Have you ever lost anything on a bus/ train? Where can you get things back? Lesson 97 A small blue case 2 Does Mr. Hall get his case back? Does Mr. Hall get No, he doesn't. his case back? leave /li:v/ ( leftleft ) describe /dɪ'skraɪb/ zip /zɪp/ label /'leɪbəl/ handle /'hændl/ address /ə'dres/ pence /pens/ belong /bɪ'lɒŋ/ 离开 ( 某处 )[(+for)] Mr. Smith left the room at two o'clock. 辞去 ( 工作等 ); 脱离 ( 组织等 ) 离开 ( 某人 ) 的身边 ; Mary left school last year 遗弃 , 离弃 and she is working in a shop Her husband has left her. now. 遗忘 ; 丢下 I left a suitcase on the chair. leave 使处于某种状态 He left the windows open. zip your mouth ! 闭嘴! zip v. Can you zip me up please? 你能帮我拉上拉链吗? turn the handle/knob 旋转把手 handle knob I don't know how to handle it. 我不知道该怎么处理这件事。 Can you handle another drink? 你能再喝一杯吗 ? handle He can handle the car with great skill. 他能娴熟地驾车。 five pounds sixty pence v. (在关系等方面)属于 v. 是……的成员 v. (在所有权方面)属于 belong belong v. 属 于 ① v. (在所有权方面)属于 belong to (不能用于进行时态) This book belongs to me. = This book is mine. This book doesn't belong to me. Does this book belong to you? belong v. 属 于 v. 是……的成员 Which party does he belong to? 他是哪个党的党员? belong v. 属 于 v. (在关系等方面)属于 The novel really belongs to the 19th century. 这部小说其实是属于 19 世纪的。 describe handle 标签 left 拉链 描述 leave zip belong 地址 pence 属于 Text Where Mr. Hall leave He left did it on the train to his suitcase? London. It's a small blue case and it has a zip. Whatisdoes Mr.on Hall's look like? There a label the suitcase handle with Mr Hall's name and address on it. Is the No, it first isn't.case Mr. Hall's? It's 83, Mr. Bridge Street. What's Hall's address? What's the matterbelong with the case? The case doesn't to Mr. Hall.

pptx文档 【苏苏制作】英语课件:新概念英语成人版第一册:L97-98

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