外研版六年级上 Module3 词汇专项达标检测卷 一、根据图片补全单词。(10 分) 1.      2. b__c__cl__ 4.     l__tt__r  3. st__mp     5. h__bb__ to__ 二、选择正确的单词,并用其正确形式填空。(10 分)  Tell,  fly,  have,  send,  go   1.I like ______________ kites. What about you?  2. Amy is ______________an email to her parents.   3. Let's ______________ to the restaurant now.   4. Can you ______________ me more about your family?  [来源:学科网] 5. Jim ______________ got some pictures of his school. 三、从下列每组词汇中选出不同类的一项。(10 分)  (  )1. A. the West Lake B. the Great Wall  C. library D. Big Be  (  )2. A. west   B. south    C. postcard  D. east  (  )3. A. beautiful    B. old    C. right    D. kilometre  (  )4. A. thousand    B. something   C. hundred    D. million  (  )5. A. map    B. star    C. country     D. tell 四、用括号内单词的适当形式完成下列句子。(10 分) 1. They hav e got some pandas on ________ (they). 2. ________ (play) computer games is my hobby. 3. Look! These are some photos of ________ (I) car. 4. These ________ (stamp) are from the UK. 5. We all love our ________ (hobby). 五、选择题.(10 分) ) 1.Is there a letter me? ( A.for B.to C.by  2. _______is my hobby.  ( A.Reading B.read ) C.reads  3.These are some stamps ______China. ( A.with  B.of  C .to  [来源:Zxxk.Com] ) 4.This stamp ha s got a picture of panda _______it. ( ) A.at  B.on  C.in  5.They are famous   _______        . ( A.man  B.woman )  C.people  6.---Is there a letter for me? ( )---  ______                 .  A.No, there is.  B.Yes, there are.  C.Yes, there is.  7.These are some photos  _______   my bicycle. ( A.of  B.on  C.in  8.Have you  _______   any pictures? ( A.gets  B.got B.ride B.you  [来源:学§科§网 Z§X§X§K] )  C.riding  10.What's _______hobby? ( A.I  )  C.get  9.I like  _______   a bicycle. ( A.rideing  ) ) C.your 六、根据提示写出所缺单词 (10 分)  1、 Where are you going this __________ ?(o i n m r g n )  2、 I’m going to the ____________.(b o k o r e s o t)  3、 What are you going to ________ ?(y u b)  4、 I’m going to buy a _________(m i c o c) book.  5、 What are you ________ to do ? (n i g o g) 七、选出下面各组单词中划线部分字母读音不同的单词 (10 分)  (  ) 1. A. path  B. father  C. apple  D. asking  (  ) 2. A. nut  B. put  C. thumb  D. must  (  ) 3. A. supermarket B. sun  C.  run  D. hungry  (  ) 4. A. can.  B. family C. fat  D. bathroom [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] 八、单词(10 分)  1. 收集________ 2. 邮票________ 3. 爱好________ 4. 那些________ 5. 从…________ 6. 著名的________ 7. 男人(复数)________ 8. 女人(复数)________ 9. 一些________10. 信________  九、名词变复数(10 分) 1 box __________2 bus _________ 3 watch __________ 4 brush __________ 5 orange __________ 6 page ___________ _ 7 hero________8 kilo _________ 9 tomato _________  10 hippo(河马) _________ 十、 看图回答。 (10 分) run snow row a boat play football skip 1 What is he doing? 2 What are they doing? He is_____________________. They are ____________________. (1) 3 What will they do on Monday? (2) 4 It will____________ tomorrow. They will______________ . 十一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10 分)   1. Look! He is w_______to school.  2 . The bell is r _______  . Go and have a look.  3. We are going to have a birthday p _______ for him.  4. Don’t be shy. Please sing l _______         .  5. He is playi ng football for the third t _______              . 参考答案 一、1. i; y; e 2. e; e 3. a 4. o; y 5. y 二、1. flying 2. sending 3. go 4. tell 5. has 三、1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 四、1. them 2. Playing 3. my 4. stamps 5. hobbies [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 五、AABBC CABCC 六、morning bookst ore buy micro going 七、A B A D 八、collect stamp hobby those from famous men women some Letter 九、boxes,buses,watches,brus hes,oranges,pages, heroes, kilos,tomatoes,hippos  十、playing football running row a boat snowy 十一、1.hear 2.is drawing 3.are singing 4.is having  5. is listening

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