2020-2021 学年度六年级上册英语期末阅读专项检测卷(二) 1 、 阅 读 短 文 , 完 成 下 列 各 题 。 Mrs. Green has a happy family . Her husband(丈夫) is very smart . He is the manager of a supermarket . He works very hard . He is very busy , but he always help s Mrs. Green do some housewor k . Mr. and Mrs. Green have two children , their son Tony and their daughter Jenny . Tony is 14 and he is 4 years older than Jenny . Tony is tall and strong . He likes sports very much and he plays basketball very well . Jenny likes music, she is very good at playing the piano . She can sing while playing the guitar, too . Both Tony and Jenny like reading . They often go to the bookshop and read . On Sunday and Saturday the family often go hiking . They go to many places in the city . A: 判 对 错 , 对 的 打 T , 错 的 打 F 。 ) 1 、 There are four people in the family . ( ) 2 、 Mr. ( ( 断 Green works in a supermarket . ) 3、 Mr. Green is very busy .So he can’t help his wife do the housework. ( songs ) 4 、 Jenny and Tony both like music , they often sing . ) 5 、 Tony ( very good at guitar . ) 6 、 The family often go hiking on Friday . ( B: 1. is 根 据 短 文 内 容 Mrs. 2. Green Tony 3. has a is good Jenny is , 填 上 合 适 的 单 词 。 _________ at . His name’s __________ _________ Tony . basketball years old. 4. The family likes going ___________ . They often go on Sunday and Saturday. 2 、 阅 读 理 解 。 Hello, My name is Tom. I’m 12 years old. There are three Italian restaurants in our city. I usually go to the Holiday Restaurant on foot. It’s near my home. How can you get to the restaurant? First, you need to go down the DongFang Street. Then turn left at the bookstore. You can see a big cinema at the crossing. Turn right, ( A. the Holiday Restaurant is on your left. )1.How many Italian restaurants are there in Tom’s city? 12. ( A.On ( —First, B.3. )2.How does foot. Tom B.By )3.—How ; can Tom Second, go C.1. to the bike. get restaurant? C.By to the ; Then, bus. restaurant? . ①tum left at the bookstore ③turn ②go down the DongFang Street right at A.②①③ )4.—What is the A.Italian restaurant’s )5.Where A.It’s at the crossing. C.It’s far 读 短 C.①③② name? B.Happy ( 、 crossing B.②③① ( 3 the C.Holiday is the cinema? B.It’s in front of the crossing. from 文 —_____. , the 选 择 crossing. 正 确 的 答 案 。 It’s Saturday today. We are going to watch a football match (比 赛 ) . It’s between ( 在 … … 之 间 ) the Japanese team and the Chinese team. The football match will begin at four o’clock in the afternoon. Our teachers Mr Li and Mr Wang are going to watch the football match with us. We ar e going there by bike. We are going to come back at six o’clock in the evening. ( A. ( ) Friday. ) 2. A. a football ( A. 1. B. We are What day is it Monday. going to B. a football match tomorrow? C. watch ________ Sunday. today. C. a basketball match ) 3. The match is between the ________ and the ________. Japanese team; Chinese team B. Japanese team; American team C. Chinese team; Canadian team ( ) A. by 4. bus We B. ( 5. ) A. At six o’clock. are by going there train. When ________. C. will the B. At four o’clock. by match bike begin? C. At seven o’clock. 4、阅读对话。请你从方框中选择与对话题意相符的句子,并把所选内容 的 字 母 A 代 填 doing I E like A making B B : homework. very you you going? doing about What I’m you going : now? you? I’m are much. __1__. : : 。 today. snowman are What A a : A 线 you. are What : 题 See When . 答 my . . 到 snowing I’m . C B 入 It’s . B D 号 watching going to to visit do my __2__ TV. this weekend? grandparents. ? A I’m : going at 2 o’clock. B:__3__. I’m going to make a snowman tomorrow .Can you go with me? A Yes.__4__. : B OK. : See you A tomorrow morning. __5__. : 1 . ______2 . ______ 3 . ______4 . ______5 . ______ 5 、 完 Tom:Mum,I feel feel Mum:You should 3.   should Tom:Can 填 ill.1.         I Mum:No,dear.You Tom:I 形   4. I Mum:No,let’s 2.     go go   eat   some     。 popcorn? a doctor. .What should I   more clothes.     空   to to the the do? zoo? hospit al. next Sunday. Tom:Oh,no! Mum:Don’t be 5.         .We (     )1.A.Should     (     )2.A.look (     )3.A.hungry (     )4.A.wear (     )5.A.happy can go B.Am         B.see B.angry C.Do C.watch C.cold B.put C. take B.sad C.ill 6 、

doc文档 【阅读专项】人教版PEP 六年上册英语期末阅读专项检测卷(二)(含答案)

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