江苏省 2021 年小学毕业考试英语真题 单项选择 (一)(2021 南京江宁区) ( )1.We can find in Canada. It’s very famous. A.Uluru B.Stonehenge ( )2.Don’t shout. You should read books A.loudly C.Niagara Falls in the library. B.quietly ( )3.I think the moon cakes with meat A.is nice. B.was ( )4.—What’s your favourite C.sadly C.are ? —China, of course. A.country B.city ( )5.Alex never brushes his teeth A.with C.town bedtime. He has a bad toothache. B.after C.before ( )6.Jenny wants to be a dentist because she cares about A.the animals in the zoo . B.the children’s teeth C.the trees in the forest ( )7.Sam likes the old cities in China, A.for example ( )8.Liu Tao often B.look out , Beijing and Xi’an. C.wait a minute early in the morning, but yesterday he . A.get up; didn’t B.gets up; didn’t ( )9.Sandy is ill today. She only has A.a little C.gets up; doesn’t rice and soup. B.many C.a few ( )10.—It’s raining hard. How can we have a picnic? — The sun will come out soon. A.I think so. B.Don’t worry. C.What a pity! (二)(2021 南京浦口区) ( )1.—What the street messy? —Rubbish. A.make B.makes ( )2.It’s very hot today. Please your sweater. A.get off B.take off ( )3.You’ll find the Summer Palace and A.the Great Barrier Reef ( )4.Mr Green eats C.put on in the PRC. B.Stonehenge C.the Great Wall vegetables and fruit every day. A.a little ( )5.There C.making B.a lot C.a lot of any bread on the table. A.is B.isn’t C.aren’t ( )6.—Where will you go next year? —I’ll go to Oxford, A.the UK . B.the US C.Canada ( )7.People usually eat at the Chongyang Festival. A.tangyuan ( )8.—Jenny, B.rice dumplings C.rice cakes look out of the window. —I’m sorry. A.don’t ( )9.— B.can’t C.doesn’t will you stay in Shanghai? —For two weeks. A.When ( )10.The tiger B.How long C.How many eat the rabbits. It let the rabbits go. A.doesn’t B.didn’t C.don’t (三)(2021 南京建邺区) ( )1.I went to Hong Kong before, and I’m going there for the first time this summer holiday. A.often B.sometimes ( )2.”Keep off the grass” means we A.can B.shouldn’t C.never walk on the grass. C.must ( )3.—What does the radio say? —It says it D.usually tomorrow. A.going to rain B.is going to rain C.was rainy D.was raining ( )4.You will find Yellowstone National Park in . D.should A.the UK B.Australia ( )5.Mr Li wants our dreams C.the US D.Canada true in the future. A.to see; to come B.see; to come C.to see; come D.see; come ( )6.I want to be a dancer. Dancing can make people and . A.health; beautiful B.healthy; beautifully C.healthy; beautiful D.healthy; beauty ( )7.—Would you like another cup of milk? — . I’m full. A.No, thank you B.All right C.That’s all right D.You’re welcome ( )8.—Where —I ( )9. you a week ago? in Beijing. A.was; were B.was; was C.were; were D.were; was ! There’s a lion food over there. A.Look out; looking for B.Look out; look after C.Look for; look at D.Look at; looking for ( )10.He likes travelling A.on; / plane and playing B.on; the football. C.by; / (四)(2021 苏州昆山市) D.by; the ( )1.It is often in the UK, so people always an umbrella. A.rains; carries B.rainy; carried C.rainy; carry D.rain; carry ( )2.Welcome to Beijing. Let me you our city. A.show; from B.show; around C.show; for D.show; to ( )3.— you computer games next Sunday? —Yes, I am. A.Will; play B.Are; going to play C.Do; play D.Is; going to play ( )4.— there any milk at home? —No, but there A.Is; is ( )5.There’s just some cups of tea on the table. B.Are; are C.Is; are D.Are; is water in the bottle. I’m too thirsty. A.a little B.a few ( )6.To cross the road , you C.many cross it when it is the red man. A.safely; must B.safely; mustn’t C.safety; must D.safety; mustn’t ( )7.Listen! Yang Ling is . She D.much well. She wants to be a A.singing; sings; singer B.sing; sings; singer C.singing; singer; sing D.sing; sings; sing . ( )8.— — will he study in China? . A.How long; In a year B.How long; For one year C.How much time; Next week D.How much time; Tomorrow ( )9.Big Ben is in and is there too. A.the US; Yellowstone National Park B.the UK; the Great Barrie Reef C.the UK; Stonehenge D.the US; the White Palace ( )10.The boys are shouting about the football match. They are . A.excited; exciting; excitedly B.exciting; excitedly; excited C.exciting; excited; excitedly D.excited; excitedly; exciting (五)(2021 苏州常熟市) ( )1.Don’t shout! My mother is tired. She A

doc文档 【真题汇编】江苏省2021年小学毕业考试英语真题(二)单项选择(含答案)

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