2021 年译林三起版四年级上册期末词汇检测卷(四) 一、选出不同类的一项。 (  ) 1. A. bag B. pen (  ) 2. A.eat B. get C. lik e (  ) 3. A. in B. yes C. under (  ) 4. A. cake C. dog B. lion D. crayon D. on C. horse D. behind D. cat (  ) 5. A. panda B. monkey C. animal D. elephant 二、短语互译。 1. 看一看_________ 2.our fruit salad_________ 3.十三个苹果_________ 4.very beautiful_________ 5.一只可爱 的熊猫 _________ 三、从下列单词中找出不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.milk B. noodles ( )2.A.orange B. mango ( )3.A.rice ( )4.A .glass B. door C.window ( )5.A.jump B. skate C.swim B. tea C.tea D.juice C.apple C.pie D.cake 四、选择正确的词填空。 king Look Her can D.coffee fat [来源:Zxxk.Com] (1)The snowman is ________. (2)The robot ________ walk an d jump. D.table D.home [来源:学科网] [来源:学科网] (3)________ doll is nice. (4)________ at my new doll. (5)The monkey is a __ ______. 五、在括号内选择所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I have five ___________ (sandwich sandwiches). 2. I’d like some ___________ (fish fishes)for lunch. 3. Do you have ___________ (some any)cats? No, I don’t have ________ (some any)cats. 4. Here’s ___________ ( a an ) ice cream for you. 5. Can you ___________ ( jumps jump )? Yes, I can. 6. Helen, this is ___________ ( I my ) sister, Su Yang.Nice to meet you. 7. How ___________ (is am are ) you? I’m OK, thank you. 六、根据首字母提示补全单词,完成对话。 A: Look at these oranges. 1.T________ are nice. B: Are these 2.y________ oranges? A: Yes, they 3.a________. B: How many 4.o________ do you have? A: I have nine oranges. Would you like one? B: 5.Y________, please. 七、读下列句子,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I have five_______(sandwich). 2.I'd like some__ ___(noodle) for lunch. 3.I don't have_____(some) cats. 4.–Can you______(jump)? —Yes, I can. 5.Here is______(a) ice cream for you. 八、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This toy panda is f___ _ Jim. [来源:学#科#网] 2. W_______ the twins? In the classroom. 3. That is _________(you) toy horse. 4. I like toy_______ (bus) . 5. What are________ (that)? 九、按要求写词 1.that(对应词) ____________ 2.man(对应词) _______________ 3.she(对应词)____________ 4.monkey(复数形式)_____________ 5.this(复数形式)____________ 6.are(单数形式) ____________ 7.don’t(完整形式)____________ 8.I’m(完整形式) ____________ 9.small(反义词)____________ 10.cute(同义词)____________ 十、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Her hair ______(be) long. 2.Her eyes _______(be) big. 3.How many _______(box) do you have? 4.These ______(robot) are cool! 5.Can you _____(jump)? 6.Let's _____(go) to school. 7.I have eighteen ______(sticker). 8.Do you like ______(panda)? 答案: 一、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 二、1. have a look 2.我们的水果沙拉 三、1.B 2.D 3.B 3. thirteen apples 4.A 5.D 四、(1)fat(2)can(3)Her(4)Look(5)king 4. 非常漂亮 5. a cute panda 五、1. sandwich es; 2.fish; 3.any, any; 4.an; 六、1.They  2.your 3.are 4.oranges 5.Yes 5.jump; 6.my; [来源:学科网] 七、1.sandwiches2.noodles3.any4.jump5.an 八、11. for 12. Where 13. your 14. buses 15. those 九、this woman he monkeys these is do not I am big lovely 十、1.is2.are3.boxes4. robots5.jump6.go7.stickers8.pandas 7.are.

docx文档 【词汇专项】2021年译林三起版四年级上册英语期末词汇检测卷(四)(含答案)

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