Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 狮子和老鼠(单元测试) 2021-2022 学年英语六年级下册-译林版 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.Sam hit Bobby's head _______. A.hardly B.quick C.hard 2.I can bite the apple ________my sharp teeth. A.with B.for C.of 3.You can find many animal stories in________. A.Aesop’s B.Aesop C.Aesop’s Fables 4.They ________kites in the park last Saturday. A.fly B.flyed C.flew 5.Listen! The little baby is________. A.crying B.shouted C.cry 6.________, they went to school together. A.From on B.From that on C.From then on 7.We should keep ________and speak ________in the library. A.quietly; quietly B.quiet; quietly C.quietly; quiet 8.The bear ________not ________out from the net. A.can; got B.could; got C.could; get 9.The mouse made a big hole ________the net. A.on B.in C.at 10.The boy became _______. A.happily B.happy C.excitedly 二、填空题 为下列英语短语找到它的中文朋友,将序号填在括号中。 A.吵醒狮子 B.出来 C.就在那时 D.成为朋友 E. 放走老鼠 F. 既大又强壮 1.very large and strong ______ 2.wake the lion up ______ 3.get out ______ 4.let the mouse go ______ 5.just then ______ 6.become friends ______ 三、改错题 选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在题后的横线上将其改正。 1. ( ) Look at is crying sad the man. He .__________________________ A B C stay read last night at home and books .__________________________ A B C 2. ( )My father 3. ( )My mother 4. ( )I 5. ( )You can wakes on every morning me .__________________________ A B C go shopping mum with my last Sunday. __________________________ A B C find animals stories book many in this .__________________________ A B C 四、翻译题 1.今早他看起来很伤心。 He ________very ________this morning. 2.狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬洞,但是那没有什么帮助。 The lion ________the net ________his sharp teeth, but ________did not________. 3.Billy and Willy are good at table tennis. ________________ 4.They bring some water and pour it into the hole. __________________ 5.From then on, they became good friends. ________________ 五、词汇互译 英汉互译。 1.一头狮子和一只老鼠________________ 2.又小又弱____________ 3.伤心地问______________ 4.走过我的房子___________ 5.下一个洞______________ 6.就在那时_______________ 7.pour the milk into the glass__________ 8.animal fables____________ 六、阅读理解 阅读理解, 判断正(T)误(F)。 Once there lived a wolf in the forest. Every day he went to look for food. There were many sheep and deer in the forest. They were all afraid of him. One day the wolf saw a group of sheep. He tried to catch them to eat. The father sheep and the mother sheep stood together to fight against him. So the wolf could do nothing. Later, the sheep had a quarrel. They each went away alone(独自). When the wolf saw this, he was happy. He caught them to eat one by one. At last, he ate all the sheep. 1. __________The wolf looked for food every day. 2. __________The deer were afraid of the wolf. 3. __________All the sheep fought against the wolf. 4. __________The moral(寓意) is that unity(团结) is strength(力量). 参考答案 一 1.答案:C 2.答案:A 3.答案:C 4.答案:C 5.答案:A 6.答案:C 7.答案:B 8.答案:C 9.答案:B 10.答案:B 二 答案:1-6 FABECD 三 答案:1. C sadly 2.A stayed 3.B up 4.A went 5.B animal stories 四 1.答案:looked sad 2.答案:bit with that help 3.答案:擅长于 4.答案:把它倒入洞里 5.答案:从那时起 五 答案:1.a lion and a mouse 2.small and weak 3.ask sadly 4.walk by my house 5.the next hole 6.just then 7.把牛奶倒进玻璃杯里 8.寓言故事 六 答案:1-4 T T F T

doc文档 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 狮子和老鼠(单元测试)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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