U2 随堂基础练习 一、 选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. purse B. shirt C. father ( ) 2. A. foor B. door C. cook ( ) 3. A. aunt B. August C. autumn ( ) 4. A. why B. who ( ) 5. A. place B. way C. how C. palace 二、 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. geese B. tigers C. mice B. south C. east D. panda ( ) 2. A. north D. place ( ) 3. A. change B. quiet C. write D. read ( ) 4. A. season winter B. spring C. autumn D. ( ) 5. A. fy B. big C. like D. know 三、单项选择。 ( [来源:学科网 ZXXK] ) 1. ______ your father _______ your living room? A.Does; like B. Do; like C. Does; likes ( ) 2. Wild gees e fy ____ __ north ________ south in autumn. A. from; to B. up; to C. on; to ( ) 3. --- Why do you like the stud y? --- __________. A.Because I can play in the garden B. Because it’s quiet C. Because the living room is big ( ) 4. Wild geese change homes _______ every year. [来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K] A. once B. two times C. three times ( ) 5. There _________ a study and two bedrooms in my home. A. has B. is C. are 四、连词成句。 1. do, room, you, why, living, the, like ( ? ) ______________________________________________ _________ 2. play, garden, can, in, they, all, the, because, day ( . ) ______________________________________________ _________3. food, in, they, cannot, enough, find, winter ( . ) ______________________________________________ _________ 答案 一、 CCAAC 二、 DDBAB 三、 [来源:学科网] AABBB 四、 [来源:学科网][来源:Zxxk.Com] 1. Why do you like the living room? 2.Because they can play in the garden all day. 3. They cannot find enough food in winter.

doc文档 【分层训练】 五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Our new home (基础练习) 沪教牛津版深圳用(含答案)

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