Unit 1 ~ Unit 4 易错知识点总结 play 一词的用法 A. play + 球类(注意:前面不需要有任何 the; a; a) B. play + the 外国乐器 C. 和谁玩 play with sb. (注意:sb 必须是人称代词宾格) 用 the/ with;/填空 1. Can you play __________ basketball with us? 2. Let’s play _____ piano. 3. Don’t play __________ fire(火). It is dangerous.(危险) 4. Does she play _________ violin well? like 一词的用法 A. like +名词复数/不可数名词 B. like doing sth.喜欢做某 事 C. would like to do = want to do sth. 想要做某事 D. be like 像…..; look like 看起来像…… 1. Do you like ________(mango)very much? 2. I’d like ____________(have) an apple. 3. She doesn’t like _______________(eat) apples. 4. Our school is like _____________(watch) TV. both 一词的用法 A. 用于两者之间 (all 用于 3 或 3 者以上) B. both A and B A 和 B 都…. C. both of the 名词复数 / both of sb. 宾格 D. both 和 be 动词在一起时,放在 be 动词后;both 和行为动词一起时,放在行为动词前面 1. Both of ___________(they) like swimming. 2. Both you and I ______________(like) reading. 3. They ____________(both like / like both) 4. They _____________(are both / both are) top students. 擅长做某事的用法 A. be good at doing B. 动词 well C. do well in doing D. 不擅长做某事 be weak in 1. Are you good at _____________(swim)? 2. My father can swim______________(good). 3. She does ______________(good) well in Maths. 4. Does your father do well in ______________(fish)? go + 动词 ing 的用法(go swimming; go boating; go fishing; go shopping) 1. What about going _____________(swim)? 2. Let’s go ___________(skate) this afternoon. 3. Do you like going ____________(shop) with her? 4. Let’s go ______________(boat). talk 一词的用法 A. 谈论某事 talk about sth. (注意 about 一定不能丢) B. talk to/ with sb. 和某人谈论 C. 你们在谈论什么?wha t do you talk about? (注意 about 不要丢掉) 用 to; with; about 填空 1. What does she talk __________? 2. Who do you talk ___________? 3. She talks about the story __________ her mother. 4. Can you talk __________ the book with your classmates? the other 一词的用法 A. 用于两者之间,通常用于 one….; the other….. B. 当 the other 前面有形容词性物主代词(my; her; their….)或者名词所有格,the 需要去掉。 用 other; the other 填空 1. I have two sister s. One is Lily, _______________ is Millie. 2. I can’t find my ____________ shoe. 3. Where do you find her _____________glove(手套)? 4. I have two pens. One is blue. ____________ is red. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 宾格的用法 A. 放在介词后面(of; at; in….) B. 放在动词后面 1. She sits in front of _____________(t hey). 2. Don’t run with _______________(we). 3. Can you push _______________(he) 4. She if afraid of ______________(she.) 形容词型物主代词的用法 A. 放在介词后面(of; at; in….) B. 放在动词后面 1. ______________(it) body is hard. 2. I can’t find ____________(their) books. 3. Can you tell me _____________(she) name? 4. Where is ___________(you) father now? There be 的用法 A. 就近原则 B. there be no + 名词 = there be n ot any + 名词 C. 对数量提问 how many/ much + 名词复数/不可数+ are there / is there ….? D. 对物或人提问 what / who is +其他?(注意:这里只能用 is 不可以用 are) 1. There ____________(be) any birds in the tree. 2. There ____________(be) a table and two chairs in the room. 3. __________(be) there any milk in the fridge? 4. How many apples __________(be) there in the basket? [来源:学#科#网] 序数词的用法 A. 序数词前面必须要有 the B. 当序数词前面有形容词性物主代词或者名词所有格时,不需要加上 the C. one- first; two—second ; three—third, four—fourth, five--- fifth… 1. Today is my sister’s _______________(five) birthday. 2. Sunday is _______________(one) day of a week. 3. My home is on ______________(two) floor. 4. This is my ______________(one) time to visit the museum. 复合名词变复数的用法 A. 复合名词中无 man 或者 woman 的时候,只需要变最后一个名词为复数,boy students; girl students. B. 复合名词中有 man 或者 woman 的时候,需要把两个名词为复数, men teachers; women teachers 1. There are many ____________(boy ) students at our school. 2. Do you know those _____________(man) teachers? 3. Can you see these ____________(apple) trees? 4. Our school has many ________________(woman) teachers. Let 一词的用法 A. let sb. do sth. B. let sb. not do sth. (注意:sb 为宾格; do 为动词原形) 1. Let _________(he) play football. 2. Let’s _____________(make) a fruit salad. 3. Let ______________(she)_______(not) play football in the street. 4. Let them ______________(not have) a reat. 感叹句 how/what 使用 A. 找出句子的主语和谓语动词; B. 看主语前面单词的词性; C. 如果是名词;用 what; 如果是形容词/副词,用 how; 用 how / what/ what a/an 填空 1. __________ beautiful their dresses are! 2. _______ beautiful music it is! 3. ________ well she could play the piano! 4. __________ interesting story she told! 五年级易错题巩固练习 一、用单词的适当形式填空 1. Look!Helen is between the_________(boy). 2. There is a river between the_________(hill). 3. __________(we) teachers are in the classroom. 4. __________(it) cat is very cute. 5. The bear is in front of ____________(she). 6. Don’t push ____

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