2020-2021 学年度四年级 上册英语期末易错题检测 A 卷 一、按要求写出单词。 1. 打开 (短语) _________ 2. 进来 (短语) _________ 3. 当然 (短语) _________ 4. sweet (复数) ___________ 5. sea (同音词) __________ 6. can (否定形式) ________ 二、找朋友,找出与所给单词同类的选项。 ( ) 1. climbing A. good B. doing C. interesting ( ) 2. rice A. bread B. bike C. bus ( ) 3. boy A. he B. girl C. she ( ) 4. sheep A. horse B. run C. play ( ) 5. pig A. face B. arm C. elephant 三、选词填空 can can’t run winner far you 1.Can you ________ fast? 2.__________ can’t row a boat. 3.I’m the ________. 4.__________ you jump high? 5.I can jump _________. 四、完成单词。 1.str__ng( 健壮的) 2.r___n(跑) 3.f___s___(快) 4.j__m__(跳) 5.h___gh (高) 6.fa__(远) 7.r___ ___e (骑) 8.__fr__ __d( 恐怕) 9.st__ __(明星 ) 10.w__nn__ __(获胜者) 五、选择题 1、(  )Can I have ________ fruit? A. some 2、 ( B. a lot C. an )---Can you __________far, Amy? ---Yes, I can. A.sing 3、( B.smile C.jump )Hello! Can I have some _ ____? --- Yes, of course. A.soups B.soup C.at 4、 ----Can you ride fast? ( ) -----_______________ A.No, I can’t. B.Yes. I can’t. C.No, I haven’t. 5、( )I can ___________________. A.play chess B.play the chess C.plays chess 6、( )Look at the birds up ______the sky. A.in 7、( A. Can B.at C.on )—_____ you jump high?—Yes, I can. B. Do C. Are 8、(  )There are ________ days in a week(周). A. seven B. three C. eight 9、(  )Happy birthday ________ Amy. A. to B. in C. on 10、( )You ______ make a cake. A.want B.can’t C.aren’t [来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K] 六、根据问答选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1.Who’sthe boy? A. Yes, I can. ( ) 2. Where is the dog? B.It’sbehind the door. ( ) 3. What color is the panda? C. No, it isn’t. ( ) 4. Is the catclimbing the tree? D. He’s my cousin. ( ) 5. Can you see a b ird? E It’s white and black. 七、情景交际。 A. Happy Mother's Day! C. Happy Halloween! B. Merry Christmas! D. Thank you! E. Happy Teachers' Day! (1)教师节时,你应该对老师说:________ (2)今天是母亲节,你应该对妈妈 说:________ (3)别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说:________ (4)圣诞节时,你应该说:________ (5)今天是万圣夜,你应该说:________ 八、听问句,选择答语。 (  )1.A.They're eating dumplings. B.They're dumplings. (  )2.A.I'm drinking milk. B.I love milk. (  )3.A.He's cooking vegetables. B.They're cooking vegetables. (  )4.A.Yes,please. B.Yes,I am. (  )5.A.I'm making a cake. 九、问答匹配。 A. Yes, I can B. There are under the tree. C. No, it isn’t. D. He’s my brother. B.I'm eating a cake. E. It’s white. 1.Who’s he? (_____) 2.Where are the pigs? (_____) 3.What colour is the sheep? (_____) 4.Is it eating sweets? (_____) 5.Can you see a bike? (_____) 十、阅读短文,判断正(√)误(×)。 It’s Sunday today. I’m a t a farm with my friends. The farm is so big. Look, there are four horses. They are running fast. I like horses. But I can’t ride. I can see many chickens. They are eating rice. Their mum is looking for them. How cute they are!There are ten pigs here. They are eating fruit and vegetables. There are twenty sheep under the trees. They are sleeping. Where are the ducks?Can you see them? (  )1.My friends and I are at the zoo. (  )2.I like horses,but I can’t ride the horse. (  )3.There are many chickens. They are eating rice. (  )4.The pigs are sleeping. (  )5.There are twelve sheep. 十一、用所给词汇完成这篇小短文。 A. is  B. bed  C. are  D. There is  E. a football ________ a bag on the desk. There's a book on The desk, too. There ________ a ________ in Daming's room. There ________ two chairs in the room. Under a chair, there is ________. There are some flowers in his room. They are very nice. 答案 1、1. turn on 2. come in 3. of course 4 . sweets 5. see 6. can’t 2、BABAC 3、1.run2.You3.winner4.Can5.far 4、1.o2.u3. a 6.r 7. 8. i d t 4. a u p 5i i 9 a a r 10. i e r 5、1、A 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、A 6、A 7、A 8、A 9、A 10、B /6、1. D 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. A 7、(1)E(2)A(3)D(4)B(5)C 8、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 9、DBEAC 10、1.× 2.√ 3. √ 4.× 5.× 11、DABCE

docx文档 【名师推荐】外研版(三年起)四年上册英语期末易错题检测A卷(含答案)

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