北师大版六年级上册期末达标综合检测卷(B) 听力部分 一、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 二、听录音,把句子补充完整。1. I’m going to the Great  Wall____________.  2. I’ll ____________ this weekend. They live on the farm.  3. I’m going to buy a new ____________this afternoon.  4. Sarah is going to____________ in Renmin Park.  5. I am going to ________some beautiful leaves. 三、 听对话判断图片正误,对的画“√”,错的画“×” 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) ) 5( 4( ) 笔试部分 四、按要求完成任务。 请用“︶”画出下列句子中的连读。 1.Zhang Peng is good at football. 2.It is near the desk. 请写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。例:live—lives 3.love— 5.have— 4.study— 6.teach— 五、读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个 (    ) 1. A. time    B. morning    C. afternoon  D. evening (    ) 2. A. cinema  B. dictionary   C. library    D. hospital  (    ) 3. A. magazine B. post card   C. tonight  D. comic book  (    ) 4. A. tomorrow B. this weekend C. next week D. yesterday  (    ) 5. A. do      B. am         C. is         D. are 六、根据句意及首字母完成句子。 1.Sarah’s father is ill. He should see a d 2.Her pet dog is lost. She is w . . 3.If you feel angry, first, take a d b , then c ten. After that, you won’t feel so angry. 4.I don’t know(认识)the word. I want a d . 七、 单项选择。 ( )1.When is you birthday? ___________________________. A. It’s September first. B. It’s September one. ( )2.________________________?I’m eleven years old. A. How old are you? B.How much are they? ( )3.________________________?You are 147 centimeters tall. … A. How much do I weight? B. How tall am I ? ( )4.Do you want a kiwi fruit? A. Yes, I don’t. B. No,thank you. ( )5.___________________.That’t ok. A. I’m sorry. B. Thank you. to ( )6.___________________? We are astronauts. A. What are these ? B. What do you do ? ( )7.Are you ready?_________________________ A. Yes,I am. B.Ready. ( )8.___________________? No,she didn’t. A. Did Ann win the race? B. Do Ann win the race? ( )9.What can you do?______________________ A. I like football. B. I can jump high! ( )10.How much do you weigh?___________________________ A.I weigh 33 kilograms. B.I’m ten years 八、根据提示完成下列句子。 1.Miss Li is going to Wuhan__________ __________?(今天下午) 2.I’m going to visit my aunt ____________ __________.(明天晚上) 3.What are you going to d o ________ __________ __________ __________ ?(20 年后) 4. We’re going to have a picnic _________ __________ (这周末). 九、根据上下文,从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话,填序 号。 Linda:Hi, Tim. 1. Tim:I’m going to visit my grandma. Today is her birthday. Linda:2. Where does she live? Tim:She lives near the library. 3. Linda:How do you get there? Tim:I’ll take the No. 22 bus. 4. Linda:5. Tim:Thank you! A.It’s not far from here. B.Please wish your grandma a happy birthday for me. C.Oh, great! D.Then I’ll walk there. E.Where are you going? 十、读一读。阅读短文,判断正误,在句子后面的括号里打上 T 或 F。 Hello, I’m Bob. There are 5 people in my family. I’m a coach. I like playing sports. I go to work by bike, because it’s good exercise. My father is a police officer. He goes to work by car.He lies singing. My mother is a head teacher. She lies listening to music. She often goes to work by subway. But sometimes she goes to by taxi. My sister Jenny lies dancing. She is a factory worker. She goes to work by bus. My brother Ben is a pilot. He goes to work by subway. He lies doing word pules. Our family [来源:Zxxk.Com] is big and happy. ( ) 1. There are 3 people in Bob’s family. ( ) 2. Bob’s father is a head teacher. ( ) 3. Bod’s sister goes to work by bus. ( ) 4. Bob’s mother often goes to work by taxi. ( ) 5. Bob’s brother is a pilot. [来源:Zxxk.Com] 十一、写作。 儿童节是你们的节日,在儿童节那一天,你打算做些什么呢? 请写出你的计划,不少于 6 句话。请注意时态的使用。 ______________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、听力材料 1. The earth is round. 2. They are in space. 3. John was sad yesterday. 4. There are many stars in the sky. 5. There is a beautiful house. 二、听力材料 A: What are you going to do tonight?  [来源:学*科*网] B:I'm going to the supermarket.   A:What are you going to do tomorrow morning?  B :I'm going to buy a new schoolbag.  A:What are you going to do next week?  B:I'm going to see a film. 三、听力材料 1)What are you going to buy after school? I am going to buy a pair of shoes. 2)When are you going to th

doc文档 六年级上册英语 期末达标综合检测卷(B)北师大版(含听力原文和答案)

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