Unit 7 How much? Story time-Fun time 第 1 课时 一、选出每组中不同类 的一项。 [来源:学科网 ZXXK] ( )1.A.shirt B.skirt C.school ( )2.A.t wenty B.forty C.very ( )3.A.cap B.fan ( )4.A.socks C.skirt B.shoes ( )5.A.this B.that C.boxes C.they 二、读下列句子或对话,用 is 或 are 填空。 1.How much the toy car? 2.The orange juice 3.Where my socks? 4.—How much —They the shoes? eighty yuan. 5.—These apples —You very good. for my grandpa. a good girl. 三、根据所给图片提示填空。 1.—How much is your —It’s ? yuan. 2.—Look! They are my new . [来源:学科网 ZXXK] [来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K] —How nice! 3.—How much are your —They’re ? yuan. 4.—How much are the ? —Fourteen yuan. 四、单项选择。 ( )1.We [来源:学|科|网] forty yuan. A.has ( )2.— B.have ? —Yes. I’d like th is umbrella. A.Can I help you ( )3.The socks [来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K] B.Can I have a look C.Can you make a pie nine yuan. A.are ( )4.— C.are B.is C.only B.How C.How much B .These are C.This is is your pen? —It is ten yuan. A.How old ( )5. nice shoes. A.That is 五、连词成句。 1.shoes, are, the, much, how(?) 2.beautiful, this, schoolbag, is(.) 3.Miss Li, yuan, have, we, twenty-eight(,.) 4.five, this, only, is, fan, y uan(.) 5.umbrella, I’d, like, red, a(.) 答案 一、1-5CCBCC 二、1.is 2.is 3.are 4.are; are 5.are; are 三、1.umbrella; twenty 2.shoes 3.sock; twenty-seven 4.fans 四、1-5BAACB 五、1.How much are the shoes? 2.This schoolbag is beautiful. 3.We have twentyeight yuan, Miss Li. 4.This fan is only five yuan. 5.I’d like a red umbrella.

docx文档 【分层培优】四年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 7 How much 课时1 Story time -Fun time 译林版含答案

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【分层培优】四年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 7 How much 课时1 Story time -Fun time 译林版含答案 第 1 页 【分层培优】四年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 7 How much 课时1 Story time -Fun time 译林版含答案 第 2 页 【分层培优】四年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 7 How much 课时1 Story time -Fun time 译林版含答案 第 3 页 【分层培优】四年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 7 How much 课时1 Story time -Fun time 译林版含答案 第 4 页
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