连词成句期中复习专项练习 50 题 1.weather, is, what, the, in Beijing, winter, in, like (?) _________________________________________ 2.season, do, like, best, which, you (?) _________________________________________ 3.is, cold, it, and, windy (.) _________________________________________ 4.do, when, you, go to bed (?) _________________________________________ 5.October, we'll, Great Wall, to, in, go, the (.) _________________________________________ 6.after, I, play, often, class, sports (.) _________________________________________ 7.like, I, vacation, because, winter (. ) _________________________________________ 8.a, fun, we, things, few, have, in, spring (.) _________________________________________ 9.you, when, do, class, in, morning, finish, the(?) _________________________________________ 10.go, picnic, often, I, on, a, with, family, my (.) _________________________________________ 11.they, to, going, fun, have, of, lots, are(.) _________________________________________ 12.with, going, I'm, my, make, to, cousin, model, some, cars(.) _________________________________________ 13.a, we, take, show, animals, our, going, to, are, our(.) _________________________________________ 14.Tibet, to, Peter, vacation, is, on, going(.) 1/6 _________________________________________ 15.stay, where, going, are, to, you(?) _________________________________________ 16.will,to,Great,Wall, We, go,the(.) _________________________________________ 17.often, do, summer, in, what, you, do ( ?) _________________________________________ 18.this, when, trip, the, is, year (?) _________________________________________ 19.best, I, spring, like (.) _________________________________________ 20.we, her, play, pipa, for, the, usually (.) _________________________________________ 21.often, ping-pong, I, play, father, with, my (.) _________________________________________ 22. father, Sundays, play, on, sports, my, usually, with, I (.) _________________________________________ 23. will, at, out, party, You, act, the, stories (.) _________________________________________ 24. year, this, When, trip, the, is (?) _________________________________________ 25. you, do, finish, class, in, When, the , afternoon(?) _________________________________________ 26.season, Which, you, like, do, best (?) _________________________________________ 27.is, the, When, this, year, trip (?) _________________________________________ 28.Because, like, I, vacation, summer(.) 2/6 _________________________________________ 29.I, my, visit, will, grandparents(.) _________________________________________ 30.What, often, do, on, the, weekend, you, do(?) _________________________________________ 31.sports, I, good, am, at, (. ) _________________________________________ 32.on, Let's, the, play, weekend, football (. ) _________________________________________ 33.picnic, I, have, with, parents, my, a (. ) _________________________________________ 34.often, make, a, in, I, snowman, winter (. ) _________________________________________ 35.like, I, vacation, because, summer (!) _________________________________________ 36.hot, is, days, the, are, summer, long, and (. ) _________________________________________ 37.do, when, you, to, bed, go (?) _________________________________________ 38.like, I, because, summer, vacation (. ) _________________________________________ 39. often, I, on, go, picnic, with, family, my, a, (. ) _________________________________________ 40.season, which, you, like, do, best (?) _________________________________________ 41.always, for, I, go, walk, a, after, dinner (.) _________________________________________ 42.your, favorite, teacher, What’s (?) 3/6 _________________________________________ 43.before, go, Allen, cycling, couldn't, (.) _________________________________________ 44.a, up, We, and, made, play, dressed, funny (.) _________________________________________ 45.over, did, winter, Where, go, you, the, holiday (?) _________________________________________ 46.than, my, is, jacket, yours, shorter (.) _________________________________________ 47.the, people, on, farm, having, These, are, fun (.) _________________________________________ 48.is, The, quiet, so, park(!) _________________________________________ 49.homework, often, Fridays, on, I, do (.) _________________________________________ 50.favourite, are, Onions, my, vegetable (.) Keys 1.What is the weather like in winter in Beijing? 11.They are going to have lots of fun. 2.Which season do you like best?

doc文档 期中复习连词成句专项练习50题(试题)-2021-2022学年英语五年级下册

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