【分层训练】2022 年人教版 PEP 英语三年级下册 Unit3 第二课时练习 一,选词填空 A.fat B.short C.giraffe D.small E. long 1.The elephant is big. The bird is ______. 2.The panda is ______. 3.The ______ is yellow and white. 4.The rabbit has a ___ ___ tail. The horse has a ______ tail. 二,看图,圈出相应的单词完成句子。 1. The monkey has a (short / long) tail. The duck has a (short / long) tail. 2. The elephant is (big / small). [来源:学科网 ZXXK][来源:Z#xx#k.Com] [来源:Z,xx,k.Com] The bird is (big / small). 3. The giraffe is (tall / short). The dog is (tall / short). 三,选择出不同类的单词。 ( )1.A.monkey B.is C.elephant ( )2.A.a B.an C.the ( )3.A.eye B.small C.ear ( )4.A.monkey B.short C.long ( )5.A.bird B.cat C.panda ( )6.A.father B.mother C.fat 四,单选题 1.Come here, _________! Look at the elephant. ( ) A.child B.children C.childs 2.Look at the elephant. It has a long _______. ( A.tail B .no se ) C.Eye 3.I love the animal, they're thin and the ears are small, they're ________. ( A.ducks B.tigers 4.The pigs ________ short legs. ( A.have A.tall B.are B.long 五,读一读并排序。 (______) Wow! It’s so tall! (______) Ha! It’s short and fat! (______) Look at that giraffe. (______) A bear! 六,翻译。 C.monkeys ) 5.A rabbit (兔子) has two ________ ears. ( ) C.see ) C.short [来源:Zxxk.Com] 1.你认识多少动物?(汉译英) ____________ _________________ 2.猫喜欢玩球。(汉译英) _____________________________ 3.我喜欢兔子,它们很可爱。(汉译英) _____________________________ 4.熊猫很胖。(汉译英) __ ___________________________ 5.猴子有长长的尾巴。(汉译英) _____________________________ 七,阅读对话,判断句子正( T)误(F)。 Amy: Dad, look at that bird. Dad: It’s very nice. It has seven colours. Amy: Yes, it’s very beautiful. [来源:学*科*网] Dad: Look there, under the tree. Amy: Wow! A red fox. It has a big, tail. Where is the bear? Dad: Look! It’s over there. It’s b lack, It’s big. Amy: It’s eating ban a nas. How funny! 1.The bird has six colours. (_____) 2.The fox is under he tree. (_____) 3.The bear is brown and it's big. (_____) 4.The bear is eating bananas. (_____) 5.The fox has a big tail and the bear is funny. (_____) 八,阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Wow! So many animals in the zoo! Look at the giraffe. It's so tall. It has a small head and a long neck(脖子). Look at the elephant. It's so big. It has a long nose and big ears. Look at the monkey. It's so funny. It has a long tail(尾巴) and big ears. Look at the panda. It has big eyes and a fat body. It's so cute. I like all the animals. They are my friends. 1.The animals are _______ the zoo. ( ) A.on B.in 2.The ____ ___ has a small head and a long neck. ( ) C.under A. B. 3.The _______ has a long nose and big ears. ( ) A.elephant B.giraffe C.panda C. 参考答案 一,DAC BE 二, 1.long; short 2.big; small 3.tall; short 三,BCBAAC 四,BBCAB 五,2 4 1 3 六, 1.How many animals do you know? 2.Cats like to play with ball. 3.I like rabbits, they are cute. 4.Panda is very fat. 5.Monkeys have long tails. 七,FTFTT 八,BCA

doc文档 【分层训练】2022年人教版PEP英语三年级下册Unit3 At the zoo 第二课时练习(含答案)

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