2020 学年第二学期六年级英语期中测试卷 (本卷供 PEP 六上 1-3 单元使用 本卷设卷面分 3 分) 听力部分(37%) 一、听录音,选择听到的内容。(每小题 1 分,共 7 分) ( ) 1.A. smaller B. smarter C. stronger ( ) 2. A. hall B. lamp ( ) 3. A. saw B. was ( ) 4. A. day ( ) 5. A. better B. faster C. slower ( ) 6. A. wash B. watched C. wish ( ) 7. A. fixed B. part C. hotel C. were B.today C. yesterday C. licked 二、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( ) 1. A. She is 1.6 metres. B. He is 1.6 metres. ( ) 2. A. I hurt my foot. ( ) 3. A. I went to Turpan. ( ) 4. A. I’m OK now. ( ) 5. A. I’m sorry to hear that. ( ) 6. A. Of course. B. No, I can’t. ( )7. A. I’m good. B. It was good. ( ) 8. A. By plane. B. By car. ( ) 9. A. 50 tons. ( ) 10. A. Sounds great. B. That’s all right. B. I drank some milk. B. I cooked dinner. B. It has a lot of fun. B. Size 15. B. Let me have a try. 四、听录音,补全下列句子。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 1. My father is ________ and ________than my mother. 2. Wu Yifan a nice 3. Zhang Peng 4. My sister 5. I for his mother yesterday. with his family last weekend. her last night. at home all weekend and . 笔试部分(60%) 五、选出下列每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分) (  )1. A. watched B. cleaned C. played (  ) 2. A. had B. bad C. last (  ) 3. A. longer B. hers C. shorter (  ) 4. A. better B. fell C. me (  ) 5. A. heavy B. read C. great 六、 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) ( ) 1. A. fixed B. ran ( ) 2. A. best ( ) 3. A. mule B. house ( ) 4. A. where B. there ( ) 5. A. ton C. rode B. last B. kilogram C. tallest C. horse C.what C. till 七、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (  ) 1. Where ________ your father go ________ last Sunday? A. does, / (  ) 2. --How B. did, / C. did, on are you? --I’m . A. heavy, 50 kilogram B. heavier, 50 kilograms. (  ) 3. --Which is C. heavy,50 kilograms , the sun, the moon or the earth? --The moon, of course. A. smaller B. the smallest C. bigger (  ) 4. --What did you do last weekend? -- . A. I take pictures. B. I took pictures. C. He went to the beach. (  ) 5. --Did you go to Turpan ? -A. Yes, you did. B. No, you didn’t. (  ) 6. How was your weekend? A.It is good. B. I had a cold. C. Yes, I did. . C. It was a good one. (  ) 7. My sister ________ in Nanjing last year. Now she ________ in Beijing. A. worked, works B. works, works C. worked, work (  ) 8. The elephant is ________ than the mouse. A. bigger B. biger C. big (  ) 9. I like ________ apple juice. Yesterday I ________ some apple juice at home. A. drinking, drank B. drink, drank C. drank, drank (  ) 10. ________ ________ are your shoes, Mike? A. How, long B. How, big C. What, size 八、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) A. What are you doing? B. I ate the Beijing duck, too. It was delicious. C. Did you go to Beijing? D. This is Linda speaking. E. Where did you go last weekend? (It was Saturday morning. Jim was on the phone with Linda.) Jim: Hello! This is Jim. May I speak to Linda? Linda: Hello. 1. Jim: 2. . . Linda: I am reading a storybook. Jim: 3. . I didn’t see you. Linda: Oh. I went to China with my family. Jim: China? It is a good country. 4. . Linda: Yes, I did. And I took photos there. Jim: Did you visit the Great Wall? Linda: Yes. 5. . Jim: Wow! Can I see your pictures sometime? Linda: Sure. 九、 连词成句。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 1. day visited the my I before yesterday grandparents (.) 2. mine smaller than feet your are (.) 3. hall is tallest this that the dinosaure in (.) 4. than is us it taller together of both (.) 5. winter where go over holiday the you did (?) 十、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) Many years ago, there was an old man. He had two sons, Jack and John. John was older and stronger than Jack. One day, the old man took out two axes(斧子), he let his sons cut wood(木材)on the mountain. John came to the mountain and cut the wood. But it was hard because the axe was too dull(钝的). Jack saw the axe. He thought it was dull, so he sharpened(磨快)it first. Then Jack came to the mountain. He cut the wood easily. He came home with lots of wood in the afternoon. John came home very late. But his wood was not half of Jack’s. The old man, their farther looked at them and said, “Sharpening your axe will not delay(延迟) your job of cutting wood.” (一) 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。 ( ) 1. Jack was younger and stronger than John. ( ) 2. Jack sharpened his axe. ( ) 3. John came home earlier than Jack. ( ) 4. Jack and John cut the wood on the mountain. (二) 根据短文回答问题。 1. Is Jack cleverer than John? ____________________________

doc文档 浙江省绍兴市诸暨市2019-2020学年六年级下学期期中英语测试卷(含听力原文)

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