教科版五上 Unit1 What’s your hobby?课后作业巩固 【基础训练】 一、选出画线部分的发音与其他不同的单词。 ( )1.A.glass B.clean C. clap D. class ( )2.A. flat B.flower C. fly D .glad ( )3. A hobby B.country C.every D .yellow ( )4.A.plane B. black C.plan D.plate ( )5.A.stamp B.than C.what D.animal 二、找出每组中不同类的词,把其字母编号写在相应的括号内。 ( )1. A. dog ( )2. A. during B.rabbit C.animal B. collect ( )3. A watching B. reading ( )4. A. stamps B. hobbies C. read D.cat D.keep C. interesting C.countries D.playing D.takes 三、根据图意或所给的首字母,写出句子所缺的单词。 1. The girl’s hobby is p__________ music. Look! She is p.___________ the piano. 2.Look!Ben is m_____________ a m_____________ship. 3. My sister’s hobby is k___________ a___________. She has two cats and a dog. 4. My brother loves c_____________ s_____________. 5.They like reading.They read e___________day d___________the summer holiday. 6.(花都期末) China is a great c_____________.We all love it. 四、写出下列词的现在分词形式。 1. collect_____________2. play_____________3. make_____________ 4. take_____________ 5. have_____________6. cut_____________ 7.run_____________ 8. visit_____________9.carry_____________ 10. enjoy_____________11. lie_____________12.swim_____________ 【提升训练】 五、选择最佳答案填空,并把其字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1.(天河期末) Janet loves___________during the holiday. A. take photos B. taking photos C .takes photos ( )2. My brother's hobby is__________ stamps. A. collects B. collecting C. collect ( )3.(荔湾期末)Is_____________birds your hobby? A .watching B. watch C.keep ( )4._____________my holiday, I like taking photos. A. From B. About C.During ( )5. Listen! She_____________ in the music room. A.are singing B.sings C.is singing ( )6.I get many new presents on_____________birthday. A.my B. her C. his ( )7. There are_____________ than 40 students in my class. A. many B.much C .more ( )8. —Is playing the guitar your hobby, Jiamin?—_____________ A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it doesn’t. ( )9. Look! They_____________in the playground. A. play basketball B. playing basketball C. are playing basketball ( )10. —What are you doing?—____________ A. I’m dancing. B. I dance. C. I love dancing. 九、按实际情况回答问题。 1. What's your hobby? _______________________________________________________________ 2. Are you reading books now? _______________________________________________________________ 3. What do you like doing on Saturday _______________________________________________________________ 4. Does your father like taking photos? _______________________________________________________________ 5. Is swimming your hobby? _______________________________________________________________ 十、选择方框内适当的句子补全对话,并把其字母编号写在相应的横线上。 Amy: What are you doing,Ben? Ben: 1.__________ Amy: Is reading your hobby? Ben:Yes, It is. 2.__________ Amy:Wow, so many books! What's your favourite book? Ben:3.________ Amy: How many comic books do you have? Ben: 4.____________ A. I love reading comic books. B. I have 80 comic books. C. Of course. Here you are. Ben:5.____________ D. I Amy: Thank you. books. 【培优训练】 E. Amy:May I take a look? am reading comic I like Spider-Man best. 十一、(天河期末)阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符 合,在括号内写“T"”,否则写”F”。 I'm Linda. My hobby is electing stamps. I have about nine hundred stamps.I like stamps because they are very beautiful and interesting. Every stamp is a nice picture and from it you can learn a lot.Some stamps are about Chinese Zodiac( 生肖). They show us the traditional(传统的) art of China.Some stamps are about animals. There are beautiful fish,colourful birds,strong tigers and so on. And some stamps are about the great people,like Deng Jiaxian,Sun Yatsen. I like collecting stamps very much. ( )1. Linda’s hobby is collecting stamps. ( )2. Linda collects about 800 stamps. ( )3. The stamps about Chinese Zodiac show us the Chinese traditional art. ( )4. Some stamps are about animals and great people. ( )5. The Chinese meaning(意思)of”colourful”is“五彩缤纷的” 十ニ、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并把其字母编号写在相应的 括号内。 Alice is very happy to have two new friends. They are Tom and Kate. Tom is tall and strong, and Kate is thin and beautiful. Tom’s hobby is playing table tennis. Kate likes playing table tennis, too. They usually play table tennis after school. Tom likes singing, but Kate doesn’t. Kate likes drawing. Alice’s hobby is dancing. Alice and her friends do their homework together every day. They often go swimming on Sunday. They are happy. ( )1. Tom and Kate usually play table tennis___________. A. on Monday B. during the holiday C. after sc

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