外研版四年级上期末选择及配对专项达标检测卷 一、单项选择。 ( )1. I’m _______ soya milk .  A. playing  B. drink  C. drinking  ( )2. He is _____a boat.  A. rowing  B. rows  C. row  ( )3. _____are they doing?  A. Who  B. What  C. Where  ( )4. Look _____the people _____the park.  A. at, on  B. on, in  C. at, in  ( )5. They  _____ drinking soya milk .  A. is  B. am  C. are  ( )6.Do you want some _____ ?    A. noodle          B. noodles      C. dumpling    ( )7.How much ______ it?      A. am          B .is          C. are  ( ) 8.  Do you want some rice? Yes, _______  .      A. thank you          B .please         C. OK ( ) 9.The pen    _______ three yuan.   A . am    B .is  C.are  ( )10. Ten yuan  _______ ten .         A.at            B.of            C.for 二、单项选择。 1. It's 8______.  A . o'clock  B . clock  C . oclock  2.My mother ______ to London last year.  A . go  B . went  C . goes  3.September 10th is _______.  A . Teachers' Day  B . Teacher's Day C . teachers' day  4. I ___________ my key.  A . rice  B . lost  C . it  5. They sing and dance  _______Sunday.  A . in      B . on      C . to     6. A: Are _________ your books?  B: Yes, _______ are. A . this; they      B . these; they      C . this; we     7. We are _______  front  of a tall building.  A . in     B . on    8. It _______ a mule!    C . to     [来源:Z。xx。k.Com] A . look like      B . looks likes      C . looks like     9. We __________ a watermelon yesterday.  A . buy     B . buyed      C . bought     10. She _________ to be a movie maker when she grows  up.  A . want     B . want s     C . wanted     三、单项选择。 ( )1. —Do you want some cake? —________. A. No,I ca n't  B. No,thank you   (  )2. Please give ________ some sweets. A. me B. I C. my (  )3. Happy birthday ________ Amy. A. to B. in C. on [来源:Z*xx*k.Com] C. Yes,I can (  )4. Can I have ________ fruit? A. some B. a lot C. an (  )5. Mum,I can't see. It's too dark. Okay,________the light. A. turn on B. turn left C. turn right (  )6. —I'm hungry. Can I have some bread? —________. A. Yes,I can B. Sorry,you can C. Yes,you can 四、单项选择。 1.She didn’t ______ a duck. ( ) A. See B. saw C. to see 2.Long, long ago, there ______ a good boy. ( ) A. Were B. are C. was 3.The bad man we nt ______ sea in ship. ( ) A. on B. in [来源:学科网] C. to 4.He was bad ______ the girls and broke their toys. ( ) A. With B. to C. for 5.The magic paintbrush didn’t _____ him. It only ______ Ma Liang. ( ) A. help; helped B . help; help C. helped; help 6.________ did she come back from London? ( ) A.When B.Where C.What 7.Can I have ________ juice? ( ) A.some B.a C.an 8.When did he ________ back? ( ) A.Come B.coming C.came 9.—Can you play football? ( ) —Yes, I ________. A.have B.can C.do 10.Do you ________ some milk? ( ) A.want B.want’s C.has 五、单项选择題。 1. Can you run_____________? ---Yes, I can. A. fast B. food C. well 2.I’m the __________. You can’t run fast. A. people B. one 3.---Can A.sing 4.I [来源:学科网 ZXXK] you __________far, Amy? ( ) ---Yes, I can. B.smile C.jump can jump high. Can you? ( ) A.Yes, I can. B.Yes, I can’t. 5.---Sam, A.fast A.a A.jumps 8.Lingling A.can 9.Sam C.an you _____far, Sam? ( ) B.jumping C.jump _____jump very far. ( ) B.cans C.is caning can`t _____ chess. ( ) B.plaies ---No, I can’t. C.good Sam can jump _____high. B.very 7.Can C.No, I can. can you ride______? ( ) B.up 6.Look, A.plays C. winner C.play ( ) 10.--- _____ swim? ( ) ---Yes, I can. A.Do you B.Can you C.Are you 六、配对 ( )1、Do you want some noodles ( )2、Can you ride fast B、She is talking to her f riend. ( )3、What is she doing C、No, thank you. ( )4、Where is the park D、Yes, you can. ( )5、Can I have some cake A、It’s next to the zoo. E、Yes, I can 七、为下列问句选择正确的答语(连线) ( )1、Do you want some noodles ( )2、Can you ride fast B、She is talking to her friend. ( )3、What is she doing C、No, thank you. ( )4、Where is the park D、Yes, you can. ( )5、Can I have some cake A、It’s next to the zoo. E、Yes, I can. 八、选择正确的词组,将序号写在前面的括号里。 ( )1. fast food  ( )2. drink soya milk  A.打太极拳 B.快餐 ( )3. make dumpling  C.划龙舟 ( )4. do Taijiquan                D.喝豆浆 ( )5. row a dragon boat          E.包饺子 九、找出与所给句子相匹配的答句。 a. I’m fine. b. Yes, I can. d. He is making cakes. c. No, thank you. e. Yes, I have. 1.What is he doing? (______) 2.Do you want some water? (______) 3.Have you got a pen? (______) 4.Can you draw a dragon? (______) 5.How are you? (

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