译林版五年级下册 Unit1 达标综合检测卷(六) 听力部分 一、听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词或短语。每小题听两遍。 ( ) 1. A. ship B. fit ( ) 2. A. now B. how ( ) 3. A. fairy B. forest C. sit C. house C. funny ( ) 4. A. because B. prince ( ) 5. A. drive B. drink C. clothes C. try 二、听问句选答语。 ( )1. A. I can play football. B. Because my foot hurts. C. I can’t play football. ( )2. A. It’s under the bed. B. They are my shoes. C. They are under the bed. ( )3. A. My cousin puts it on. B. It ’s my new coat. C. It’s on the bed. ( )4. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she does. ( )5. A. I go home at four. B. I’m at home. C. I go to school. 三、听短文,给下列句子排序号。 ( ) There are some rivers in my village. ( ) There aren't any tall buildings in my village. ( ) This is a picture of my village. ( ) There is a bridge on each river. ( ) There are many tall trees beside the new road. 笔试部分 四、读句子补全单词。 1.There are many trees in the f_______________. 2.There is a b _ ______________over the river . 3.I can see many colorful f ______________in the garden. 4.Are there any tall b ______________ ____s in the city ? 5.The r _________is the way to the village 五、短语互译。 1. at the party ________________ 2. 不得不,必须________________ [来源:Zxxk.Com] 3. visit every house ________________ 4. 留下,丢下________________ 5. pick a big red mushroom _____________ 六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The teacher ________ (come) and the students goes away. 2. She likes ________(read) fairy stories. 3. Do you have__________(some) apples? 4. Come and help___________( I ) 5. Let _________(our) go to the party. 6. Where__________(be) my socks? 7. She has to _______ (go) home now.. 8. Those shoes are_____________(Liu Tao). 9. I ____________( not) have any nice clothes or shoes. 10. The girl _______ (try) on the new clothes. 七、选出不合群的一个。 ( ) 1. A. holiday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Monday ( ) 2. A. farmer B. farm C. driver D. doctor ( ) 3. A. flower B. grass C. tree D. family ( ) 4. A. mirror B. behind C. under ( ) 5. A. third B. three C. seven D. over D. Thirteen 八、选择填空。 (   )1.—How many books are there on the shelf?--_____.          A. Yes, there are          B. No, there  aren’t.  C. They are many books.    D. Three  (   )2.—Can you see the cat in the picture? ---_____.  A. Yes, I can.  B. Yes, there is. C. No, I canD. No, there isn’t  (   )3.The bridge is _______the river.  A. in     B. on      C. over       D. in front of  (   )4.There are _____tall buildings in the village.  A. no     B. not     C. ma ny       D. a  (   )5. ______ is the closet?   It’s near my bed.  A. What    B. Where   C. Who     D. How (   )6.___ a river in the park?       A. Is there    B. Are there   C. There is   D. There are (   )7.—Is there a bird in the sky? ---_____ .  A. Yes, there are      B. Yes, there isn’t   C. Yes, there is       D. No, there is  (   )8.Are there any fish in the river?     A. No, there isn’t.       B. Y es, there are two fish.    C. Yes, there are two fishes.   D. No, there a re.  (   ) 9.There are _____apples in my bag.           A. a    B. an   C. many    D. any  (   ) 10.____ two pens on the desk?     A. Is    B. Am    C. Are    D. Are there  九、完成句子,每空一词。 1. 你有水吗? 我很口渴。 Do you have ________ water? _______ very _________. 2. —你为什么那么不开心,波比? —因为我没有新衣服,我不能去 参加派对了。 —_______ _______ you so ________, Bobby? —_______ I don’t _______ new clothes, I________ go to the party. 3. Sam 在树下找到一些漂亮的蘑菇,他想把它们吃掉。 Sam ______ some nice ______ ______ the tree, he wants ______ ______ ______. 4. 辛德瑞拉在派对上玩得很开心,但是她必须在 12 点前回去。 Cinderella ________ a good time _______ the party, but she______ ______come [来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K] back ________ 12. 十、根据短文,填空。 My favourite room is my bedroom. It’s small, but it’s very clean and beautiful. There is a small bed near the window. Near the bed, there is a brown desk. You can see a clock, a rad io and many books on it. Near the door, there is a closet(衣柜). What’s that over(上方)the bed? It’s an air-conditioner(空调). I like my bedroom very much. 1. My room is _____, but it’s clean and beautiful. 2. The _____ is near the bed. 3. On my desk, there is a ________, a ______, and many _______. 4. There is a closet ______ the door. 5. You can see an ____________________ over the bed. 6. Is there a small bed near the window? _____, _____ _____. 十一、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Hello. I am John. Today is Monday. I have maths, art and science. Mr Carter is a new teacher, he comes from the UK and he teaches us maths. He is very tall. Miss Green is our art teacher, she is strict but she’s v

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