Unit 3 Holiday fun 第二课时 基础巩固 一、英汉互译。 1.catch many fish __________ 2.参观颐和园 __________ 3.go fishing tomorrow __________ 4.打电话给你 __________ 5.the National Day holiday __________ 二、单选题。 1.How are you going to go to Beijing? ______plane.( A.By e B.By ) C.Buy 2.—What did you do last Saturday?( ) —__________ A.I watered flowers. B.I lis ten to music. 3.—Let's __________ Lily. ( C.I am playing football. ) —That's a good idea. A.go fishing B.going fishing 4.—____ _ di d you call me? ( ) —Because I wanted to play football with you. C.go to fishing A.How B.Where C.Why 5.He wrote a letter ________ his mother last week. ( A.for B.to ) C.of D.from 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Helen ______ (eat) a big cake yesterday morning. 2.Did you ______ (see) any old buildings in the Palace Museum? [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 3.Nick usually ______ (pick) pears with his little brother at weekends. 4.Wang Bing ______ (call) me last night. 四、将下列句子重新排序组成一段完整的对话。 ( ) Where did you go? ( ) It was great fun. ( ) Sure. ( 1 ) Excuse me, Wang Bing. How was your holiday? ( ) I went to Beijing. ( ) Did you visit the Great Wall? 五、汉译英。 1.你假期去了哪里? ________ ________ you go ________ the holiday? 2.她上周末拜访她的阿姨了吗? ________ she ________ ________ aunt last _____ ___? 3.我们全家去了星湖旁边的公园。 Our _______ _______ to a _______ near Star Lake. 4.今天早上我不在家。 I _______ _______ home this morning . 能力提升 [来源: 学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] 一、单项选择。 1.What did you do ________ your holiday? ( A.to ) B.with 2.I________a big fish yesterday. ( A.catched C.for ) B.caught C.is catching 3.I went to Shanghai and visited________.( A.the Bund ) B.the Summer Palace 4.—________did you come here, Bobby? ( C.the Great Wall ) —On foot. A.Where B.How C.What 5.The children came back ________ school after the holiday. ( A.to B./ C.in ) D.for [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 二、补全句子。 1.My favourite h________ is Spring Festival. 2.There’s a big m________ in our city. You can see many things there. 3.I went to Shanghai and v________ my aunt. I spent three days with her. 4.We can p________ fruit and go fishing on the farm. 三、连线题。 1. Where were you last week? a. No, I can’t. 2. What did you do on Monday? 3. Let’s play football. b. OK. Let’s go. c. I did the housework. 4. Did you like the film? d. Yes. It was fun. 5. Can you sing a song? e. I was in Beijing. 四、根据 Story time 的课文,补全短文。 1.I went to Shanghai and _______ my aunt. I went to the _______ and the Shanghai _______.I _______ many interesting things there. 2.I went to a far m. I _______ some oranges and went _______. I_______ Liu Tao to _______ him the fish. But he_______ at home. So I _______ it. 五、改写句子。 1.Sam wore a lot of bottles last Saturday. (改为一般疑问句) _______ Sam_______ a lot of bottles last Saturday? 2.It was interesting. (改为否定句) It _______ interesting. 3.It was great fun.(改为感 叹句) _______great _______ ! 4.They went to the Bund yesterday. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______they_______ yesterday? 5.David picked some oranges on the farm. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ David _______ on the farm? 核心素养 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Last holiday, I took a big trip with my aunt. We went to Australia by plane. It was in August. We left Beijing on Aug 3rd. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was summer. I like there, because I like playing with snow. I went ice-skating there and took many pictures. I bought many presents for my friends, too. I was excited, but I was tired, too. I should go back to sc hool and have a lot of rest. 1.The season in Australia and Be ijing is the same (相同的). ___________ 2.We left Beijing on Aug 3rd. ___________ 3.It was summer in Australia. __________ _ 4.I went swimming there and took many photos. ___________ 5.I was tired but excited. ___________ [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 参考答案 基础巩固 一、1.捉许多鱼 2.visit the Summer Palace 3.明天去钓鱼 4.call you 5.国庆假期 【解析】1.catch 抓住,many 许多,fish 鱼,动词词组,故答案为捉许多鱼。 2.参观 visit,颐和园,he Summer Palace,是一个动词词组,故答案为 visit the Summer Palace。 3.go fishing 去钓鱼,tomorrow 明天,动词词组,故答案为明天去钓鱼。 4.打电话 call,你 you,故答案为 call you。 5.the National Day 国庆, holiday 假期,故答案为国庆假期。 二、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 【解析】1.略 2.问句句意:上星期六你做了什么?A 我浇花了。一般过去时。B 我听音乐。 一般现在时。C 我正在踢足球。现在进行时。问句是一般过去时,答语也是是 一般过去时,故选 A。 3.句意:—让我们去钓鱼,Lily。—那是个好主意。let 后接动词原形,去钓鱼 go fishing,故选 A。 4.句意:—你为什么给我打电话?—因为我想和你踢足球。A 怎样,B 在哪,C 为什么,根据答语用 Because 回答,可知问句用 Why 提问,故选 C。 [来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] 5.略 三、1.ate 2.see 3.picks 4.called 【解析】1.句意:海伦昨天早上吃了一个大蛋糕。昨天,用过去时态,eat 过去 时态是 ate,故答案为 ate。 2.句意:你在故宫博物馆看到过故建筑吗?这是一般疑问句,过去时态,助动 词 did,实义动词用原形,故答案为 see。 3.句意:尼克经常和他的弟弟一起在周末摘梨。Usually,经常性的动

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