人教版 PEP 五年级下册 Unit3 阅读理解专项检测卷(一) 一、阅读选择 We have a holiday on China’s National Day. This is Li Ming’s holiday plan (计划) — We can have 7 days off. On the first day, we will visit our grandparents. On the second day, we can climb mountains. Then we will go to Hainan by train. In Hainan, we can swim and go shopping. On the fifth day, we will come back. We can watch TV at home. On the sixth day, we will play sports. On the last day of the holiday, we will wash the clothes and clean our house. We will have a good holiday. 1.They visit grandparents on the _______. (  ) A.first day B.second day C.third day 2.They go to Hainan _______ on the third day. (  ) A.by plane B.by car C.by train 3.On the _______, they come back home. (  ) A.fourth day B.fifth day C.sixth day 4.They clean the house and _______ on the seventh day. (  ) A.go hiking B.wash the clothes C.go to school 5.They _______ on the second day. (  ) A.go shopping B.climb mountains C.go hiking 二、阅读选择 There are twelve months in a year. Do you know the festivals in each month? Let’s see together. In January we have an important festival— New Year’s Day. It is the beginning of the year. Most people like it. Which festival do children like best? Yes, Children's Day. It is in June. Children can have a good time on that day. Mid-Autumn Day is very important for Chinese. It’s often in September. People can get together. They always eat mooncakes and have fun together. 1.How many months are there in a year? ( A.Thirteen. B.Eleven. 2.When is New Year’s Day? ( A.In January. ) C.Twelve. ) B.In December. 3.Which festival do children like best? ( C.In November. ) A.Mid-Autumn Day. B.Children’s Day. C.New Year’s Day. 4.Is Mid-Autumn Day often in September? ( ) A.Yes, it is. C.Yes, it does. B.No, it isn’t. 5.What do people eat on Mid-Autumn Day? ( A.Cakes. B.Noodles. ) C.Mooncakes. There are 12 months in a year. How many days are there in each month, do you know? Thirty days has September, April, June and November. February has twenty-eight alone. All the rest have thirty-one days except in leap years. That’s the time when February's days are twenty-nine. My sister Amy can't have a birthday every year because she was born(出生) in a leap year. So she is not happy. 1.There are 12 _________ in a year. ( A.months B.seasons 2.There are _________ days in April. ( A.29 ) B.30 C.weeks ) C.31 3. “Except in leap year.” The “leap year” means (意思是) “_________ ”. ( ) A.闰日 B.闰月 C.闰年 4._________ has 31 days. ( A.August ) B.November 5.Amy was born in _________ . A.January ( B.February C.June ) C.May 三、阅读选择 I'm Lisa. I am from China. I am a happy girl. I have many friends. Today is China's National Day. And it's my birthday, too. I get up early and clean my room. I invite (邀请) my friends Amy, Joy and Sarah to my home. We have a birthday party. I know next month is Amy's birthday. Joy's birthday is in December. Sarah's birthday is on January 1st. 1.Lisa is a _______ girl. ( A.quiet 2.Today is _______. ( ) B.strict ) C.happy A.October 1st B.August 1st 3.Joy's birthday is in _______. ( A.December ) B.October 4._______ birthday is in November. ( A.Lisa’s C.June 1st C.January ) B.Amy's C.Joy's 5._______ birthday is on New Year’s Day. ( ) A.Lisa's C.Sarah's B.Amy's 四、阅读选择 February 14th It' s my first day of school in China. I go to school at 8:00 a.m. Classes start at 8:30. I have three classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. After class, I play basketball with my new friend, Zhang Peng. It's a nice day. April 3rd We have an art class today. I draw a picture of the four seasons. In China, I like spring best. The weather is always warm. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. June 25th Today is the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar (农历). It's Dragon Boat Festival in China. It's an important festival for Chinese people. People eat zongzi on this day. I eat zongzi for the first time. It's delicious. Zhang Peng tells me a story about Quyuan. July 14th It's summer vacation now. I go back to Spain with my family by plane (飞机). Goodbye, my friends. Goodbye, China. 1.How A.5. many classes does Pedro have a day at school? ( B.6. C.7. ) 2.Pedro likes spring because __________. ( ) A.the weather is warmB.the flowers are beautiful 3.Which sentence is NOT right? ( C.A and B ) A.Pedro doesn't like eating zongzi. B.People eat zongzi at Dragon Boat Festival. C.Dragon Boat Festi

doc文档 Unit 3 My school calendar阅读理解专项检测卷(试题)-2021-2022学年英语五年级下册

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