六年级英语 2021-2022 学年度第 一 学期教学设计 Unit4 I have a pen 课题名称 pal. B Read and 课时 授课时间 write 本节课是阅读课,学生能够通过讨论自己和同伴的爱好激活相关的 课标要求 背景知识、储备词汇。能根据示范广告仿写自己想建立的俱乐部广 告。 1. 语言知识目标: (1)能理解文本大意,并完成相应的课后习题; (2)能够在文本中寻找关键信息并能根据提示复述文本; 学习目标 (3)能够根据阅读获取的信息设计自己的广告。 2. 语言技能目标: 能够在文本中寻找关键信息并能根据提示复述课文。 学习 重点:阅读理解 Read and write, 完成课后练习。 重难点 难点:能够根据阅读获取的信息设计自己的广告。 小组评价,课堂上任务完成情况及时给学生及时性评价,对小组最 评价任务 后的获得奖励情况进行总结。 所需条件 教学 PPT、单词卡片、奖励贴画、扩音器等。 Unit4 I have a pen pal B Read and write I like dancing. 板书设计 Do you like dancing? I have great books. He teaches students to make robots. Step I. Show the learning aims. (示标示导) (1 分钟) T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you !How are you? This class we are going to learn Unit 4 I have a pen 学 pal. B Read and write (书写课题) First let’s look at the learning aims on the screen, please. (多媒体呈现学习目标) Step II. Show in class and Presentation (展示导入) 习 (五分钟) 1. Show in class 利用提前做好的头饰,两人之间进行对话表演。 2. Presentation (1)Show the mind map to introduce my hobbies and my 过 pen pal’s hobbies. 程 (2)Introduce and write T: I have introduced my hobbies and my pen pal’s hobbies. Now it is your turn to introduce your hobbies and your partner’s hobbies in pairs for 2mins. (3)Lead in the new word: notice and the form of club . T:I like reading. So I have a reading club. I make an ad. Look. 【设计意图】通过完成表格,感受 club,并根据个人爱好选择合适 的 club。 Step III. To learn first and then teach (先学后教) (20 分钟左 右) 1. Listen, read and circle.(第一次先学后教) 自学指导 1:听录音,看 42 页的广告,把答案在书上圈出来,然后 找同学回答。 T:Now let’s listen to the tape, read the text and circle your answer on the books. 学 习 2. Read, listen and answer.(第二次先学后教) 自学指导 2:听录音,默读 18 页的第一自然段,把答案在书上划下 过 来,1’后找同学回答。 (1).Read the ads and underline the answers on the book. What are their hobbies? 程 (2). Listen to the tape and repeat after it. (3). Check the answers. 3. Listen and repeat. Show the guidance to Ss and have the Ss cooperate to read the dialogue aloud in groups in 2 minutes. (齐读、小组读, 男生读、女生读等多种形式反复强化朗读) T: Compare which group behaves the best.(适时评价). 4. Retell the text. Ask some groups to retell the text. 5. Read and fill. T: Read the text again and finish the questions. Step IV Production 拓展提升(5 分钟左右) 1. Help Joe to finish his ad. 2. Read more ads. Step V Summary(归纳小结)(1 分钟左右) 1. Do self-evaluation. Let the Ss think over what they have learned in this class. And then encourage several Ss to sum up. If necessary, the teacher gives much more advice in details. 2. Let’s see which group is the best (The best group must behave better and got more scores than any other group.). Step VI Test in class(训练达标)(10 分钟左右) 当 Tell the Ss about the demands of the test and have them finish it by themselves in 5 minutes. 堂 1Test in 检 class :阅读 测 匹对 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 6._____ 作 业 内 容 Today’s Homework(布置作业) 1.Listen to the tape and read after it. 2.Finish the exercises. 3.Make a ad for your favourite club. 学 后 反 思

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