英语四年级上册练习 ( )1.My family    three people. A. have ( B. has C. is )2.—    is her father’s job? —Her father is a teacher. A. How ( B. What C. Who )3.—Who are they? —   A. They are my parents. B. My name’s Lucy. C. He’s my brother. ( )4.—Is this your baby brother? —   A. No, I’m not. ( C. Yes, she is. )5.Let's ________ TV! A. watch ( B. No, it isn’t. B. to watch C. watching )6.-is the classroom? --It's on the second floor. A. What B. Where C.How ( )7.--________ it is now? --It's four o'clock. A.What ( B. Where )8.They ________ many pencils. A. has ( B. have B. have C.are )10.Miss Green ________ short black hair. A.have ( C. are )9.She ________ a beautiful notebook. A. has ( C. What time B.has C.having )11.—Where's my pen? —It's ________. A.a book ( B.on the desk C.blue )12.I see ________ “A”. A.the B.a C.an ( )13.What’s ______ the classroom? A. in B. on C. under ( )14.I can see many ______ and chairs. A. desk B. desk’s C. desks ( )15.---Where is the bag? --- _________________ A. It’s in the desk B. It’s a desk. C. It’s so big. ( )16. We ___ a new classroom. A. are B. have C.has ( )17. ---Look at my new picture. ---_________________ A. Thank you. B. Wow! It’s very nice. C. Sorry. ( )18. Let ____ help you. A. they ( C.she )19.Jane is ________ the living room. A.at ( B. me B.in C.on )20.—________ is your mother? —She's in the kitchen. A.What ( B. bed room C. study )22.Look! The keys are______the door. A. of ( C.Who )21.Go to the______. Read a book. A. living room ( B.Where B. in )23.---______is my pen? C. at ---It’s in your hand. A. Where ( )24.I A. have ( B. What a new friend. B. has B. What’s C. Who’s B. chinese C. China B. has C. is )30.My friend has a green bag    blue glasses. A. or ( C. His name )29.John    a big mouth. A. have ( B. He )28.Mr Zhang is my    teacher. A. Chinese ( C. is )27.    her name? A. What ( B. has )26.I have a good friend.    is a boy. A. She ( C. Is )25.She    a nice schoolbag. A. have ( C. Who B. and )31.    is she? C. too A. That ( B. Who )32.My friend Mike    thin. A. are ( B. is B. I B. am C. is )35.Look______the bedroom. A. at ( C. Her )34.Your glasses______on the sofa. A. are ( C. am )33.    name is Chen Jie. A. He ( C. who B. to C. in )36.---Is she in the kitchen? ---__________. A. No, she is ( B. Yes, he is C. Yes, she is )37.—Is Ted in the classroom 3? —________ A.No, he is. ( B.Yes, she does. C.Yes, he is. )38.Where ________ the pens? A.is B.am C.are ( )39.—Are they near the table? —________. A.Yes, it is B.No, they are C.Yes, they are ( )40. ____ near the window. A. It’s B.It C.Is ( )41.---What’s this? ---It’s an ____. A.bee B.egg C.dog ( )42. Turn ____ the light, please! A. in B. under C. on ( )43. The chairs ____ yellow. A. are ( B.is C.my )45.Open the ________. A.light ( C.at )44.Let ________ clean the fish bowl. A.me ( B.is B.door )46.—________ in the classroom? —Many desks and chairs. C.chair A.Where's B.How's C.What's ( )47.Jack's shoes ________ blue. A.is ( B.am C.are )48.—________ his name? —Bob. A.Who's ( B.His C.He's )50.Is ________ your mother? A.he ( C.How's )49.She is tall and thin.________ name is Lily. A.Her ( B.What's B.she C.it )51.—I’d like some vegetables, please. —OK.    A. You’re welcome. B. Here you are. C. Pass me the fork. ( )52.—    would you like for dinner? —I’d like some rice and fish. A. Who B. What C. Where ( )53.I am hungry. What’s    dinner? A. for ( B. and )54.    yourself.( A. Make ( C. at ) B. Like C. Help )55.—________ pencils do you have? —Five. A.How old ( B.How many C.How much )56.—Is this your bag? —________ A.No, she isn't. ( B.Yes, she is. C.No, it isn't. )57.—What's ________ job? —She's a nurse. A.she ( C.her )58.How many ________ do you have? A.eggs ( B.his B.milk C.chicken )59.He works in a school. He is a ________. A.farmer B.teacher C.doctor

docx文档 期末选择题练习(试题)-2021-2022学年英语四年级上册

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