外研版六年级上册期末基础达标综合检测卷 一、英 汉配对 lucky( ) come out of( arould( ) close( ) long ago( ) often( ) stop( ) should( ) all ) 二、找出不同类的单词。 ( )1. A. actor B. father C. teacher D. cleaner ( )2. A. cloud B. rain C. Sun D. seed ( )3. A. classroom B. bookstore C. salesperson D. shoe store ( )4. A. bus B. foot C. plane D. subway ( )5. A. east B. west C. straight D. south 三、按要求写词 1. teacher(复数)___________ 2. new(反义词)________ 3. there(同音词)____________ 4. same(反义词)_________ 5. have(第三人称单数)__________ 四、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。 peace all around present bamboo fantastic 1、There are flags from _________ the world. 2、What a _______ present! 3、They want to bring ________ to the world. 4、Pandas love ________. 5、I want to show Daming the _______ from China 五、根据所给的汉语,填适当的词,使句意完整、正确。 1. His kite_________ (飞) higher than all of us . 2. October _________(到来)after September. 3.Please get these _________(老鼠)out of my house . [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 4. This is a photo of her family. May I have one of ______(你的)? 5.W e often use _________(耳机) to listen to the radio 六、单项选择。 ( )1、Simon has got some chopsticks, ____ they are difficult. A、and B、but C、or ( )2、Pandas eat ____ twelve hours a day. A、for B、to C、on ( )3、She sometimes ____ the classroom after school. A、clean B、cleans C、cleaning ( )4、I want to _____ the UN building someday. A、visit B、visits C、visiting ( )5、______a fantastic present! A、How B、Where C、What D、That ( )6、I want______go to the park. A、 do B、in C、with D、to ( )7、Not really, I______a long time ago. A、stop B、stops C、stoped D、stoppe d ( )8、Do you often play ______dolls? A、in B、with C、for D、of ( )9、______you want to go inside? A、Does B、Did C、Are D、Do ( )10、Lily sometimes______ the blackboard. A、talks B、walk C、cleans D、reads 七、根据图片或汉语提示完成句子或对话。 [来源:Z#xx#k.Com] 1. In this photo,Li Ying ________ ________ ________ _____ ___. 2. Simon can write stories ________ ________(用汉语). 3. —________ you ________ a ________ ________ ________? —Yes,I have. 4. ________ ________ is my hobby. 5. Lucy ________ to ________ a ________. 八、给问句选择合适的答语 A.Collecting stamps is my hobby. B.It’s in the east of China. C.Not very often. E.No, I can’t. D.Linda can. ( )1、Where’s Shanghai? ( )2、What’s your habby? ( )3、Do you often play with dolls? ( )4、Can you speak French? ( )5、Who can be your pen friend? 九、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Lucy:Look,Lingling. There is a baby dog. It's lovely. Lingling:1. ________ Lucy:It's sleeping. Lingling:That is the mother dog. Lucy:What is she doing? [来源:学科网] Lingling:2. ________How lovely! Lucy:Yes,and I can see a monkey. Can you see it? Lingling:3. ________ Lucy:What is it doing? Lingling:4. ________ Lucy:Look!There are many fish in the river. What are they doing? Lingling:5. ________ A. It's eating a banana. B. What is it doing? C. Yes,it's in the tree. D. They're swimming. E. She is looking at the baby dog. 十、连词成句。 1. from, it, our, far, is, school ( ? ) _____________________________________________ 2. must, you, rules, the, know, traffic ( . ) _____________________________________________ 3. go , to, does, your, mother, how, work ( ? ) ____________________________________________ [来源:学科网] 4. happy, am, pen pal , a, I, to, have ( . ) ____________________________________________ 5. Shanghai, does, in, pen pal, your, live ( ? ) ____________________________________________ 十一、阅读短文,判断正误 。 Hello, my name is Li Ming. I am a boy. I am eleven years old. Now let me tell you something about my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister, and I. My father lik es January and February. I like Oc tober. I don’t like January and February . It’s cold today. ( )1. Li Ming is twelve years old. ( )2.There are four people in his family. ( )3. His father likes January and March. ( )4. It’s hot today. ( )5.He doesn`t like January. 参考答案 一、幸运的; 从......出来;很久以前;停止;应该;到处,遍 及;关闭;经常 [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 二、BDCBC 三、teachers old their different has 四、1、all around 2、fantastic 3、peace 4、bamboo 5、present 五、flies comes mice yours earphones 六、 BABAC 6-10 DDBDC 七、1. is playing table tennis 2. in Chinese 3. Have; got; book about China 4. Collecting stamps 5. wants; be; nurse 八、BACED 九、1. B  2. E  3. C  4. A  5. D 十、1.Is it far from our school? 2.You must know the traffic rules 3 .How does your mother go to work? 4.I am happy to have a pen pal? 5.Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? 十一、FTFFT

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