【分层训练】2022 年人教版 PEP 英语三年级下册 Unit2 第二课时练习 一,选词/短语填空 woman family brother grandpa 1.—Is he your ? —Yes, he is. He is a student. 2.—Who’s that ? —She is my mother. 3.This is my . He’s old. 4.Look! This is my . I love my father and mother. 二,补全单词 1.bro__er ( 兄;弟) ( ) A.ch 2.__ster (姐;妹) ( ) B.th [来源:Z&xx&k.Com] A.is B.si 3.gr__dma (奶奶) ( ) A.an 4.fa__ly (家庭) ( ) B.ar A.mi B.mo 三,选出与所给单词同类的一项。 1.man ( ) A.body B.box C.woman B.brother C.black B.yo-yo C.you B.duck C.bag B.zoo C.ten 2.father ( ) A.book 3.he ( ) A.your 4.dad ( ) A.mum [来源:学科网] 5.two ( ) A.too 四,选词填空 A.father B.brother C.grandma D.man E. student 1.This is not a teacher. She’s a __________. (________) 2.T his is not a woman. He’s a __________. (________) 3.Thi s is not my grandpa. She’s my __________. (________) 4.This is not my sister. He’s my __________. (________ ) 5.This is not my mother. He’s my _ _________. (________) 五,根据要求写单词。 1. father(对应词)________ 2. woma n(对应词)________ 3. brother(对应词)________ 4. boy(对应词)___ _____ 5. friend(复数)________ 六,情景交际。 A.Who’s that woman? C.What about you? B.Nice to meet you. D.This is my mother. 1. 当你向别人介绍你妈妈时,你会说:________ 2. 当你想知道照片上的女人是谁时,你会问:________ 3. 当你与他人第一次见面时,你会说:________ 4. 当你想知道对方的意见时,你会问:________ 七,阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 There are five people in my family. My grandfather(爷爷)is 78 years old. My grandmother(奶奶)is 75 years old. My father is a teacher. And my mother is a teacher, too. I love them very much. 1.There are four people in my family. (______) 2.My grandfather is 75 years old. (______) 3.Ms grandmother is 75 years old. (______) 4.My mother is a teacher. (______) 八,阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello, my name is Nancy. I like red, yellow and blue. I have a red flower. I have a yellow [来源:Zxxk.Com] duck and a blue bag. My mum likes brown, black and blue. Her hair is brown. She has a black hat. 1.Nancy li kes red, ________ and blue. (  ) A.black B.yell ow 2.Nancy's mother likes ________. (  ) A.yellow C.brown [来源:学科网] B.black C.red 3.Nancy has a yellow __ ______. (  ) A.duck B.bag C.hair 4.Nancy and her mother like ________. (  ) A.black B.blu e 5.Nancy's mother has a ________ hat. (  ) A.yellow B.black C.brown C.red 参考答案 一, 1.brother 2.woman 3 .grandpa 4.family 二,BBAA [来源:学科网] 三,CBCAC 四,EDCBA 五,1. mother 2. man 六,1.D 3.B 2.A 七,FFTT 八,BBABB 3. sister 4.C 4. girl 5. friends

doc文档 【分层训练】英语三年级下册Unit2 My family 第二课时练习(含答案)人教PEP版

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【分层训练】英语三年级下册Unit2 My family 第二课时练习(含答案)人教PEP版 第 1 页 【分层训练】英语三年级下册Unit2 My family 第二课时练习(含答案)人教PEP版 第 2 页 【分层训练】英语三年级下册Unit2 My family 第二课时练习(含答案)人教PEP版 第 3 页 【分层训练】英语三年级下册Unit2 My family 第二课时练习(含答案)人教PEP版 第 4 页 【分层训练】英语三年级下册Unit2 My family 第二课时练习(含答案)人教PEP版 第 5 页
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