五年级 期末测试卷(提优版)一 一、辨音题(10’) 1. A. birth 2. A. ready 3. A. catch 4. A. call 5. A. moon 6. A. s chool 7. A. water 8. A. where 9. A. says 10. A. busy B. think B. bread B . angry B. always B. good B. catch B. her B. near B. train B. use C. third C. great C. have C. talk C. cook C. watch C. Saturday C. hear C. rain C. excuse D. these D. breakfast D. many D. small D. book D. teach D. driver D. ear D. they D. music 二、英汉互译(10’) 1. 脱下它们 _____________________ 2. 向她求助 _____________________ 3. 步行回家 _____________________ 4. 迫不及待打开 _____________________ 5. 开始打架 _____________________ [来源:学科网] 6. because of too much traffic____________________ 7. drive the pests away _____________________ 8. be full of p eople _____________________ 9. be in hospital _____________________ 10. leave my housework at school ________________ 三、根据句意或者首字母写出合适单词(10’) 1. The dress f__ _______ you very well. 2. Do you know the w_______ to the post office? 3. He always goes to bed before b__________ his teeth. It’s a bad habit. 4. There is a dragon boat r_________________ over there. 5. Can you a__________ my question? 6. There is a ____________(刀)and fork on the table. 7. The clothes are dirty. They have many s__________ on them. 8. The doctor is _____________(检查) her. She has a toothache. 9. My father is a good _______________(厨师)。 10. Yao Ming is a famous player. He is my h______ __. 四、单选题(10’) 1. _______ great time they have in the zoo! A. What B. What a C. How a 2. What do you often do ______ Mother’s Day? A. on B. at C. in 3. What day is it today? --- It’s her _______birthday. A. eleven B. the eleventh C. eleventh 4. She doesn’t know who to ____________? A. talk B. talk about C. say D. How D. with D. the eleven D. speak 5. Can I try __________? -- It’s so nice. A. it on B. on it C. them on D. on them 6. Does she like eating meat with __________? A. potatos B. potato C. potatoes D. tomato 7. Look! Each of them _______ an iPhone in the hand. A. is having B. have C. are having D. has 8. He has a fever. He needs to stay _______ . A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. in the bed D. on the bed 9. Do you like going home ______________ or ________? A. by bus/ take a car B. by car; on foot C. by a bus/ take a bus D. walk home/ on foot 10. Please remember not _______ your books at home. A. forget B. make C. leave D. stay 11. What ______ your room so dirty? --- Too much rubbish. A. makes B. is making C. make D. are making 12. The tomato soup smells _________. A. well B. nice C. nicely D. badly 13. Don’t play ______ the sharp knife. It may hurt you. A. with B. / C. for D. at 14. It’s good for us ______ too much sugar. A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. not to eat 15. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for _______. A. old B. the young C. young D. the old 16. How many______ are there _______ the tree? A. peaches ,in B. peach, on C. peaches, on D. peach; in 17. The grandparents are very happy _________ the children. A. seeing B. to see C. sees D. see 18. Joe ________ riding. Look! He is ________ around the lake. A. are; riding B. likes; riding C. like; rides D. is; ride 19. It’s seven forty. It’ time ________ go to school. A. to B. for C. / D. of 20. Can you _______ your bike ________me? A. show, for B. show, to C. showing, with D. show; / [来源:学科网] 五、用单词的适当形式填空(10’) 1. She_________(have) any clothes or shoes. 2. It’s bad for us _________(eat) too many sweets 3. My sister is good at ____________(play) the piano. 4. Is she ____________(drink) cold juice? ---- No, she has a cold. 5. My birthday is on ________(five) of May. 6. --- Who _______(help) you do the work? --- My friend does. 7. Let her ___________(not) play football on the street. 8. Do you know the way ____________(find) the place? 9. Tom with his grandparents ____________(live) on the second floor. 10. Why not ________________(visit) the City Library this weekend? 六、句子翻译(10’) 1. --- 他怎么了? ---- 他发烧了。 ___________ wrong with _______? --- He ________ a fever. 2. Sam 此刻正在河里游泳。 Sam __________ _________ in the river ________ the moment. 3. 吃太多的糖,对你有害。 It is _____________ ________ you ___________ eat ________ _________ sugar. 4. 我该如何到达公交站? ____________ ___________ I ________ _______ the bus stop? 5. 我们迫不及待地打开礼物。 We ________ _______ ______ open the gifts. 6. 公交车上都是人。 The bus is ___________ ______________ people . 七、阅读理解(20’) Halloween is a __1___ festival . It’s on ___2___ of October. Children like it very much. Look!They are___3___a funny party now. Mike ___4____ a mask(面具), He____5___this mask very much. H

doc文档 【笔试卷】【无锡重点小学】五年级下册英语期末提优预测卷(一)译林三起 含答案

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【笔试卷】【无锡重点小学】五年级下册英语期末提优预测卷(一)译林三起 含答案 第 1 页 【笔试卷】【无锡重点小学】五年级下册英语期末提优预测卷(一)译林三起 含答案 第 2 页 【笔试卷】【无锡重点小学】五年级下册英语期末提优预测卷(一)译林三起 含答案 第 3 页 【笔试卷】【无锡重点小学】五年级下册英语期末提优预测卷(一)译林三起 含答案 第 4 页 【笔试卷】【无锡重点小学】五年级下册英语期末提优预测卷(一)译林三起 含答案 第 5 页
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