Module 7 Unit 1 There is a horse in this photo. 一课一练 ●基础巩固 一、根据句意及首字母填单词。 1. T ______ is a cat under the chair. 2. This is a nice picture. Let me have a l ______. 3. Her f______ is round and her eyes are big. [来源:Z+xx+k.Com] 4. There is a s______ on Milk's farm. 5.She is r______ a bike. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Look! She is _____( run) . 2. There______( be) a tree behind the house. 3. The cat can ______( climb) the tree. 4. Let us ______( have) a look. 5.______( those) is a horse. 三、单项选择。 ( )1.There ______ a pen and three pencils on the desk. A. has B. are ( )2.It's_____ fast. A. run B. running C.runing ( )3. Let's ______ a look. A. can B. have C.having ( )4. There is a girl ______ the tree. A. under C.for ( )5.There are some nice _______ here. A. photoes B. photos C. photo 四、按要求完成句子。 1.nice/look/that/at/photo(.)(连词成句) _____________________________________ 2.h orse/the/is/riding/boy/a(.)(连词成句) ______________________ _______________ 3.the/there/a/g irl/in/is/photo()(连词成句) _____________________________________ 4. Let me have a look the photo.(改错) ___ __________________________________ 5. There is a cat in my home.(变一般疑问句) _____________________________________ 五、排序。 ( )There are some nice photos here. ( )Oh!That’s my cat!Who’s the girl? ( )OH,it’s Linling.She’s riding a horse. ( )OK.There is cat.It’s climbing a tree. ( )You can see her face now. ●能力提升 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 I have a new camera ( 照 相 机 ).There are some nice photos here.Let's have a look.And this is a photo of my family.My father is watching TV.My mother is listening to music.My brother is doing his homework.And my sister is writing a letter. It's for her friend Becky in England. ( ) 1.I have a new camera. ( ) 2.My mother is reading a newspaper. ( ) 3.My father is watching TV.. ( ) 4.My sister is doing her homework. ( ) 5. My brother is playing with hi s toy train. 七、这是 Daming 卧室一角的照片, 照片被撕掉了另一半, 发挥你的想象, 结合本模块所学内容, 用所给词汇完成这 篇小短文。 A. is B. bed C. are D. There is E. a football 1. ________ a bag on the desk. There's a book on the desk , too. There 2. ________ a 3.________ in Daming's room. There 4. _______ _ two chairs in the room. Under a chair, there is 5.________. There a re some flowers in his room. They are v ery nice. 答案 一、1.There 2.look 3.face 4.sheep 5.Riding 二、1.running 3.climb 4.have 5.That 三、单项选择。 [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 1----5 C A B A B 四、按要求完成句子。 1. Look at that nice photo. 2. The boy is riding a horse. 3. There is a girl in the photo. [来源:学科网] 4. Let me have a look the photo. 5. Is there a cat in my home? 五、排序。 13425 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 1---5 T F T F F 七、这是 Daming 卧室一角的照片, 照片被撕掉了另一半, 发挥 你的想象, 结合本模块所学内容, 用所给词汇完成这篇小短文。 1---5 D A B C E [来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K] [来源:Zxxk.Com]

doc文档 【分层培优】四年级上册英语课时练习-Module 7 Unit 1 There is a horse in this photo.外研三起(含答案)

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