a clock in the ___________( live) room. 20. I’d like ___________(that) grapes. [来源:Zxxk.Com] [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 期末复习之 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8 词汇和词法答案 一、根据句意写出合适的单词 1. flies 6. pandas 11. fat thin 2. hungry 7. Certainly. 12. kings 3. skate 8. our 13. either 4. fish 9. boxes 14. me 5. tail its 10. fly 15. well 二、按要求写词 [来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K] 1. would like 2. any 3. po tato es 4. snowmen 5. mangoes 6. toy cars 7. men teaches 8. in those boxes 9. well 10. either 11. Don’t be sad. 12. me 13. us 14. her 15. Peter’s 三、用合适的介词填空 1. to 6. near 11. to 16. at 2. of 7. at 12. with 17. behind 3. a bout 4. for 8. about 9. with 13. with 14. with 18. about 19. for 5. in 10. in 15. for 20. of 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. well 6. riding 11. me 16. snowmen 2. playing 3. our your 4. to buy 5. my 7. don’t have 8. these 9. Peter’s 10. pandas 12. men 13. helps 14. mangoes 15. cups noses 17. His 18. your 19. living 20. those

doc文档 【无锡重点小学】四年级上册英语期末复习- Unit 1 ~8 词法和词汇 译林三起 含答案

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【无锡重点小学】四年级上册英语期末复习- Unit 1 ~8 词法和词汇 译林三起 含答案 第 1 页 【无锡重点小学】四年级上册英语期末复习- Unit 1 ~8 词法和词汇 译林三起 含答案 第 2 页 【无锡重点小学】四年级上册英语期末复习- Unit 1 ~8 词法和词汇 译林三起 含答案 第 3 页 【无锡重点小学】四年级上册英语期末复习- Unit 1 ~8 词法和词汇 译林三起 含答案 第 4 页
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