外研版六年级上册 module8 达标综合检测卷(B) 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. want ( ) 2. A. all ( ) 3. A. stories B. what B. often B. hobbies C. wants C. always C. story ( ) 4. A. swimming B. shopping ( ) 5. A. clean B. class [来源:学_科_网] C. playing C. Cleans 二、听录音,排序。(10 分) ( ) What are you doing? ( ) I can sleep well in a tidy bed. ( ) I can’t find my books. ( ) I’m always here. ( ) What do you want to do now? 三、听音,根据你所听到的句子选择正确的汉语意思。(10 分) ( )1.A.毛毛经常玩篮球。 B.毛毛从不踢足球。 ( )2.A.小雨喜欢看电视。 B.小雨喜欢读英语书。 ( )3.A.你喝茶吗? B.你喝牛奶吗? ( )4.A.你现在喜欢玩电脑游戏吗? B.你现在喜欢看电影吗? ( )5.A.你在打扫你的房间。 B.你在打扫教室 笔试部分(70 分) 四、英汉互译。 (5 分)   1.play with dolls  2.去游泳 ________ 3.看电影 ________ 4. 下象棋 ________ 5. 讲英语 ________ 6. 玩玩具娃娃 ________     五、选词填空。(5 分) 1. I often ________(eat, eating) bananas. 2. She ________(goes, went) to Haikou last year. 3. Do you often ________(play, plays) chess with your father? 4. Lily ________(don't, doesn't) like milk. 5. _ _______(Do, Does) your parents live in Shanghai 六、选出与其它单词不同类的单词。(10 分)( s B.shopping ( )A.watch C.swimming B.story C.play ) A.email ( ) A.dancing B.reading C.lucky ( )A.snake B.shop C.elephant ( ) A.happy B.east C.west 七、给下列句子按(A~F)排序。(10 分) (  )1.Do you often go to see films? (  )2.Hello,Susan.How are you? (  )3.Yes,I do. (  )4.And do you often help your mum? (  )5.I am fine,thank you. (  )6.Yes,my mum say s I am a good girl. 八、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. Do you like to see my photos?_______  A. there is   B. I’d love to   C. thank you  (  )2.Do you often go to see flims?    No, _______  A. I do     B. I don’t      C. I don’t know  (  )3. Do you like reading books? Yes,_______  I often read stories.    [来源:学+科+网] A. of course   B. I don’t   C.  never  (  )4. Look _______  the green light. We should cross  the road now.  A. like   B. at  C. for  (  )5. _______   she often clean your classroom?    A. Do B. Does  C. Is  (  )6. I _______    a long time ago.    A. stoped   B. stopping C. stopped  (  )7. Do you want_______     see my photos?    A. on   B. for   C. to  (  )8. Do you often play _______     dolls?    A. to   B. with   C. for  (  )9. She  _______    the blackboard.     A. sometimes clea n  B. sometime clean s C. sometimes cleans  (  )10. I often go _______     .    A. swimming   B. swim  C. swiming 九、将左右两栏相匹配的两项用线连起来。(10 分) (1) Do you often tidy your desk? A. Thank you. (2) What are you doing? B. I’m reading a book (3) What do you want to do now? C. Yes, I sometimes eat bananas. (4) I will tidy your desk. D. Yes, every day. (5) Do you eat bananas? E. Let’s read 十、按要求完成句子。(10 分) 1. I often read books in the morning. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you often ________ books in the morning? 2. They are reading books now. (用 often 改写句子) They ________ ________ books. 3. I love playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you love ________ computer games? 4. He often plays computer games. (改为否定句) He ________ plays computer games. 5. I often take a bus to school. (用“by+工具” 改写句子) I often go to school ________ ________ 十一、阅读短文,根据短文内容补全句子(每个空填一个单词)。 (10 分)    The Smart family is looking at a map of China. They want to visit many famous places in China. Sam wants to go to Xi’an and see the Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑). Amy wants to visit Hangzhou. She wants to see West Lake. She knows that West Lake is very beautiful. Sam and Amy’s mother wants to see Guangzhou and [来源:学§科§网] Hongkong. She wants to do some shopping. Mr Smart wants to visit the Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝). It is a very big dam and it’s very interesting. Sam and Amy want to visit the dam, too. Tom wants to stay at home. 1. The Smart family want to visit many _______  in  China.  2.  Terracotta Warriors is in  _______     . 3. Amy wants to see _______              .  4. Sam and Amy’s mother wants to_______                 5. The Three Gorges Dam is a very_______ dam  and it’s  very____ 参考答案 听力材料: 一、1. Do you want to see my photos? 2. She always reads books in the morning. 3. Does he often read stories? 4. Do you like shopping? 5. She never cleans the room. 二、听力材料 1. I can sleep well in a tidy bed. [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 2. I’m always here. 3. What are you doing? 4. What do you want to do now? [来源:Z*xx*k.Com] 5. I can’t find my books. 三、听力材料 1.Maomao never plays football. 2.Xiaoyu likes reading English books. 3.Do you drink tea? 4.Do you like playing computer games now? 5.You're cleaning your room. 笔试答案 四、go swimming  go to the movies   play chess  speak English play with doll  五、1. eat 2. went 3

doc文档 六年级上册英语模块达标综合检测卷- Module 8(B)外研三起(含听力原文和答案)

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