外研版六年级上册 module8 语法专项检测卷 一、找出与句中画线单词属于同一类的一项。 (  ) 1. This is an American boy. A. Canada B. English C. China (  ) 2. Haikou is in the south of China. A. New York B. Mexico C. Japan (  ) 3. He is listening to music. A. sing B. going C. go (  ) 4. His father has got a new car. A. letter B. telephone C. Bus (  ) 5. The park is very big . A. famous B. river C. library 二、选择不同类的单词,将其序号填在括号里:( 1. A. famous B. fantastic C. interesting D. family ( )2. A. write B. pl ay ( )3. A. Harbin B.London ( )4. A. windy B. winter C. big D. read C. Guilin C. summer D. Kunming D. spri ng ) ( )5. A. south B. sad C. North D. East 三、英汉互译。 1.当然_____________________  2.读书_____________   3.一长段时间 ______________ 4.玩……_________________  5 climb trees ____________ 6.clean the blackboard _____ 7. picture books __________ 8..经常___________  9.总是 _______  10.从不______   四、选词填空:  never always often sometimes 1. I ____________ get up at 5:00 in the morning. 2. ______ I _______________ eat rice for dinner. 3. I ____________ have lunch at 12:45. 4. I ______________________ have supper 晚饭). 五、 单项选择。 ( ) 1._____ you cleaning your room ? A. Are ( B. Is C. Do ) 2. Do you want to _____ a pen ? [来源:学*科*网] A. buy ( B. buying ) 3. I stopped playing computers games ______ . A. next week ( C. rides B. pla ys C. Playing B. Does C. Is B. likes [来源:Zxxk.Com] C. liked ) 9. He _____ to go swimming. A. want ( B. riding ) 8.David ______ reading story books. A. like ( C. Plays ) 7. _____ you often clean your room? A. Do ( B. play ) 6.She doesn’t _____ with her classmates(同学)? A. play ( C. a long time ago ) 5.My father often ______ his bike. A. ride ( B. tomorrow ) 4. Do you like ______ basketball ? A. playing ( C. Buy B. wants C. wanted ) 10.Simon gets up early every day, so he is ____ late for school. A. often B. alwa ys C. never 六、根据问句选择合适的答语。 A. Not very often.     D. Li Dong. B. By bike.     C. Yes,I'd love to. E. I often visit my friends. (  ) 1. Who closed the window? (  ) 2. Do you want to eat an apple? (  ) 3. Do you often watch films? (  ) 4. What do you do on Sundays? (  ) 5. How do you go to school? 七、情景交际。 ( )1.你想知道对方是否经常拍照片,可以问: A.Do you often takes photos ? [来源:学科网 ZXXK] B. Do you often clean your room? ( )2.你经常吃快餐,可以说: A.Do you often eat fast food? B. I often eat fast food. ( )3.你想知道艾米是不是经常和她家的宠物狗玩耍,该怎么问: A.Do you often play with your pet dog? B.Do you like your pet d og? ( )4.你拿着照片让同桌看,你想告诉他这张照片是你爷爷很久以前拍 的,该怎么说: A.My grandpa stopped taking photos long ago. B.My grandpa took it long ago. ( )5.你问杰克是否经常打扫他的房间,如果杰克不经常打扫,他该怎么 回答: A.Yes, of course. B. Not very often 八、补全对话 Simon : Hi , Daming , what are you doing ? Daming : ___________. Simon : Do you miss China ? Daming : ___________ . Sometimes I miss China . Simon : Well , Daming .Let ’s go to the Chinatown. _________. Daming : Really ? Is there any restaurants there ? Simon : ____________. Daming : ____________. Let ’s go now . A. Yes, there is B. Yes, I do . ! C.Great D. I’m sending the postcards to my mother in China . E. There are lots of Chinese shops there 九、连词成句 1.is There book a picture photo i n this ____________________________________________ 2.like Do you books now reading ____________________________________________ 3.you Do to want see photos my? ____ ________________________________________ 4.time stopped I a ago long . ____________________________________________ 5.often you with do dolls play ____________________________________________ 十、句子翻译 1. 长城有多长? ____________________________________________ 2. 它超过四十千里长。 ____________________________________________ 3. 它有多久的历史? ____________________________ ________________ 4. 它有超过两千年的历史。 ____________________________________________ 5. 它超过四百米高。 ____________________________________________ 十一、 作文。 同学们,你的家乡一定很美吧。它在什么位置?它大约有多少人口? 快写出来和大家一起分享吧!至少五句话 _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 参考答案 一、BCBCC 二、 DCBAB 三、1.of course 2.read books/read a book 3.a long time 4.play with... 5.爬树 6.擦黑板 7.图画 书 8.often 9.always 10.never 四、1.never 2.sometimes 3.often 4.alwa ys 五、AACACAABBCA 六、DCAEB 七、ABAAB 八、DBEAC 九、1.There's a picture book in this photo. 2.Do you like reading books now? [来源:学科网] 3.Do you wan

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