2021 年外研三起版六年级上册 Module7 句型检测卷 一、根据情景选出正确的英文表达。 (  )1. 当你想表达“她喜欢听但是不喜欢说。”时,你应该说:________ A. She likes to listen but not to sing. B. She likes to listen but not to speak. (  )2. 当你问一个东西是大还是小时,你应该说:________ A. Is it big or small? B. Is it big and small? (  )3. 当你想问一个动物喜欢吃什么时,你应该说:________ A. Where does it like to live? B. What does it like to eat? (  )4. 你想知道它有多少条腿时,你应该说:________ A. Has it got many legs? B. How many legs has it got? (  )5. 你想告诉别人鸟住在树上时,你应该说:________ A. The bird lives in a tree. B. The bird likes to live here. 二、选择合适的句子补全对话。 A. Mine doesn’t work well. B. I like animals. C. There will be a photo show in my class next week. D. Have you got a camera? E. Are you going to take a trip? —Hi, Jack! 1______ —Yes, I have. —Can I use it tomorrow? 2______ —Sure. 3______ —No.4______I want to take some beautiful photos tomorrow. —Where are you going? [来源:学+科+网] —To the zoo.5______And I’m going to take some photos of them. —That sounds good. 三、连词成句。 1. the, box, coming, of, the, out, snake, is, why (?) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. love, do, sun, the, snakes (?) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. eat, a, day, for, hours, twelve, pandas (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. it, the, other, copies, so, snake (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. learn, lesson, the, owl, a, from, can, we (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 四、联系上下文,把对话补充完整。 1. —What ________ that? —It’s ________ owl. 2. —________ is the snake coming out of the box? —Because it’s angry. 3. —________ cows love music? —No, ________ don’t. 4. —________ do bears sleep a long time? —________ winter. 5. —________ a tiger live in the forest? —No, it ________. 6. —________ it fly in the sky? —No, it can’t. ________ it can swim in the sea. 五、情景交际。 (  ) 1. 当你收到一份很棒的礼物时,你会说: A. T his is a present.    B. It’s a fantastic present. (  ) 2. 当你想告诉朋友树上有一些苹果时,你会说: A. There are some apples in the tree. [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] B. There are some apples on the tree. [来源:学+科+网] (  ) 3. 当你想问你的朋友住在哪 里时,你会说: A. Where are you live? B. Where do you live? (  ) 4. 当你想问一个物品大还是小时,你会说: A. Is it big and small? B. Is it big or small? (  ) 5. 当你向小朋友介绍熊猫时,你会说: A. They’re cute. They love bamboo. B. They’re fat. They like grass and water. 六、根据情景选出正确的英文表达。 (  )1. 当你想表达“她喜欢听但是不喜欢说 。”时,你应该说:________ A. She likes to listen but not to sin g. B. She likes to listen but not to speak. (  )2. 当你问一个东西是大还是小时,你应该说:________ A. Is it big or small? B. Is it big and small? (  )3. 当你想问一个动物喜欢吃什么时,你应该说:________ A. Where does it like to live? B. What does it like to eat? (  )4. 你想知道它有多少条腿时,你应该说:_____ ___ A. Has it got many legs? B. How many legs has it got? (  )5. 你想告诉别人鸟住在树上时,你应该说:________ A. The bird lives in a tree. B. The bird likes to live here. 七、选择正确的解释。 (  )1.大象喜欢吃竹子吗? A.Do elephants like bamboo? B.Do elephant like bamboo? C.Does elephants like bamboo? (  )2.蛇听不到。 A.Snakes can't here. B.Snakes can't hear. C.Snakes can't listen. (  )3.它模仿另一条蛇。 A.It copy the other snake. B.It copyAnother one snake. C.It copies the other snake. (  )4.蛇为什么从盒子里出来? A.How is the snake come out of the box? B.Why is the snake coming out of the box? C.What is the snake come out of the box? (  )5.熊在冬天睡觉吗? A.Do bears sleep in the summer? B.Do bear sleep in the winter? C.Do bears sleep in the winter? 八、这是 Mary 给 Harry 的明信片。请选择适当的词语填空,使内容完整。 dog play seven Mary Harry birthday games food Dear ________, please come to my ________ party. There will be fun ________ and there is lots of ________ to eat. I have bought a new ________. We can ________ with it when you come. Be at my house at quarter past ________. From ________ [来源:学科网] 九、根据 同学们的描述选择他们喜欢的动物。 A蛇 B熊 C鱼 D猴 E鸟 (  ) 1. Mike: They’re long and thin. They love the sun. (  ) 2. Lingling: They can swim. Cats li ke them. (  ) 3. Jim: They’re fat. They like to sleep in winter. (  ) 4. Sam: They can fly in the sky. (  ) 5. Laura: They’re naughty. They like bananas. 十、句型转换。 1. Pandas love bamboo. (改为否定句) ______________ _______________________________________________________ 2. My pen friend comes from Shanghai. (改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________________ _________________ 3. Is it a cat? (作肯定回答) ___ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Lingling has got [five apples]. (对括号部分提问) ______ _______ apples has Lingling got? 5. It’s a fantast

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