Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 疑问词 who 中文意思 谁 用法 例句 问人的身份、姓名 He is my brother. Who is he? 等 问人的身份、姓名 I can ask him the question. [来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K] whom 谁 Whom can you ask the question? 等(问宾语) what 什么 问事物或人的 职业 He has a book. What does he have? 是什么 He is a worker. What is he? 问一定范围内特指 which 哪个 的人或物 The big box is mine. Which box is yours? The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann? whose 谁的 what colour 什么颜色 what time when 几点 什么时候 问所属关系 This is her book. Whose book is this? 问颜色(表语) My skirt is red. What colour is your skirt? 问时间 We play games at five in the afternoon. 问时间 We play games in the afternoon. What time do you play games? When do you play games? where 什么地方 why 为什么 问地点(状语) We play games at home on Sunday. Where do you play games on Sunday? 问原因 He isn't at school today because he is ill. Why isn't he at school today? how 怎样 问健康状况、做事 He is fine. How is he? I go home by bike. 的方式等 How do you go home? how far 多远 It’s five kilometers away from here. How far i s it from here 问路程 He can finish it i n halt an hour . how how soon old 多久 多大, how many how long 几岁 多少 多久 how much how often 多少 How soon can he finish it? 问 in+一段时间 He is ten. 问年龄 The desk one meter long. How old isishe? How long is the desk? are thirty boys in my class. 问一段时间,问物 There 提问复数名词,问 He has lived here for a year 体的长短 How boys there in your class? How many long has heare lived here? 数量 There is some milk in the bottle. 提问不可数名词, I go to see my a month. How much milkparents is thereonce in the bottle? 问数量 问频率 多久 The is 5 do yuan. Howbook often you go to see your How much is the book? parents? [来源:学&科&网] 或问物品价格 特殊疑问词专项训练 一、对划线部分提问。 1.Wood comes from trees. wood from? 2. Today is Saturday is it today? 3. My holiday was great fun. your holiday? 4.We visit ed the Shanghai Museum last Sunday. you last Sunday? 二、用适当的疑问词或疑问短语填空。 1.— were you late for school? —Because I got up late. 2. is your brother? —He’s 14. 3.— is the boy with big ears? —He's Wang Bing. 4.— is Christmas Day? —It's on the 25th of December. 5.— are the shoes? —They are 60 yuan. 6.— —They’re red. are the stockings? 7. — was it yesterday? —It was Sunday. 8.— does your father do? —He’s a farmer. 三、单项选择。 1.----- ______ is the boy under the tree? ------ He is my friend. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which 2.---______ is your dad? ---He is a policeman. A. How B.Who C. What D. Where 3.---______ do you go to school every day? ---On foot. A. How B.Who C. What 4.---Dad, _____ is my MP3? D. Where [来源:Z&xx&k.Com] ----I put it in your desk? A. What B.How C.Whose D. Where 5.______ do you prefe r(更喜欢), coffee or tea? A. What B. Which C.How D.Whose 6.---______ do you have breakfast? ---At 8 a.m. A. How B.When C. What D. Where 四、对划线部分提问。 1. They have supper at six in the evening. ___________________________________________ 2. He works in the library. ___________________________________________ 3. He is under the tree. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] ___________________________________________ 4. The boy under the tree is his friend. ___________________________________________ 5.The girl in a red coat is her sister. ___________________________________________ 答案 一、用划线部分提问 1.What does, come 2. What day 3. How was 4. Where did, visit 二、用适当的疑问词或疑问短语填空。 1.Why 2. How old 3. Who 4. Wh en 5. How much 6. What colour 7. What day 8. What 三、单项选择 CCADBB 四、1.When do they have supper? 2. 3. 4. 5. Where does he work? Where is he? Which boy is his friend? Which girl is her sister?

doc文档 六年级下英语 Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 译林版(三起)含答案

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六年级下英语 Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 译林版(三起)含答案 第 1 页 六年级下英语 Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 译林版(三起)含答案 第 2 页 六年级下英语 Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 译林版(三起)含答案 第 3 页 六年级下英语 Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 译林版(三起)含答案 第 4 页 六年级下英语 Unit1The lion and the mouse-特殊疑问词的用法及练习 译林版(三起)含答案 第 5 页
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