2021 年译林三起版六年级上册期末易错题检测 A 卷 一、英汉互译。 1.长城__________          2.假日乐趣__________          3.纸衣服__________         4.开始,最初__________         5.给你鱼__________         6.a fashion show__________         7.Summer Palace __________     8.pick an orange__________         9.great fun __________       10.go well__________         二、根据句子意思,填写单词 1.There’s a big g_____in front of my house. You can see many nice f____there. 2.My father often t____a story for me b______bedtime. 3.Finally, the frog t_____into a cool p_____. The girl lived with him happily. 4.A: Who’s the n_____one to sing? B: It’s my t_____. 5.I don’t have _____(some)skirts. 三、根据所给汉语填入适当的词,使句意完 整、正确。 1. It means the __________ (地面) is wet. 2. You can see a lot of people __________(在…周围) it. 3. Be __________(小心)! It means ‘Danger’. 4. She finds two new __________ (购物中心) [来源:学科网] 5. We can find many __________(标识) in the street. 四、选择题 1、(  )Don't sp eak. He's ________ stories. A.tells 2、( B.told )Don’t throw _______skins on the ground. A. a banana 3、( B. peach B. seeing B. on C. at D. to B. wasn’t C. didn’t )Spring Festival is a very important festival in________. A. China 8、( C. What )He _______ at school yesterd ay. A. isn’t 7、( B. Where )What are you going to do __________ Chinese New Year? A. in 6、( C. reading )-________is it today? -It’s Monday. A. What day 5、( C. bananas D. peaches )Are the students _____ the magazines in the library now? A. watching 4、( C.telling B. the UK C. Canada )Two days ago, my sister ____ her teacher. A.visiting B.visited C.visit D.visits 9、(  )Long long ago, a little boy _____ with his grandpa in an old town. A.live B.lives C.lived 10、(  )Clever Tom is from the farm. He can ________ an ice cream ________ his mum. A.make; for B.tell; to C.show; for 五、选出下列句中的错误并在横线上改正 ( )1. [Water] is[ using] [to] us. ________ A B C ( )2. [Let] [me] [drawing] the chickens. ________ A B ( C ) 3. They [should] [run] [in the street]. ________ A B ( ) 4. We [should] [save water] [protect] the Earth. ________ A ( C B C ) 5. Too [many] plastic is [bad] [for] our Earth. ________ A B C 六、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 许多年前,我们从商店买东西。 [来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K] We ________________from shops many years ________. 2.二十年前,他给他的朋友写信。 Tw enty years ________, he ________ letters ________ his friends. 3. 那时我的表弟不会走路,但现在他会 跑了。 Then my cousin ________walk, but now he ________     . 4.李女士喜欢在网上购物。 Mrs Li likes ________________on the Internet. 七、连词成句。 [来源:学科网] 1. love and protect , should, we, our Earth (.) ___________________________________________________________ 2. are, you, what places, to visit, going (?) ___________________________________________________________ 3. drink,always, a lot of water, every day, we(.) ___________________________________________________________ 4. a prince, the lion, turn into, did, at last (?) ___________________________________________________________ 5. the lion and the mouse, became, from the n on, friends(, .) _________________________________________________________ __ 八、按要求改写句子。 1.Now Betty can do many things. (用 two years ago 代替 now) Two years ago, Betty _________many things. 2.He used the telephone to call his friends. (改为否定句) He_________the telephone to call his friends. [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] 3.Zhao Ling could [read and write]. (对画线部分提问) _________ _________Zhao Ling_________? 4.Mike could write six years ago. (改为否定句) Mike _________write six years ago. 5.school he  m ade at then friends ( . ) (连词成句) _____________________________________________   答案: [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 一、1.Great Wall 2.holiday fun 3.paper clothes 4.at first 5.give you the fish  6.一场时 装表演 7 .颐和园 8.摘一个橙子 9.很有趣 10.进展顺利 二、1.garden 三、floor; flowers around; 2.tells before 3.turned careful; prince 4.next shopping centres; turn 5.Any signs 四 1、C 2、C 3、C 4、A 5、C 6、B 7、A 8、B 9、C 10、A 五、1. B useful 2. C draw 3 . A shouldn’t 4. C to protect 5. A much 六、1.bought things; ago 2.ago; wrote; to 3. couldn’t; can run 4.doing shopping 七、1、We should love and protect our Earth. 2、What places are you going to visit? 3、We always drink a lot of water every day. 4、D id the lion turn into a prince at last ? 5、From then on,the lion and the mouse became friends. 八、1.could do 2.didn’t use 3.What could; do 4.couldn’t  5.He made friends at school then.

docx文档 【期末专项】2021年译林三起版六年级上册英语期末易错题检测A卷(含答案)

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