2021 年译林三起版四年级上册 Unit8 词汇检测卷 一、选出与所给单词属于同类的一项。 (  )1.big    A.king     B. mouth    C.small (  )2.eye A.ear B.cool (  )3.his A.he B.her (  )4.cat A.dog B.tall (  )5.doll A.thin B.robot C.long C.nose C. fat [来源:Zxxk.Com] C.look 二、英汉互译。 1. 还要别的什么_________________ 2. 只有十三元 _________________ 3. 一把伞______________________ 4. 试穿短裙____________________ 5. 那些机器人__________________ 6.一条短尾巴_______________________ 7. meet in the rain_________________ 8. 一些高个子男人___________________ 9. live near the river_____________ 10. in summer___________________ 三、选出不同类的单词,将其序号填在提前括号内。 (  )1. A.big (  )2. A.hambur ger B.small B.rice C.nose C.milk (  )3. A.drink B.eat C.mouth (  )4. A.long B hair C.short (  )5. A.ball B.football C.basketball 四、中英互译:单词/短语 [来源:学。科。网] 1.her long hair _____________ 2.她的大嘴巴 _____________ 3.他的大眼睛 ______________ 4.three red apples ______________ 5.一个长鼻子 _____________ 五、英汉互译。 1.长头发 ___________     2.a king ___________ 3.一个小鼻子 ___________ 4.two fat boys ___________ 5.两只大耳朵 ___________ 6.our snowman ___________ 7.一只胖猫 ___________ 8.these robots ___________ 9.我的玩具娃娃 ___________ 10.a big mouth ___________ 六、选择正确的词填空。 king Look Her can fat (1)The snowman is ________. (2)The robot ________ walk an d jump. (3)________ doll is nice. (4)________ at my new doll. (5)The monkey is a __ ______. 七、根据句意选择方框中的词语填空,并将其正确形式填写在相应的横线上。(有一项 为多余) A. me too B. sad C. How many D. How much E. what colour 1.My father can play table tennis ________. 2.I can’t swim.________, I can help you. 3.I like that robot!__________. It’s cool. 4. ______ are these sandwiches? Ten yuan. 5. _______do you like? —I like brown. 八、用所给词的适当形式填空。 [来源:学#科#网 Z#X#X#K] 1.Her hair ______(be) long. 2.Her eyes _______(be) big. 3.How many _______(box) do you have? 4.These ______(robot) are cool! 5.Can you _____(jump)? 6.Let's _____(go) to school. 7.I have eighteen ______(sticker). 8.Do you like ______(panda)? 九、选择括号内正确的单词填空。 1. I like _________. (robot;robots) [来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K] 2._______ is Nancy. (She;Her) 3. Her hair _______ long, and his eyes __________big. (is;are) 4. Look at ________ (our;we) doll. 5. ________ (Those;That) toys are for Yang Ling. 十、选词填空。 1.________ (My/ I) mouth is small. 2.His ________ (h air/ hairs) is short. 3.He is________ (a/ an) king. 4.Her eyes ________ (is/ are) big. F. very good 5.This is ________ (we/ our) doll. 答案: [来源:Zxxk.Com] 一、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 二、1.anything else 2.only thirteen yuan 3.an umbrella 4.try the skirt on 5.those robots short tail 7.在雨中见面 8.some tall men 9.住在河边 10.在夏天 6.a 三、C C C B A 四、1.她的长头发 2.her big mouth 3.his big eyes 4.三个红苹果 5.a long nose 五、1.long hair 2.一位国王 3.a small nose 4.两个胖男孩 5.two big ears 6.我们的雪人 7.a fat cat 8.这些机器人 9.my doll 10.一张大嘴巴 六、(1)fat(2)can(3)Her(4)Look(5)king 七、FBADE 八、1.is2.are3.boxes4.robots5.jump6.go7.stickers8.pandas 九、1. robots 2. She 3.is;are 4.our 5.Those 十、My ;hair ;a ;are ;our

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