外研三起 六年级上册英语模块检测基础卷 Module 4 一、看图连线。 1.fly a flag 4.moon cake ( ) ( ) 2.sing songs 3.a family dinner 5.a football game ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏对应的词。 A B ( )1.that(复数) A.television ( )2.America(形容词) ( )3.children(单数) C.after ( )4.before(反义词) D.American ( )5.TV(全称) B.those E.child 三、选择填空。 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1.We say “thank you” ___________ our food. A.in B.at C.for )2.We watch a football game ___________ TV. A.on B.in C.at )3.___________ Christmas,we give presents. A.On B.In C.At )4.We have a ___________ meal. A.more B.special C.love )5.Zongzi is very __________. A.favourite B.love C.delicious )6.My father sings songs __________ the moon. A.for B.about C.at )7.Our favourite festival is the __________ Festival. ( ( ( A.Spring B.Autumn C.Winter )8.At the Spring Festival we don't __________. A.buy a Christmas tree B.have a family dinner C.eat dumplings )9.The Lantern Festival is __________ the Spring Festival, A.after B.before C.at )10.I __________ goodbye to her. A.tell B.say C.answer 四、选出下列问句的恰当答语。 ( ( ( ( ( )1.Do you love this festival? )2.Is it the Spring Festival? )3.Are there lots of lanterns? )4.What do you eat at the Lantern Festival? )5.What do you do at the Dragon Boat Festival? A.No,there aren't. B.Yes,I do. C.We see the dragon boat race. D.We eat yuanxiao E.Yes,it is. 五、看图,回答问题。 1.What do you eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival? We _______________________________________________ 2.What do you go to see at the Dragon Boat Festival? We _______________________________________________ 3.What do people do at the Lantern Festival? They _____________________________________________ 4.What do people hang at the Lantern Festival? They _____________________________________________ 5.What do you do at the Spring Festival? We _______________________________________________ 六、看图,补全句子,每空一词。 1.—What do they do at Christmas? —They ___________ ___________. 2.—What do you do __________ __________ __________? —We ___________ a special meal. 3—DO you have a big ___________ ___________? —Yes,we do. 4.—What is your favourite festival? —______________________________. 5.What festival is it? It's _____________________________________________ 七、读句子,给下面的对话排序。 ( ( ( ( ( ( )We always go to see the dragon boat race. )What do you do on that day? )Yes,it's my favourite festival. )Really?Can I go to see it with you? )Hi,Jim!Do you like the Dragon Boat Festival? )Of course.Let's go together. 八、连词成句。 1.love/ Festival / I / Dragon / Boat / the / . ____________________________________________________ 2.delicious / is / very / it / . ____________________________________________________ 3.makes / cakes / she / moon / . ____________________________________________________ 4.a / dinner / we / special / have / family / . ____________________________________________________ 九、根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Hello,I'm Honghong.The Spring Festival is my favourite festival.It's in winter.At the Spring Festival,my family always visit my grandparents.We make dumplings and eat sweets and fruit.I send messages( 信 息 ) to my friends and say “happy new year” to them.We also have a big family dinner on New Year's Eve( 除 夕 夜 ).On our table there is lots of meat,fish,vegetables,juice and other delicious food.After dinner we always watch TV.At 12:00 at night we begin to eat dumplings.We are all very happy at the Spring Festival. ( )1.Honghong visits her grandparents at the Spring Festival. ( )2.They make moon cakes at the Spring Festival. ( )3.They have a big family dinner on New Year's Eve. ( )4.They begin to eat dumplings at 12: 00 at night. ( )5.Honghong sends postcards to her friends at the Spring Festival. 十、写写你最喜欢的节日,不少于 6 句话。 My Favourite Festival ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 4 ) 二、BDECA 三、CACBC BAAAB 四、BEADC 五 、 1.eat moon cake 2.Dragon Boat Race 3.do dragon dances 4.hang lanterns 5.have a special family dinner 六、看图,补全句子,每空一词。 1.sing songs 2.on Thankgiving Day,have 3.family dinner 4.Christmas 5. the Lanterns Festival 七、4-3-2-5-1-6 八、连词成句。 1.I love the Dragon Boat Festival . 2.It is very delicious. 3.She makes moon cakes. 4.We have a special family dinner. 九、TFTTF 十 、 My Favorite Festival My favorite festival is Spring Festival . On this day, I can receive some New Year Money from my gr

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