2021 年译林版四年级下册英语 Unit7 词汇专项检测卷 一、按提示的中文和英文单词填空。 1.Drink _______(any) juice. 2.This is Mrs Smiths _______. (speak) 3.I can't draw pictures, because my hands _______. (hurt) 4.He's _______(开心的) now. 5.Are you _______? (生病的) 二、词组翻译 (1)喝些水________ (2)吃个蛋糕________ (3)一头饥饿的老虎________ (4)又热又渴________ (5)一个快乐的女孩________ (6)晚安。________ (7)我不累。________ (8)他很开心。 ________ (9)Don't be sad.________ (10)她生病了。 ________ 三、根据首字母提示,补全下面的句子。 1.Bob is in the zoo. He likes animals. He is very h _________. 2.—I’m t _________. —Here is a chair for you. 3.—It’s cold. Here’s a s _________ for you. —Thank you. 4.Mary is t _________. Can she have some water? 5.I am i _________ today. I can’t go to school. 四、英汉互译 [来源:学科网 ZXXK] (1)have some coffee _______ _ (2)What's the matter? ________ (3)show me your book __ ______ (4)Are you all right? ________ (5)晚安 ________ [来源:学科网] 五、所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.This is Mr. Green ________. ( speak) 2.My father ________ (want) to go fishing this weekend. (周末) 3.I________ (can) draw pictures, because(因为) my hands ________. (hurt) 4.It's a ________ (sun) day. Let's go and make ________. (pie) 5.Don't be sad. Listen to ________ (any) music now. 六、选词填空。 am is are some any a an 1. Who _______ the boy under the tree? 2. Can I have _______ juice? 3. He _______ not hot. 4. You can have _______ apple. 5. I _ ______ cold. 6. Do you have _______ hamburgers? 7. Tom and Tim _______ hot. 8. Can I have _______ pie? 七、词组翻译。 1.喝些水____________________________ 2.吃个蛋糕______________________ 3.一头饥饿的老虎____________________ 4.又热又渴______________________ 5.一个快乐的女孩____________________ 6.晚安。________________________ 7. 我不累。______________________ 8.他很开心。 ____________________ 9. Don’t be sad.___________________ 10.她生病了。 ____________________ 八、补全单词,并在括号内写出相应的中文 . 1.t __ __ed ( ) 2.li __ t __ n  ( 3.th __ __ st( ) 4.h_ngr__ ( 5.w __ te __ ( ) ) ) 九、英汉互译。( 1.一些水 _________      2.have a pie _________ 3.又累又渴 _________ 4.Here you are. _________ 5.一个开心的男孩 _________ 6.Good night . _________ 7.上床睡觉 _________ 8.What’s the matter? _________ 9.两块蛋糕 _________ 10.Are you sad? _________ 十、按所给单词填空 1. What’s the matter with _______(she) ? 2. Is_______(he) all right ? [来源:学科网] 3._______(not eat) any ice creams in summer. 4. It’s too cold, _______(drink) some warm water. 5.What’s the mater with _______(the y) ? [来源:学|科|网] [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 答案 一、1.some; 2.speaking;3. hurt;4. happy;5.sick 二、 (1)drink some water(2)eat a cake(3)a hungry tiger(4)hot and thirsty(5)a happy girl(6)Good night(7)I am no t tired. (8)He is very happy. (9)不要伤心 (10)She is ill. 三、1.happy 2.tired 3.sweater(答案不唯一)4.thirsty 5.ill 四、(1)喝一些咖啡(2)怎么了?(3)给我看你的书 (4)你还好吗?(5)good night 五、speaking ;wants ;can't;hurt ;sunny;pies ; some 六、1. is 2. some 3. is 七、1. drink some water girl 6. Good night. 4. an 2. eat a cake 7. I am not tired. 5. am 6. any 3. a hungry tiger 7. a 4. hot a nd thirsty 5. a happy 8. He is very happy. 9. 不要伤心。 10. She is ill. 八、1.ir;累的;2.s;e;听; 3.i;r 口渴的; 4.u;y 饥饿的;5.a r;水; 九、1.some water 2.吃一个馅饼 3.tired and thirsty 4.给你。 5.a happy bo y 6.晚安。7.go to bed 8.怎么了?9.two cakes 10.你伤心吗? 十、them;he;Don’t;Drink;them

doc文档 【最新】【单元专项】译林三起 四年下册英语 Unit 7 What‘s the matter?词汇(含答案)

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【最新】【单元专项】译林三起 四年下册英语 Unit 7 What‘s the matter?词汇(含答案) 第 1 页 【最新】【单元专项】译林三起 四年下册英语 Unit 7 What‘s the matter?词汇(含答案) 第 2 页 【最新】【单元专项】译林三起 四年下册英语 Unit 7 What‘s the matter?词汇(含答案) 第 3 页 【最新】【单元专项】译林三起 四年下册英语 Unit 7 What‘s the matter?词汇(含答案) 第 4 页 【最新】【单元专项】译林三起 四年下册英语 Unit 7 What‘s the matter?词汇(含答案) 第 5 页
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