Unit 7 提优课时练习(3) 一、选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项 ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. rice C. ninth D. spring ( ) 2. A. October B. November C. old D. metro ( ) 3. A. together B. mother C. tooth D. father ( ) 4. A. Chinese B. these C. fever D. festival ( ) 5. A. palace B. May C. race D. cake 二、根据句意或首字母提示填空 1. Jack has a bad toothache. He has to go to see the d________. 2. My mother is c________breakfast in the kitchen. 3. It’s very cold today. You s________wear warm clothes. 4. A giraffe has a long n________. 5. I don’t know the w________to Forest Park. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. When is your________(father) birthday? 2. Look! The little boy________(ask) his teacher for help. 3. The meat________(smell) nice. 4. My sister often plays with the cat, but my brother________(not). 5. We live on________(eight) floor. 6. The________(five) password is number________(nine). 7. This is my________(twenty) birthday. 8. He________(want)________(buy) a book. 9. He usually________(climb) mountains on Sundays. 10. Liu Tao’s mother________(call) him Taotao. 11. Look! They________(eat) a birthday cake together. 12. He can’t find his cat. He________(look) for it now. 13. Let’s________(go) and________(watch) dragon boat races. 四、单项选择 ( ) 1. May Day is________the first day of May. A. on ( B. at C. in ) 2. I usually go to the park________foot at weekends. A. in ( B. at C. on ) 3. -What should your father________? -He should________some medicine. A. does, take ( C. do, takes ) 4. ________comes after June. A. April ( B. do, take B. May C. July ) 5. -What festival is in May? -It’s________. A. Mother’s Day B. Women’s Day C. Father’s Day ( ) 6. They are talking________festivals. A. about ( B. also C. are ) 8. It’s time________some moon cakes. A. to have ( C. with ) 7. We________eat rice cakes at this festival. A. too ( B. to B. has C. having ) 9. Please________the door. A. knock on B. knocking C. knock ( ) 10. -When’s Christmas? -It’s________. A. in September B. on October C. in December 五、将下列句子重新排列成一段完整的对话 A. I’ll buy a book for my father. He likes reading. What about you? B. That’s a good idea. C. What will you do for your father? D. Today is the third Sunday of June. E. I’ll make a card for my father. F. Oh, it’s Father’s Day. D 答案 一、1-5 DACDA 二、1. dentist 2. cooking 3. should 4. neck 三、1. father’s 2. is asking 3. smells 4. doesn’t 5. the eighth 5. way 6. fifth, nine 10. calls 7. twentieth 8. wants to buy 11. are eating 12. looking 四、1-5 ACBCA 6-10 ABAAC 五、DFCAEB 9. climbs 13. go, watch

doc文档 五年级下册英语试题-Unit 7 Chinese festivals提优课时练习(3)(译林版三起,含答案)

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