2021-2022 年人教 PEP 版英语六年级 Unit2 核心素养单元检测 A 卷 考试时间:45 分钟 满分:100 分 第一部分 听力部分 一、听录音,选择你所听到的选项,将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。 ( )1. A. clothes B. schoolbag ( )2. A. buy ( )3. A. did my homework B. washed the clothes C. saw a film ( )4. A. weekend ( )5. A .book ( )6. A. magazine ( )7. A. sheep ( )8. A. stay ( )9. A. enjoy ( )10. A .watched TV B. read C. sweater C. write B. Sunday C. Saturday B. magazine C. storybook B. comic book B. slept C. newspaper C. sleep B. away C. say B. like C. love B. read books C. had a cold 二、听录音,补全短文。 I was busy 1. ________. On Saturday I 2. _________ with my father and mother. On Sunday morning, I 3. ________. Then I 4. ________. In the afternoon, I 5. ________ with my friends. 三、听录音,写出正确单词,补全句子。 1. We ______ our classroom together.   2. He washed his hands ______ lunch. 3. They had a party ______Tuesday.    4. Linda ______ a very tall tree in the park. 5. Everyone was very happy ________. [来源:学。科。网] 第二部分 笔试部分 四、翻译下列短语。 1.in the morning _____________ 3.enjoy_____________ 2.at the hotel_____________ 4.read a book_____________ 5.loud music_____________ 6.fix the broken chair_____________ 7.taste bad_____________ 8.study English_____________ 9.on Sunday morning_____________ 10.go hiking_____________ 五、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. We ________ (see) tigers at the zoo last Sunday. 2. My mother ________ (have) a cold yesterday. 3. I ________ (do not) watch TV yesterday afternoon. 4. —What did you do last night? —I ________ (read) a book. 5. Zhang Peng ________ (wash) clothes last weekend. 六、选择题 1、( )--What did you do?I_________TV. A.watch 2、( B.watched to C.watch )She _______ yesterday. A. went fish B. went fishing 3、( C. goes fishing )He _____ into the lake and ______ to it. A、jumped, swimed B、jump, swam C、jumped, swam 4、(  )Did Peter ________ a film last night? A. see B. saw C. Sees 5、(  )Sue __________ go to school because she was ill. A. did      B. don't      C. didn't 6、( )I _______ m ountains last weekend. A.climb B.climbs C.climbed 7、(  )What ________ you ________ last Sunday? A. did; do     B. do; do     C. do; did 8、(  )I________ some gifts ________ my parents the day before y esterday. A. got; from B. get; fro m C. got; of 9、( )Tom ________to a park yest erday. A.go 10、( A. went B.going C.went )I ______ swimming yesterday. B. go C. going 七、补全对话。(用所给句子把对话补充完整,把序号写在横线上)(有多余选项)。 A.I went to the hospital. B .I’m sorry to hear that. C.She is better. D.What did you do last weekend? E.Nice to meet you. F.I’m fine, thank you. G.What do you do? Bob: Hi, Ann.1._______   [来源:学_科_网] Ann: Nice to meet you, too. Bob: 2._______   Ann: My mother was ill.3._______   Bob: 4._______How is y our mother now? [来源:Zxxk.Com] Ann: 5._______   Bob: You’d better let her drink more water and have a good rest. Ann: Thank you. 八、下列句子中有一处错误,请挑 选出来。 ( )1.[What] [do] [Mike] [do] yesterday? A ( C B C C D )4.I [visit] [grandparents] [last] [weekend]. A ( D )3.Did [you] [went] [to] a park [on the weekend]? A B ( D )2.He [went] [swim] [last] [Saturday]. A ( B B C D )5.[She] [like] [singing] [songs]. A B C D 九、按要求改写句子。 1. Mike visits the museum every day.(用 last weeken d 代替 every day 改写句子) _____________________________________________________ 2. I did my homework yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) _____________________________________________________ 3. Did you go to the zoo?(作否定回答) _____________________________________________________ 4. The boy read a book in the library yesterday.(改为否定句) _____________________________________________________ 5. He did the housework yesterday.(对画线部分提问) _____________________________________________________ [来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K] 十、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Last weekend, I went to Beijing with m y family. We went to Tian'anmen Square. It's big. I saw many kites in the sky. There were many people. I was very happy. Then we went to the Great Wa ll. It's far from Tian'anmen Square. We went there by bus. The Great Wall is very long. We stayed in a big hotel near the Great Wall . It was nice. We went shopping on Sunday. I enjoyed the trip. (  ) 1. We went to Beijing ________. A. by bus   B. last weekend C. last Sunday (   ) 2. I saw________at Tian'anmen Square. A. some kites B. some people C. many kites and many people (  ) 3. We went to the Great Wall ________. A. on Sunday  B. by bus C. on foo t (  ) 4. We stayed in a ________ at night. A. bus B. shop C. big hotel (  ) 5. I ________ this trip. A. liked   B. didn't like [来源:Z&xx&k.Com] C. hate 十一、

doc文档 2021-2022年人教PEP版英语六年级下册Unit2Last weekend核心素养单元检测A卷(含听力材料和答案)

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