Unit 3 A healthy diet 健康的饮食 (单元测试) 2021-2022 学年英语六年级下册-译林版 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.Sweet food is not good for our ________. A.tooth B.teeth C.toothes D.a tooth C.to drink D.drank 2.—Do you want ________ a glass of water? —Yes, I do. A.drink B.drinking 3.My uncle has a ________ diet. He eats a few eggs every week. A.healthy B.health C.sad D.hungry 4.We should eat ________ vegetables and fruit every day. They are good ________ our health. A.a lot of; for B.much; for C.few; in D.a few; on 5.My mum ________ some bread and milk for breakfast. A.have B.has C.had D.having C.ate D.eating C.at D.on C.tomatos D.a tomato 6.Tom likes ________ sweets and cakes. A.eat B.eats 7.—What do you eat ________ lunch? —Some noodles. A.for B.in 8.There aren’t any ________ in the basket. A.tomato B.tomatoes 9.There isn’t _______ food in the fridge. We need to buy some. A.a lot B.lot of C.few D.much C.go D.went 10.Lily _______ home with her sister Lucy now. A.is going B.goes 二、填空题 1.—Does Liu Tao have a ________(health) diet? —Yes, he does. 2.I like eating some ________(noodle) and ________(rice). 3.There are some ________(potato) in the basket. 1.My parents are _____ (cook). 5.My mother can _____ (make) sweets for us. 三、翻译题 1.We need a big bag for our picnic. (英译汉) ______________________________ 2.Did Amy eat all the chocolate? (英译汉) ______________________________ 3.How many do you want? (英译汉) ________________________ 4.We can eat some now! (英译汉) ______________________________ 5.It’s next to the house. (英译汉) ______________________________ 四、句型转换 1.We can have a rest. (改为一般疑问句) _______ _______ have a rest? 2.Su Yang has a few apples every week.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ _______ Helen _______ every week? 3.I’d like to take some bread.(同义句转换) I _______ to _______ some bread. 4.There isn’t much food in the fridge.(改为肯定句) There _______ _______ food in the fridge. 5.Jack sees some drinks.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ Jack _______? 五、情景交际 1.早上上学前你和奶奶告别,可以说: A. This is my grandma. B. Hello, Grandma. C. Goodbye, Grandma. 2.你和朋友一起去动物园,你想让他和你一起去看猴子,你会对他说:_________ A. Let’s go and see pandas. B. Let’s go and see monkeys. C. Let’s climb the mountains. 3.当妈妈说:“Don’t shout. Your father is sleeping now.”你会回答:_________ A. I’m sorry. I won’t. B. Let’s go. C. That’s OK. 4.同学正在图书室里喝东西,你和他说:_______ A.Don't drink. B.No eating or drinking in the library. C.Please drink something. 5.鼓励朋友勇敢地试一试,可以说: A. Have a try! B. Don’t be sad. C. You’re wonderful! 六、阅读理解 在括号内填入(T/F) Last Sunday I went to the supermarket with my parents. We walked there. On the way, we met John. He went to the supermarket, too. John and I are in the same class. In the supermarket, we bought lots of food, including two bags of sweets, two kilos of noodles, five cakes and so on. And John bought a book about animals for his sister. 1.( )Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents. 2. ( )We went to the supermarket by bus. 3. ( )John and I are classmates. 4. ( )John and his parents went to the supermarket, too. 5. ( )John and I bought many books. 参考答案 一 1.答案:B 2.答案:C 3.答案:A 4.答案:A 5.答案:B 6.答案:D 7.答案:A 8.答案:B 9.答案:D 10.答案:A 二 1.答案:healthy 2.答案:noodles rice 3.答案:potatoes 4.答案:cooks 5.答案:make 三 1.答案:我们野餐需要一个大包。 2.答案:Amy 吃完了所有的巧克力吗? 3.答案:你想要多少? 4.答案:我们现在可以吃一些! 5.答案:它紧挨着房屋。 四 1.答案:Can you 2.答案:How many apples 3.答案:want take 4.答案:is much 5.答案:What does 五 1.答案:C 2.答案:B 3.答案:A 4.答案:B 5.答案:A 六 答案:1-5 FFTFF see does have

doc文档 Unit 3 A healthy diet 健康的饮食 (单元测试)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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