Unit 4 I can play basketball 第二课时 基础巩固 一、按要求写词。 1.well(形容词)__________________ 2.let's(完整形式)________________ 3.sad(反义词)___________________ 4.he(物主代词)__________________ 5.either(同义词) ____________ _____ 6.are(单数)______________________ 7.some(同义词) __________________ 8.football(复数)___________________ 9.can(否定形式)___________________ 10.this(反义词)____________________ 二、根据中文意思完成句子。 1.—你游泳很好吗? —是的,我跳得也很高。 —Do you ________ ________? —Yes, I________high to o. 2.我不会飞。我也不会打 乒乓球。 I can't________. I can't play table tennis________. 3.—不要在图书馆里跑。 —对不起,李老师。 —________ ________in the library. —Sorry, Miss Li. 4.—你会踢足球吗? —不。我会溜冰。 —Can you________ ________? —No. I can________. 三、单项选择。 1.—Can you play basketball________?( ) —No, I can't. A.well B.nice C.good 2.—Let's play ball games together.( ) —_______. A.Don't be sad B.Great C.Thank you 3.—What can you do at the party?( ) —________. A.I can swim B.I can sing a song C.I can play football 4.—Can Wang Bing play basketball?( ) —Yes, ________. A.she can't B.he can't C.he can 5.I like________. I have a small________.( ) A.ball; ball B.balls; balls C.balls; ball 能力提升 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.________(he) friend________(have) a big toy car. 2.I________(can) play erhu. I can't play the guitar________(too). 3.—Are________(this) your balls? —Yes , I like________(they) very much. 4.All of________(we) can sing English songs very________(good). 5.—I don't have________(some) cakes. —I have cakes. Would you like________(some)? 二、句子匹配,选出相对应的答句。 [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] A.Yes, look! B.I can't play table tennis, either. C.We can swim and skate. D.Sorry, we can't. E. Yes, she can play well. 1.What can you do?( ) [来源:学科网] [来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] 2.Can you play football with me?( ) 3.Do you have a big bal l?( ) 4.Can Yang Ling play the piano?( ) 5.I can't play table ten nis.( ) [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 三、连词成句。 1.I, can, old, ball, orange, an, have (?) _________________________________________ 2.little, what, mouse, a, lovely (!) _________________________________________ 3.tree, see, I, on, some, can, bananas, the (.) _________________________________________ 4.play, she, well, basketball, can, very (.) _________________________________________ 5.balls, many, have, do, how, they (?) _________________________________________ 四、单项选择。 1.How many ________ do you have?( ) A.ruler B.rulers C.a ruler 2.____you have any eggs? ( ) A.Do B.Can C.What 3.—Can you pla y basketball?( ) —_________. A.Yes, I can . B.Yes, I do. C.No, I aren't. 4._____are my sisters.( ) A.She B.He C.They 5.Mike can _____very well.( ) A.skates B.to skate C.skate 核心素养 阅读对话,判断所给句子是否与对话相符,用 T 或 F 表示。 Hi, I'm Sam. I have a big family. My father is Mr Black. He can play table tennis. My mother can't play table tennis. She can play the piano. I have two brothers and two sisters. My brothers like kites. They can swim. They can play baske tball to o. My sisters love balloons. The balloons are nice. They are red, green, blue, orange...My sisters can dance. I like toys. There are many toys in my bedroom. My hobby is skating, so I c an skate very well. Can you? 1.Sam's mother can play table tennis.( ) 2.My brothers can swim and play football.( ) 3.My sisters can't dance.( ) 4.Sam's sisters like colourful kites.( ) 5.Sam likes skating.( ) [来源:Z&xx&k.Com] 参考答案 基础巩固 一、1.good 2.let us 3.happy 4.his 5.too 6.is 7.any 8.footballs 9.can't/ cannot 10.that 二、1.swim well jump 2.fly either 3.Don't run 4.play football 三、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 能力提升 一、1. His has 2. can't either 3. these them 4. us well 5. any some 二 、1.C 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.B 三、1.Can I have an old orange ball? 2.What a lovely little mouse! 3.I can see some bananas on the tree. 4.She can play basketball very well. 5.How many balls do they have? 四、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C skate 核心素养 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

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