译林四上 期末易错题专练 语法类(选词填空、所给词适当形式填空、句型转换) 一、选词填空 1.I don't have ________ (some/ any) toy lions. 2.Would you like ________ (some/ any) eggs? 3.Do you have ________ (some/ any) pears? 4.Look at ______ __ (we/ our) T-shirt. They're nice. 5.Look at these toy________(animal / animals). 6.How many (ball / balls)do you have? 7.Look at my ________(sticker / stickers). It's lovely. 8.What about (she/ her)? 9.My father (have/ has) a football. 10.He can ________ (skate/ skates). 11.用 am, is, are 填空 (1)Where ________ my skirts? (2)I ________ hungry. (3)How ________ you? (4)It ________ in the living room. (5)They ________ on the bed. 12.Here _________(is/ are)some umbrellas. 13.I'd like some ___ ______(milk/ milks). 14.—Where's _________ ( she/ her ) fan? —It's here. [来源:学科网] 15.Here _________(is/ are)some candies for you. 16.The _________(pencil/ pencils)are in the pencil box. 17.选择正确的疑问词填空。 How much How What any (1)—________ dolls do you have? —I have three. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] What colour (2)—________ is the fan? —It's five yuan. (3)—________ are you? —I'm fine. (4)—________ is this? —It's an umbrella. (5)—________ is the shirt? —It's white. 18.His_________(soc k/ socks) are white. 19. (My/ I) mouth is small. 20.This is_________(we/ our) doll. 21.His_________(hair/ hairs) is short. 22.Her eyes_________(is/ are) big. 23.选词填空 A. How many B. How much C. Would D. What E. Ca n (1)—________ he skate? —Yes, he can. (2)—________ you like a sandwich? —Yes, please. (3)—________ are these? —They're lions. (4)—________ is this toy monkey? —Fifteen yuan. (5)—___ _____ umbrellas do you have? —Three. 二、所给词适当形式填空 24.—How many ________ (bird) can you see? —Five. 25.My sister________ (have) a football. 26.—Can Sam________ (skate)? —Sure. 27.Do you have ________ (some) bananas? 28.Look at the ________ (panda). They're cute. 29.This is ________ (I) school bag. 30.—What's that? —It's ________ (a) elephant. 31.How many ________ (apple) do you have? 32.________ (this) dolls are for Yang Ling. 三、句型转换 33.He likes dogs. (改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________ 34.I have three toy dogs.(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________ 35.I'd like some dumplings.(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________ 36.Do you like dogs? (做否定回答) [来源:学科网 ZXXK] __________________________________________ 37.I have some apples.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________ 38.I have some oranges. (改为单数句子) I have . 39.This is a mango. (改为复数句子) ________ are ________ ________. 40.I have some balls.(改为一般疑问句) ________ you have ________ balls? 41.I have sixteen eggs.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ eggs do you have? 42.I can play table tennis.(改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ play table tennis? 43.It's my toy car.(改为复数句子) ________ ________my toy ________. 44.My brother can swim well. (变一般疑问句) ____ __________________________________ ____ 45.She can play table tennis. (变否定句) ______________ ____________________________ 46.They are in the bedroom. (划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________? 47.It's in the living room. (变成一般疑问句) ________ ________ in the living room? 48.My bag is on the sofa.(划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ bag? 答案部分 一、选词填空 (3)How 32. These 1. any (4)What 三、句型转换 2. some (5)What colour 33. Does he like dogs? 3. any 4. our do you have? 19. My 5. animals 6. balls 35. What would you like? 20. our 36. No, I don't. 21. hair 7. sticker 37. Do you have any 22. are 8. her 23. (1)E 9. has (2)C 10. skate 11. (1)are 40. Do;any 41. How;many 二、所给词适当形式填 (4)is 空 (5)are 44. Can your brother 25. has swim well? [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] 14. her 15. are 16. pencils 17. (1)How many (2)How much 26. skate 27. any 28. panda 29. my 30. an 31. apples 42. Can;you 43. They;are;cars 2 4. birds 12. are 38. an;orange mangoes (5)A (3)are apples? 39. These;some; (3)D (4)B (2)am 13. milk 34. How many toy dogs 18. socks [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] 45. She can't play table tennis. 46. Where;are;they 47. Is;it 48. Where;is;your

docx文档 期末易错题专练 英语译林三起四年级上册 语法类(选词填空、所给词适当形式填空、句型转换)(含答案)

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