译林版 2021 年最新小学英语六年级上下册语法综合练习(400 题含答 案) ------(适合六年级上、下册学生基础巩固练习) 一、按要求写词 1.sit(现在分词) 2.study(三单) 3.teacher(动词) 5.go(三单) 4.two(序数词) 6.right(同音词) 7.good(副词) 8.hobby(复数) 9.piano(复数) 10.children(名词所有格) 11.come(现在分词)__________ 12.get(现在分词)____________ 13.stop(-ing 形式)_________ 14.have(三单)___________ 15.pass(三单)____________ 16.carry(三单) __________ 17.Yang Ling(名词所有格)___________ 18.make(过去式)__________ 19.buy(过去式) _________ 21.three(序数词)___________ 23.I(名词性物主代词)________ 25.teachers(名词所有格)_________ 27.their(同音词)__________ 20.tooth(复数)__________ 22.twenty-two(序数词)________ 24.she(宾格)____________ 26.mouse(复数)_________ 28.study(过去式)__________ 29.buy(同音词)__________ 31.write(过去式) 33.fish(复数) 30.quick(副词)_____________ 32.fifth(基数词)__________ 34.wake 过去式) 35.play(过去式)_________ 36.fast(副词)_____________ 37.rain(形容词)__________ 38.third(基数词)__________ 39.zoo(复数) 41.he(形容词性物主代词) 40.take(过去式) 42.drive(名词) 43.watch(复数) 44.wife (复数) 45.get(过去式) 46.put(过去式) 47.happily(形容词)__________ 48.shelf (复数) 49.write(现在分词) 50.try(三单) 51.right(反义词) 52.small(反义词) 53.baby(复数) 54.he(宾格) 55.our(主格) 57.thirty-three(序数词) 59.library(复数) 二、用所给词的适当形式填空: 56.glass 眼镜(复数) 58.bad(副词) 60.look(现在分词) 1. The football under the table is________-(he). 2. Helen______________(visit) her grandparent on Sundays. 3. Did you__________ (watch) a film last week . 4. I'd like__________ (have) a party. 5. They are__________ (water) flowers at home . 6. We___________(milk) cows and picked apples on a farm . 7. There are many __________(peach) on those __________(shelf). 8. We are going to have two __________(party) this week. 9. The __________(child) in the park are having a good time. 10. This is the __________ (eleven) American stamps. 11. Helen's family_________ (be) at home last Sunday . 12. Please open_________ (they) for ________ (I ). 13. The new mirror(镜子) is___________ (she). 14. Jim likes___________ (watch) TV very much . 15. Miss Cook has some _________(sheep) and __________(cow). 16. Those ______(boy) have a lot of toy ________(bus) and toy________(plane). 17. How many __________(pupil 学生) are there in your class? 18. There are two __________(library) in our school. 19. Look, Yang Ling 20. The jacket fits me ( tell ) a story. ( good ). 21. I want 22. She often _________ (have) a rest at noon at home. 23. He ______________ (read) in the classroom now. 24. Children often 25. Look, they 26. 27. Mary What 28. ( play ) football with my friends.2·1·c·n·j·y _________ (play) in the park on Sundays. _________ (play) in the playground. ________ (go) to the cinema every Saturday. ( do ) you do three days ago? Those __________(woman) need some __________(food) 29. Look, There are two beautiful __________(watch) here. 30. Mum, it’s 31. Thursday is the 32. Did Su Hai ( sun ) today. Shall we go to the zoo? ( five ) day of the week. ( catch ) a bird with her father in the park? 33. All their __________(wife) are very angry 34. Those __________(baby) have some __________(tooth) now. 35. The _______(tomato) are expensive , but these _______(potato) are cheap. 36. My mother didn’t ( have ) a mobile phone four years ago. 37. My shoes are too small. I would like 38. It ( buy ) a new pair. ( be ) Sunday yesterday. 39. They_______ (go) to a farm on Christmas Day . 40. ________(do) Ben and Mike__________ (go) to school together ? 41. Su Yang is__________ (look) for______ (she) camera(相机) now . 42. I ____________ (watch) TV last night. 43. They __________ (plant) some trees last year. 44. We always ___________ (have) lunch at school. 45. Tom ___________ (like) Chinese food. 46. New Year's Day is__________ (come). 47. We_________(help) her with________ (do) housework just now . 48. She_________ (like)___________-(listen) to music. 49. Listen, Nancy ________ (laugh) in the dining-room. 50. They ______ (stay) in London for 3 days last year. 51. ______(do) you 52. ______ (have) a good rest last night. He _______ (have) a fever yesterday, but now he ______ (feel) better. 53. Five years ago, he ______(can) ride a bike. 54. Now Tom can do many _______(thing). 55. I _______(not have) a mobile phone now. 56. Mike’s grandpa likes _______(listen) to the radio. 57. My mother _______(work) hard every day. 58. Yang Ling __________ (wait) for the bus now. 59. Mr. Brown _____ (teach) us English last term. 60. Miss Li 61. I ______ (be) a student in 1976.

doc文档 语法时态综合练习(400题)(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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