译林四上 期末易错题专练 阅读理解 1.根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 I have many toy animals. Look! This is a monkey. It is lovely. I like it very much. That's an elephant. It is big and strong. What are these? They're pigs. They're cute and fat. Where's my dog? Oh, it is under the table. (1)The toy monkey is _______. A.fat B.big C.cute (2)The elephant is _____. A.big B.strong C.big and strong (3)The pigs are _______. A.fat B.happy C.big (4)The dog is ______ the table. A.on B.under C.behind 2.阅读对话,判断正误。 Zip: What's your favourite fruit, Monkey? Monkey: I like apples. They're sweet. [来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] Rabbit: I like apples, too. But bananas are my favourite fruit. Zip: I like carrot juice. It's fresh and healthy. What about you, Zoom? Zoom: I like beef, but I'm heavy now. I have to eat vegetables. (1)Monkey doesn't like apples. Because they're sweet. (2)Rabbit's favourite fruit is bananas. (3)Rabbit likes pears very much. (4)Zip likes carrot juice. Because it's fresh and healthy. (5)Zoom is very heavy now. He likes beef. 3.根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。 There is a toy shop. It has twenty dolls. A doll is twenty-two yuan. And there are thirty soldiers in the shop. One soldier is twenty-five yuan. Tom is in the shop. He wants to buy a soldier for himself and a doll for his sister, Lucy. He has fifty yuan. Is his money enough? (1)The shop has twenty dolls. (2)The shop has twenty-two soldiers. (3)One soldier is thirty yuan. (4)Tom wants to buy a doll for Lucy. (5)Tom's money isn't enough. 4.阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。 I'm Zhang Peng. I like animals. Look! That is a rabbit(兔子). It's small. It has two long ears, and it has two red eyes. But that panda has two black eyes. I have a cat. It has two green eyes. I have black eyes. (1)The rabbit is small. (2)The panda has two red eyes. (3)The cat has two blue eyes. (4)The rabbit has two red eyes. (5)Zhang Peng has green eyes. 5.根据短文内容判断正误。 Mr Li is a good painter. He likes painting animals. One day he drew a beautiful dragon without eyes. Mr Zhou looked at the picture and said, "The dragon has no eyes. It isn't a good picture." But Mr Li smiled and said, "If I add eyes to the dragon, it will fly away." Mr Zhou shook (摇) his head and said," It is ridiculous (荒唐的)! I don't believe (相信) you." Mr Li wasn't angry. He held the paintbrush and added eyes to the dragon. The dragon really flew away. [来源:学|科|网] (1)Mr Li likes painting trees and flowers. (2)One day, Mr Li painted a dragon with beautiful eyes. (3)Mr Zhou didn't think the painting was a good one. (4)Mr Li didn't paint the eyes of the dragon because the dragon would fly away. (5)Mr Li is a liar(说谎的人). He is not a good man. 6. 阅读对话,完成表格。 Peter: How many books do you have, Mary? Mary: I have twenty books. Peter: How many pencils? Mary: Ten. Peter: How about you, Lisa? Lisa: I have twenty-eight books and four bags. Peter: How many pens do you have, Gao Wei? Gao Wei: I have twenty pens. And I have thirty pencils, too. Name Things Number Mary books twenty 5. ten books 6. 7. four pens twen ty pencils 9. Lisa 8. 7. 阅读短文,判断对错。 Hello! I'm Li Lei. I have a new friend. He's friendly and funny. He can speak English and Chinese. He can do some kung fu. He can play ping-pong. I can play ping-pong, too. We can play together. I can swim, but he can't swim. Who is he? Can you guess? Let me tell you, he is Robin the Robot! (1) Robin can speak English. (2) Robin can't play ping-pong. (3) Robin can't do any kung fu. (4) Robin can't swim. (5) Li L ei and Robin can play ping-pong together. 8. 快乐阅读,并根据短文内容判断正误。 This is Tom's room. In his room, you can see a big bed, a desk and a chair. There is a big window in the wall. The desk is near the window. On the desk there is a computer. He likes playing computer games. The chair is under the desk. There is a ball und er the chair. On the bed there is a bag and a teddy bear. Near the bed there is a cat. He likes his room. (1) There is a computer on the desk. (2) You can see a small bed in Tom's room. (3) Tom doesn't like playing computer games. (4) There is a ball under the bed. (5) Tom likes his room. 9. 阅读短文,判断正误。 Hi, I'm Pe ter. This is my room. It's clean and big. You can see a big bed in it. My football is under the bed. I usually play football on Sundays. Near (在……附近) the bed there is a desk. I often do my homework at it in the evening. You can see some books, a ruler, a pen on it. There is a chair near the desk. When I sit there, I can see the trees and flowers outside (外面) of the window. (1) Peter's room is not small. (2) The foot

docx文档 期末易错题专练 英语译林三起四年级上册 阅读理解(含答案)

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