六年级 Unit 7-Unit 8 易错题(附答案) 、 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 辨音,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ) 1. cool ) 3. card ) 5. energy ) 7. keep ) 9. home ) 11. save ) 13. light ) 15. first cook warm her coffee coal have fly Thursday ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 2. waste ) 4. wood ) 6. oil ) 8. drink ) 10. rubbish ) 12. plan ) 14. Chinese ) 16. holiday great food toy green sure plane children visit 二、按要求写词。 1. two (序数词) 2. much (最高级) 3. new (反义词) 4. give (过去式) 5. after (对应词) 6. take (过去式) 7. China (形容词) 8. twenty (序数词) 9. say (过去式) 10. watch (三单) 11. I’d like (完整形式) 12. plan (过去式) 13. dirty (反义词) 14. skate (现在分词) 15. dead (动词) 16. waste (反义词) 17. write (同音词) 18. September (缩写形式) 19. use (形容词) 20. should not (缩写形式) 21. keep (过去式) 22. fun (形容词) 23. tooth (复数) 24. teachers (所有格) 25. see (过去式) 26. knife (复数) 27. policeman (对应词) 28. good (反义词) 1 29. forget (反义词) 30. start (近义词) 31. much (近义词) 32. twenty-second(缩写式) 33. forty (序数词) 34. tell (过去式) 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. (keep) the classroom clean, we shouldn’t 2. Water is (use). We can use water 3. There (throw) rubbish in it. (clean) things. (be) any fish in this river last year because people (throw) rubbish in it. 4. We should 5. I can (plant) more trees because trees help (reuse) the plastic bottle 6. You should (make) a toy. (keep) quiet. Grandpa 7. Look! The students (keep) the air clean. (sleep) in the bedroom. (pick) flowers in the park. They (not see) the sign just now. 8. (not throw) the banana skin on the ground. You should (put) it in the rubbish bin. 9. -Would you like -Great! I’m (go) (skate) with (I)? (come). 10. The students all know how (protect) the Earth. 11. -What did you do last Sunday? -I (collect) rubbish around my house and 12. The sign at the crossing 13. We can reuse paper 14. We (mean) we must (put) it in the rubbish bin. (wait) for the green light. (make) books and magazines. (visit) the Great Wall last summer holiday. We 15. My grandma is good at (can’t) use the smartphone (智能手机) two years ago, but now she (take) photos and 16. -The smoke from cars -We shouldn’t (have) great fun there. (chat) with her friends with the smartphone. (make) the air dirty. (drive) too much. 2 17. Yang Ling usually 18. The children (have) (dance) lessons at weekends. (like) playing basketball. Look!They (play) basketball in the playground. 19. - you (watch) TV yesterday evening? -Yes, I (watch) a football match. 20. My father often 21. (go) (run) in the morning. (not shout) in the library! The readers 22. - you (quiet). (play) mobile games now? - No, we 23. If it (read) books (do) our homework. (not rain) this Sunday, we will go on a trip. 24. - it (rain) tomorrow? -No, it isn’t. 25. Suzy (not listen) to music now. She (play) the piano. 26. -What are you going to do next weekend? -I (have) a picnic with my friends. 27. My brother with his friends usually 28. - Miss Li (teach) you English next term? -Yes, she will. We all like 29. -What -He (play) basketball after school. your cousin (have) her lessons because she does well in (do) a moment ago? (ride) his bike in the park. 30. –What about (go) (shop) with your mother this afternoon? -Good idea. 31. –What -He is a your father (drive). He 32. Liu Tao (do)? (drive) a bus. (not be) at school yesterday. He 33. Lily with her parents sometimes 34. -What your mother usually -She usually (catch) a bad cold. (fly) kites in the park. (do) on Sundays? (do) housework and (play) with me. 四、根据中文提示完成句子 3 (teach). 1. We (不应该砍伐太多的树) because trees 2. Smoke from the factories 3. I (使空气变脏). (上个星期天再利用纸做了一个玩具飞机). 4. You shouldn’t smoke. Smoking (对你的健康有害). 6. Look! The children (再利用塑料瓶做些玩具). 7. Bobby (总是把香蕉皮扔到地上). 8. Rubbish on the ground 9. (帮助净化空气) (使我的房间又脏又乱). (街上的这些警察) are very friendly to us. 10. The Earth (是我们的家园). We should make some posters (来告诉人们怎样保护地球). 11. The students (正在谈论他们的春节计划). 12. Chinese People (总是在春节前买新衣服和食物). 13. The Spring Festival 14. I (是中国最重要的节日). (去年大年初一和我的家人看了一场电影). 15. Chinese families (喜欢在除夕边吃一顿丰盛的晚饭边看春晚). 16. -What will you do this weekend? -I 17. I’ d like (将和我的妈妈去购物). (在春节期间收到许多红包). 4 18. - (你打算做什么) at Christmas, Mike? -I (打算拜访我的爷爷奶奶). 19. The children (正在操场上玩游戏). 20. My brother (昨天晚上收到他网友的一封电子邮件). 21. Nancy with her friends 22. My mother (每个星期天在音乐室里弹钢琴). (打算在平安夜买一棵圣诞树). 五、句型转换 1. We should plant more trees to make the air clean. (对划线部分提问) we to make the air clean? 2. I can reuse the

docx文档 Unit 7-Unit 8(易错题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级上册

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