牛津译林英语 5A UNIT 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 易错题强化训练 +技 能提升 一: 单词辩音 1.() A. nice B. city C. soup 2.() A. cat B. cup C. cinema D. traffic 3.() A. kite B. uncle C. climb D. face 4.()A. glass B. has C. ask 5.()A. bed B. behind D. cake D. class C. beside D. between 二: 单项选择 ( )1. There any soup in the fridge. A. are B. is ( )2.Three bears A. have C. isn’t a new house.. B. are C. is D. has【来源:21 ( )3. ---What’s the matter with him? A. It’s too hot. ( )4. ---What ---I’d like B . do; a ( )5.There are some big trees B. of ( )6. ---Can Goldilocks A. plays; can’t ( )7. --- --- B. He’s too hungry. C. She’s tired. you like? A. would; any A. under D. aren’t lovely doll! soup. C. do , some D. would; some my house. C. between D. behind football? ---No, she . B. playing; can C. play; can’t --- D. He’s very happy. D. plays ; can . A. How; Thank you B. What a; Thank you C. What; That’s OK D. How a, That’s OK. ( )8. ---Where’s your brother? --- A. At seven. B. Beside my mother. C. My father’s. D. He’s ten ( )9. This soup is just A. hot . I can have it.. B. cold C. hard D. right ( )10. There_____some milk in the glass. And there ____a bed and two chairs in Mary's bedroom. A. is, are B. are, is ( )11. People like C. are, are D. is, is very much in China. So it is popular in our A. coffee; western countries C. coffee; country B. tea; countries D. tea; country ( )12. 朗读下列句子时,语调符号标注正确的一项是 A. Who’s Jim?( ) He’s my cousin. ( B. They’re in the fridge.( C. How old is Peter?( D. Is it hot?( ) ) Really?( ) He’s ten.( ) ) ) Yes,it is. ( ) ( )13.I It's Sunday today. Jack's A. home are all at home. B. family C. house ( )14.He is from Japan, but he makes China his ________. A. family 。 B. address C. house D. room [来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K][来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] D. home 三:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. There aren’t ___________(some) books in the box. 2. How many ___________ (sandwich)are there in your bag? 3. Here __________ (be) some coffee for you. 4. It is the ___________ (one) day of this week. 5. Let’s go and __________ (play) football. 6.There is a desk between _______ . (they) 7. There ___________ (be) two pencils and a pen in the pencil case. 8.Can you _______(help) me ? 四: 句型转换 . 1.There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句) there books on the desk? 2.There is a glass of juice on the table .(改为复数) There of juice on the table. [来源:学#科#网] 3.. Goldilocks is in the house.(对划线部分提问) Goldilocks? 4. Liu Tao can see some soup on the table. (改为否定句) Liu Tao soup on the table. 5. The hospital is behind the library.(同义句转换) The library is the hospital. 6. It is a beautiful house. (改为感叹句) _____ ______ _______ house ! 五:阅读填空 Dear Linda, Thanks for (1) (you) letter(信). You have (2) nice family. I want to talk about my family, (3) . Here are two photos (4) my family. My grandparents are in the (5) (one)photo. They are very nice. Look at the next photo. (6) (that) are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister sister isn’t in a school. (7) I. My brother and I (8) (be) middle school students. My (9) is at home with my grandparents. She is 2 years old. (10) my cat, Mimi? Ha-ha! It’s behind me. It’s white. 六: 完型填空 I’m Tony. I (1) in a beautiful city in China with my parents and grandparents. There is a small river in the city. I usually (2) in it in summer. It’s (3) is very cool. Near the river, there is a big (5) (4) in summer, but swimming in the water . My parents often go shopping there. There is also a with many flowers and trees. It’s very beautiful, (6) many people like to have fun there. My grandparents like to go there, too. Every morning, they (7) _ early and do some sports in the park. On weekends, I often go to the zoo. My home is far away from the zoo. My father always (8) to the zoo so I can get there quickly in his car. In the zoo, I can see many (9) animals like elephants, monkeys and bears. It is very interesting and I (10) 1. A. study B. work C. live D. play 2. A. swim B. climb C. wash D. sing 3. A. warm B. sunny C. hot D. rainy 4. A. library B. supermarket C. bank D. ho spital 5. A. park B. school C. zoo D. mountain 6. A. but B. and C. because D. or 7. A. get off B. get up C. get down D. get out 8. A. rides B. flies C. walks D. drives 9. A. good B. bad C. diff erent D. same 10. A. want B. love C. buy D. build the zoo. [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] 七:阅读理解 My name is Dale. This is my neighborhood(近邻社区). There

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