人教 PEP 版六年级英语下册第二单元专项训练 单项选择题 1. Did you __________ them __________ the meals?( A.help; cooked B.helped; cook 2. —________ did you do last night ?( ) C.help; cook ) —I went shopping. A.What B.Where 3. Di d you do _________else?( A.something C.How ) B.anything C.nothing 4. John does well ________ science, but he’s not good ________ math.( A.at; in B.in; for C.in; at 5. —Will you __________ to the library this weekend?( ) —No, I __________ there last weekend. A.go; go B.went; went 6. —How ___ _______ your weekend?( C.go; went ) —It was great. A.is B.was C.were 7. —What _______ you do yesterday?( ) —I cleaned my room. A.do B.are C.did 8. There ________ a big ice city and there ________ many people.( A.was; was B.were; was 9. —________ you ________ fun there?( C.was; were ) —Yes, I did. A.Do; have B.Did; had 10.—How was your hol iday?( C.D id; have ) —It _______ great. A.be B.is 11.I played the violin __________.( C.was ) ) ) A.last Monday B.on weekends C.next week ) 12.J ohn often _______ ping-pong on Sunday.( A.play B.played C.plays ) 13.I went to the park ___________ my mother.( A.and B.on 14.It's faster than ___________.( A.walking C.with ) B.walk C.walks 15.Our room was very big but everything ________ very old.( A.is B.are C.was ) 16.I _______ a storybook last week.( A.read ) B.readed C.reads 17.__________ your sister __________ your grandma yesterday?( A.Does; visit B.Did; visit C.Did; visited 18.I stayed at home and watched TV ________.( A.every day B.tomorrow 19.—Did Mike ________ the film?( ) ) C.yesterday ) —Yes, ________. A.like; he liked B.liked; he did 20.Mike wants ________ a new schoolbag.( A.to buying C.like; he did ) B.buy C.to buy 21.The fan was broken. The TV didn’t work, ________.( A.too B.also 22.—What ___________ you do?( [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] ) C.either ) —I ___________ my room. A.did; clean B.do;, cleaned 23.I’m ________ about my lessons.( A.worry ) B.worried 24.—Did you ________ at home yesterday?( —Yes, I did. C.did; cleaned [来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K] C.carry ) A.stay B.stayed C.staying ) 25.I usually _____ to school at 7:30.( A.went B.goes C.go 26.What did ___________ do last weekend?( A.yo u ) B.your C.yours 27.Look! John ________ basketball in the playground.( A.played B.plays 28.It i s time ________ get up.( A.to C.is playing ) B.for C.at 29.Sarah _______ funny stories last night.( A.reading ) ) B.read C.readed 30.Julia often _ _______ many photos of the flowers _____ ___ her mobile.( A.take, on B.takes, with 31.—How did Lily go to the zoo?( ) C.took, of ) —________. A.She went on foot B.She went to Beijing zoo C.She liked it very much 32._______ you ______ _ a film last week?( A.Did; see B.Did; saw 33.—Please say sorry ______.( ) C.Do; saw ) —OK. A.for them B.to them C.to they 34.Chen Jie is going to read a book ________ Su nday.( A.last B.next ) C.every 35.—What ________ Wu Yifan ________ last Tuesday?( ) —He ________ to music. A.did; do; listened B.do; did; listened 36.Did you _________ your room?( A.cleaned B.clean 37.—How was your weekend?( C.did; do; listen ) C.cleaning ) —_________ A.I stayed at home. B.It is fine. C.It was OK. 38.________ can we do ________ help other people?( A.What; at B.What’s; in 39.It _______ a sunny day. I went to the park.( A.is B.has C.What; to ) C.was 40.Sarah stayed at home and _______ a book last night.( A.reads B.read ) ) C.reading (参考答案) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案 C A B C C B C C 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 答案 C C A C C A C A 题号 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 答案 B C C C C B A 题号 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 答案 C A C A B B A A 题号 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 答案 B B A B C C C B 题号 [来源:学科 网 ZXXK] C [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] 13 [来源:学科网]

doc文档 【单项选择】人教PEP版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend 题型专项训练(含答案)

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